Super Monk

Chapter 2587

"I'll see how hard your blood core is!" Zhao Fugui glanced and saw that the ghost emperor could cope with hewaitos for the time being, but akura didn't have such strength. He couldn't cope with Zhao Fugui.

When Zhao Fugui stepped out, his body was like a heavy gun coming out of the chamber. His body instantly tore the air and started a terrible sonic boom. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Acura and hit him. Zhao Fugui's fist with a bright golden fist awn, golden fist awn through the air, hard to akura in the past.

"Hoo Acura's face changed. Originally, the vampire was good at speed, but it wasn't until Zhao Fugui made full efforts that Acura found that his proud speed didn't have the slightest advantage in front of Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's fist blows, and the blood flame on Acura suddenly bursts out. The blood flame solidifies like a wall, trying to block Zhao Fugui's fist.

"Boom!" Zhao Fugui's fist blows hard on Acura's blood flame. The next moment, the blood flame is directly exploded. Zhao Fugui's fist blows directly on Acura's body. If there is no insidious blood curse, no weird copy of blood shadow, no infinite resurrection of blood nucleus, Acura's strength is far less than even kovinus.

But once these things are added, Acura can even kill kovinus alive. If kovinus had not joined Changsheng long ago, I'm afraid that the name of the wolf ancestor would have been added to Acura's hunting list, but these things are useless in front of Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui blows a blow on Acura. Half of Acura's body is directly cracked, and a mass of blood mist bursts out in an instant. The flesh and blood of the place where he hit the fist is directly and completely destroyed.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Zhao Fugui blows out one punch, and three punches again in a tenth of a second. The powerful fist gang akura can't resist it at all. What he's good at all the time is not frontal combat, and his body is far less hard than that of kovinus. Zhao Fugui's several punches at this moment almost blow akura's body directly.

"Damn it Akura has been beaten cold, his blood curse is invalid, and the blood shadow is gone. The most important thing is that Zhao Fugui knows the secret of his constant rebirth. Facing Zhao Fugui's fierce attack, akura is afraid. He wants to run away, and he will run away immediately.

"Bang!" At this moment, akura's body suddenly burst open, and this guy's body turned into dozens of blood bats in an instant. As soon as these blood bats appeared, they immediately scattered and fled. General vampire, even if his body can become a group of blood bats, but there must be a main blood bat, which is the key to the vampire's return to human form. But Acura is different. It doesn't make any difference to him. All bats are the same. As long as one of these bats can escape, he can come back to life.

"Want to go?" Zhao Fugui's face showed a sneer of disdain. Dozens of very fast blood bats fled in this dark environment. Even if they met ordinary strong people, it was not so easy to eliminate them in a short time. Unfortunately, akura met Zhao Fugui today. "The sword rises and shines everywhere!"

Zhao Fugui points his hand to the darkness, and an ancient sword suddenly escapes. The sword flies up and down, and the bright sword bursts out. Then it is divided into two parts, four parts and eight parts. In the blink of an eye, the sword light seems to be everywhere in the darkness.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The dense sword light is as fast as a meteor. In the blink of an eye, it catches up with those blood bats who are running around. Every blade of sword falls on those blood bats, and the blood bats are split in an instant. Every sword light cuts them, and each blood bat is split into a blood fog in the blink of an eye.

As soon as a blood bat exploded into a blood mist, there was only the last one left. When the sword light came, the blood bat immediately turned into a human shape and became akura. Several shining sword lights fell on akura's body and even failed to cut into his blood flame.

Yao Sifang is very powerful against a large group of targets, but it is too weak against a single strong one. A sword can't even break through akura's defense, but Zhao Fugui doesn't expect Yao Sifang to kill akura at all.

"Just waiting for you, thump!" Zhao Fugui looks calm, just as akura is changing into a human form, the thumping blow has been blown out.

The huge General Xu Ying suddenly appears from behind Zhao Fugui, and the terrible pressure directly locks akura to death. Akura has just changed into a man, and the power of thumping has already arrived. Akura has a terrible face, and is hit by the terror of General Xu Ying without any response.

"Boom!" With a powerful thump and a fierce blow, he hit the ground directly. At this moment, the gold ground was blasted out of a big pit again. In the big pit, akura's human form had been smashed into a pool of rotten meat.

However, just after being smashed into a pool of rotten meat, akura's rotten meat wriggles desperately, trying to condense into human form again. But even if there is a blood nucleus that can be revived, akura's body is beaten into such rotten meat. It still takes a certain time to recover. How can Zhao Fugui give him such an opportunity again.

Zhao Fugui appeared at the edge of the big pit on the gold ground and directly reached for it. A big golden handprint appeared and grabbed at the bottom of the pit."Damn human beings!" On the other side, hewatos, who was fighting with the ghost emperor, did not expect that Acura was defeated so quickly and thoroughly. Seeing that Acura's rotten meat was about to be captured, hewatos' huge golden palm was empty, and the long spear in the hands of another gold statue not far behind him suddenly fell into his hands. The six meter long gold spear is like a toothpick in the hands of the huge gold statue. Hewatos immediately throws the spear at Zhao Fugui.

The gold spear with terrible power instantly penetrated the void and shot at Zhao Fugui. Even with the strength of Zhao Fugui's body, he did not dare to use his body to resist the attack of the golden statue. Zhao Fugui's body was not as hard as the skeleton of God.

Zhao Fugui's eyes were fixed, and his fist shot out in the air. Half a house size bright fist shot on the golden javelin, and the golden javelin shot on the fist, with a slight meal. It was at this moment that Zhao Fugui's figure suddenly retreated. Just as he left the spot, the golden javelin had penetrated the fist and shot directly at the place where he had just stood. Then the whole golden javelin disappeared, leaving only an unfathomable round hole on the ground.

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