Super Monk

Chapter 2593

"Bang!" Hewatos hit the ghost emperor with a hammer, which immediately hit the ghost emperor hard. The ghost emperor reluctantly grabbed the bronze spear and stabbed hewatos with one spear. Now hewatos didn't want to be stabbed by the bronze spear at all. He kicked the ghost emperor with one foot and directly kicked him out. The bronze spear didn't touch hewatos' body.

"Times are different, damned bastard, even if you inherit that man's Kendo? Your strength is no more than that. You can't even cut off my shield! " Herwaitos hit the ghost emperor with a hammer. Seeing that the ghost emperor could not stand up for a long time, herwaitos' golden God glanced at the aegis shield. Zhao Fugui's sword left a deep mark on the aegis shield, but even this powerful sword could not cut off the aegis shield.

If he can't cut off the shield of Zeus, even if the sword leaves a deep cut mark on the shield of Zeus, it doesn't mean anything. If he can't cut off the shield of Zeus, hewatos is not afraid of Zhao Fugui. Even if the sword contains a terrible sword meaning, hewatos is not afraid. If you can't attack your body, no matter how strong it is?

"You know the sword, too? Do you think that's the only sword I have? " Zhao Fugui looks calm. Standing on the ghost emperor, he steps into the sky step by step and goes up to the height of 100 meters and gold statues. I didn't expect that hewatos knew the meaning of Tianhe sword, hewatos knew the meaning of Tianhe sword, and the variant in Kyushu seal also knew the meaning of Tianhe sword. It seems that the seal has a lot to do with Zhao Fugui, the owner of Tianhe sword.

"Do you have any other swords?" Hwaitos' gold God's eyes suddenly coagulated, and immediately said coldly, "what if you have other swords? That man's sword swept across the sky, the gods fell, the demons died, and countless powerful real immortals who were superior to the gods disappeared. Even if you learned that man's sword, no one taught you, you can't even learn that terrible sword! "

"A sword across the sky?" Zhao Fugui was deeply shocked in his eyes. He suddenly thought of the sentence on the front page of Tianhe sword Scripture, "remember that he used to kill the immortals and saints with one sword." in this sentence, there was no mention of gods or demons, because the ranks of gods and demons were under the Immortals and saints, so there was no need to mention immortals and saints. In the eyes of the person who wrote this sentence, these gods and demons were not worth mentioning I'm sorry.

Zhao Fugui didn't believe it when he saw it. After all, it's incredible. It's possible to kill immortals. There are many immortals who have fallen in various legends, but what about saints? Immortality and immortality are immortality. Saints are immortality. In theory, they are in harmony with the Tao in the three realms. If the Tao does not die, the sage will not die.

Tao is the basis of everything and the meaning of all existence. Unless the three realms fall into absolute silence, return to extinction, everything disappears and become "nothing" without death and life, then Tao will perish. But since the world still exists and Zhao Fugui still has thinking, it means that Tao still exists. If so, how can the sage die?

Zhao Fugui practiced Taiping daoshu, and he also had a basic understanding of this, so he didn't believe that someone could kill the immortal with one sword at that time, but now it's not necessarily boastful. Even if there are no real immortals, they can be shut down for thousands of years, and only a trace of spiritual consciousness is left, which is strong enough. The one who can do this also has the ability to make heaven and earth disappear and kill the immortal Tao. There is no only one reason for him to do so, I'm afraid, because he is also a human, a human race.

In ancient times, the human race was a mole ant. It was just a race that no one cared about and no one paid attention to. But I'm afraid no one thought that there would be a day when all the tribes would be extinct and the human race would be respected.

"Is that man's sword studious, just like the divine power of Zeus is placed in front of a mortal, but what ability does this mortal have to absorb the divine power of Zeus?" He waitos gave a grim smile, the huge God of gold moved, and the terrible God of thunder beat Zhao Fugui hard again.

"There are always some mortals who can do things you can't do, just like that person!" Zhao Fugui is still calm in the face of this blow. As he said, before that man drew his sword, who could have thought that his sword would be so dazzling? A sword to kill the immortal? If someone can see his sword early, I'm afraid that he will disappear when he grows up completely.

Since such people have appeared before, who can know that they will not appear again in the future?

"Kill the gods!" Zhao Fugui's calm voice rings out again, and the Tianhe sword meaning, which can destroy everything, appears again. This time, the Tianhe sword meaning is stronger and more grand than before.

The bright golden sword awn suddenly blooms, the hundred Zhang long sword awn cuts horizontally from bottom to top, and the extremely powerful sword awn seems to be able to split the void.

"Die for me!" In the face of this sword, there was a deep fear in the God's blood inherited by hewatos. However, hewatos was worthy of being the immortal God, and his God's blood was too thin. The long-term fear was forced down by him, and the terrible thunderbolt smashed down the sword.

"Boom!" At this moment, herwaitos's thump of Raytheon hit the sword of cutting God. The hundred Zhang long sword was slightly coagulated, and then the thump of Raytheon began to break at this moment. At this time, a bright electric light burst out from the thump of Raytheon.The dazzling electric light completely wrapped the hammer of Thor, and the lightning danced in the electric light. The electric light with divine power even resisted the hundred Zhang long sword in an instant. This lightning is the self-protection mechanism of Thor's hammer. It's not called by hyattus at all. It's just a ray of Thor's seed left by Zeus. Hyattus has no ability to activate this seed, but just when Thor's hammer is about to be destroyed, this ray of Thor's seed bursts out.

"Bang!" At the same time, a dense crack appeared on Zhao Fugui's sword. The lightning burst and dissipated in an instant, and the hundred Zhang long sword disappeared at the same time. The Thunder God's thump became dim in an instant. On this huge gold thump, a deep crack spread on it, and this terrible crack almost cut the Thunder God's thump open completely.

The fear in his eyes just appeared, and the last sword in Zhao Fugui's nine swords appeared.

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