Super Monk

Chapter 2582

The mechanic shivers with the evil devil in the golden passage. Miller takes three mechanic with his back against the golden wall. They cover each other and fight against the evil devil. Raman's hard gold javelin was bent. Even though he had the almost infinite power source of micro nuclear reactor, he still retreated step by step and was finally submerged in the dense small evil group.

On the other hand, Lilith has killed thousands of evil spirits, and led away a considerable number of evil spirits. Lilith took almost half of the evil spirits alone. These evil spirits are led away, and their pressure is greatly reduced, but these mechanical transformation people are not grateful at all, because Lilith did not help them to kill all these evil spirits.

"Boom!" On the other side, Zhao Fugui's body is like thunder. When he stepped on the golden ground, his speed was instantly improved to the extreme. The rolling thunder sound accompanied Zhao Fugui's body swept out, and the huge sound wave swept across the temple square. Zhao Fugui's speed actually exceeded the speed of sound at this moment. The rolling thunder sound was the terrible sound that he broke through the speed of sound.

"Zhao Fugui, I'm really surprised by your strength. Why do you damn inferior races have talents that our noble dark race can't match? I have existed for hundreds of years longer than your grandfather's grandfather. Why do you have the fighting power comparable to mine? " Acura enviously looked at Zhao Fugui and roared. Zhao Fugui is only 20 years old. His age is even a fraction of Acura's, but he has the strength to compete with him. This is totally unacceptable to Acura.

He has lived for nearly a thousand years, but he is not as good as Zhao Fugui, who has only lived for 20 years. This is a shame. In Chinese, he lived on a dog for nearly a thousand years.

"A thousand year old tortoise, a hundred thousand year old tortoise, if the older you live, the stronger you will be, then the tortoise or the eight who rule the world now is either tortoise or tortoise!" Zhao Fugui's sarcastic voice rang out, but before the voice came, Zhao Fugui's fist had arrived first.

"Secret curse, seal!" But just when Zhao Fugui's fist was about to fall on Acura's body, Acura's eyes suddenly became extremely cold. With a fierce roar, his whole body was covered with dense blood lines. He didn't try to resist Zhao Fugui's fist, and let Zhao Fugui's fist blow on him easily.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui blows a blow on Acura's body, and Acura's body suddenly bursts. With Zhao Fugui's terrible blow, Acura's body instantly explodes into a blood mist, and his body is blown up by Zhao Fugui's blow.

Zhao Fugui's eyes coagulated, and instantly knew that it was wrong. How could the ancestor of the blood clan at the level of half god be so easily hit by one blow? "Bang" Zhao Fugui's body protection power suddenly burns up. At the same time, Zhao Fugui's body suddenly retreats. He wants to get rid of the blood fog, but the blood fog seems to stick to Zhao Fugui's body. Even if Zhao Fugui retreats to the extreme speed, he still can't get rid of the blood fog.

Those blood mists fall on Zhao Fugui's shining golden body protection power. It's like blood mists melt into the water and quietly penetrate into the golden body protection power. As soon as these blood mists melt into the golden body protection power, they form blood chains condensed by blood mists. As soon as these blood chains touch Zhao Fugui's body, they enter his blood along Zhao Fugui's wound Zhao Fugui felt a strong blood pressure on his Daoli, and wanted to ban his Daoli completely.

"Ha ha ha, Zhao Fugui, this is my blood curse, blood curse of blood ancestor. Although I haven't read the book of Cain, I can't ban Cain, but I have a stronger blood curse than Lilith's half hanging Cain Akura's voice sounded in the other direction. His body appeared in the blood shadow position that Zhao Fugui almost smashed before, and the blood shadow with wings on his back had disappeared. Akura didn't know what method to use. At the moment when Zhao Fugui hit him, he replaced his real body with the blood shadow of his back body and wings, and also used the blood shadow of his back body and wings to form a blood curse, which was released to Zhao Fugui.

The curse of blood has penetrated into Zhao Fugui's body a little bit, and the bloody chain begins to solidify Zhao Fugui's Daoli. It slowly locks Zhao Fugui's Daoli to death, and Zhao Fugui's body protection Daoli begins to fade at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"No!" Just at this time, Lilith just rushed out of the golden passage, and her face changed when she saw this scene. Lilith a face anxious, a bite of teeth from the nail cut his wrist, blood immediately gushed out of Lilith's wrist. Lilith's figure into the dark, she began to use their own blood for some layout.

"Akura, no wonder your strength has not improved much in the past thousand years. You are just a pathetic coward. Look at your fighting style, blood shadow and curse. You don't even have the courage to fight against the strong. You are just a clown who has got the blood lineage of the thirteen clans and has gone through a lot of bad luck! " Zhao Fugui takes a deep breath. His blood is boiling in his body. His muscles are bulging one by one, and blood colored chains form indistinct blood lines, which begin to appear on the surface of Zhao Fugui's body.

"Damn bastard, what right do you have to comment on me? What are you Acura's eyes were cold, and a blood shadow suddenly appeared from behind Zhao Fugui. It grabbed Zhao Fugui's body and brought a blood mist on Zhao Fugui's back. The blood shadow began to attack around Zhao Fugui, scratching Zhao Fugui's body and leaving blood marks on Zhao Fugui's body.Zhao Fugui's Daoli was almost banned, and the power of blood curse was strange and powerful. It actually directly acted on Zhao Fugui's blood, which in turn restricted Zhao Fugui's powerful Daoli. Daoli was banned, and Zhao Fugui's speed and strength were greatly limited. He could not resist the attack of the bloody shadow. He could only use the powerful body of xiaoshengjing to resist akura's attack.

"Ha ha ha ha, it seems that the blood curse has completely worked, so Zhao Fugui, you can go to die!" Akula saw that the blood shadow kept leaving blood marks on Zhao Fugui. He was careful not to get close to Zhao Fugui before, but used the blood shadow to attack him. Now he can be sure that Zhao Fugui is really affected by the blood curse, and his strength has declined greatly. Now that he is like this, his real body will start.

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