Super Monk

Chapter 2596

"Hoo The pale flame burning in the eyes of the ghost emperor was instantly extinguished, and its body was directly smashed by the thunder god, and it was about to dissipate in the air. Zhao Fugui stretched out his hand, and the broken body of the ghost emperor was wrapped by Daoli, and pulled back into Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge.

The skeleton lost the control of the ghost emperor, and the bronze spear fell to the ground with a "Dang". The huge skeleton slowly recovered to its original shape and became a dead thing again.

"Ha ha ha ha!" When hewatos saw that the skeleton had lost its ability to move, he immediately gave out a very proud laugh. He raised the thump of Thor, raised his hair and let out a proud roar. "No one, no one can stop me, not even the skeleton of the LORD God in the era of gods. The golden statue of Zeus is mine, and the weapon of killing a Lord God is mine too!"

"It's over. The Chinese people are dead. The Changsheng organization still wins!" This huge voice reverberates in the whole city of gold. Miller and another mechanic have fled to a secret passage behind the throne. When they hear the proud voice of hewatos, their faces suddenly change.

"The mission has already failed long ago. The Chinese man is dead. No matter what we do, let's go while the monster doesn't catch up!" Miller looked at the darkness behind him. He seemed to feel that there were still countless monsters peeping in the darkness. After a few seconds, he ran forward again without hesitation.

Lilith also stops in the dark. She has already surpassed Miller and another mechanical reformer and continues to move along the dark channel. However, hearing this sound, Lilith stops with anger in her eyes. She looks back at the dark and almost can't help but go back to help Zhao Fugui. But finally, she resists this impulse and turns back to the dark Rush through the dark passage.

It is impossible for her to avenge Zhao Fugui when she goes back, but as long as she integrates the other two drops of Cain's blood, maybe she will be qualified to fight with hewatos. Then she will be able to avenge Zhao Fugui. It is not only meaningless to go now, but also impossible to avenge. Moreover, the news of Zhao Fugui's death here should be known to the Lingwu sect and let them fight early Count.

As soon as Zhao Fugui falls down, I'm afraid many things will change. The Lingwu school must make preparations early. Lilith instantly turned into a blood shadow and disappeared in the darkness.

Huwaitos finally stopped laughing, and then the huge golden God bent slightly. He reached for the bronze spear that fell on the ground. This is an artifact, or a weapon to kill a deity. When hewatos saw the wound on the white bone on the chest of a deity, he knew that this bronze spear was the weapon to kill the deity. There were not many weapons in the world, or almost none.

In the past few hundred years, the power of the organization of eternal life has hardly got any decent artifact. It has begun to have artifact escaping from the crack of Kyushu. If the weapons of the immortals can't escape, there will be nothing. A weapon that can kill the main god is extremely powerful no matter in any era. Therefore, hewatos must get this bronze spear. As long as he gets this bronze spear, he will be invincible in the world within a certain period of time, and he will be the strongest on earth.

Occupying the temporary body left by Zeus, as long as he gets the bronze spear, as long as he gets the bronze spear, his road to becoming a God will go further.

The golden body of hewatos bends down, and his golden eye is always staring at Zhao Fugui, in case Zhao Fugui suddenly attacks him. According to hewatos, he is determined now. He takes up the bronze spear to kill Zhao Fugui, and he can leave here soon. There is no need to take extra damage, so he stares at Zhao Fugui tightly Against his attack.

Hewatos stares at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui puts one hand on the God's skeleton. He seems to have accepted the defeat without any reaction. Until hewatos' golden hand grabs the bronze spear and pulls it up.

"Yes?" When hewatos pulled the bronze spear, it failed to pull up. When hewatos looked down, he found that the other end of the bronze spear was firmly held by the deep sea. In the eyes of the deep sea, there was a fire again, a golden flame. "What?"

How is that possible? Hewatos didn't believe that he didn't kill the ghost Emperor just now. The power of Thor's hammer is not what the ghost emperor's level can resist. He should be smashed by a hammer. If it sounds good, the ghost is called the ghost emperor. If it doesn't sound good, he can't even compare with a complete ghost king. The real ghost King controls a place of death and millions of ghosts. Especially the fake ghost emperor can be compared. The so-called ghost emperor is just the name that others put on the ghost. How can this kind of thing stand the hammer of Thor.

What's more, the ghost controlled the ghost emperor, and the eye socket in the skull of the God burned pale flame. But now the eye socket in the ghost emperor's eyes burned golden flame. Is it related to Zhao Fugui? He waituo Si is like hawk Falcon general sharp gold God eye immediately fell on Zhao Fugui's body.

"What? Did you find out? " Zhao Fugui's face slowly showed a cold and incomparable smile. On the ground, the God skeleton kneeling on the ground stood up fiercely, and a fierce head hammer directly hit hewatos's head."Bang" the golden head of hewatos was suddenly sunken, and his huge golden body could not help leaning back. At this moment, hewatos felt that the bronze spear in his hand had been taken away.

"Damn bastard, how do you control this skeleton?" Herwaitos roared madly, but Zhao Fugui didn't talk to him at all. The next moment, herwaitos saw a bronze spear being held by the divine skeleton and thrust into his chest. At this moment, herwaitos didn't have time to block it with a shield, so he could only howl fiercely. "No!"

"Hiss!" The next moment, a sharp sound of metal friction suddenly sounded. The God's hands seized the bronze spear, and immediately thrust the bronze spear into hewatos' chest. The bronze spear rubbed against the gold God body to make a sharp sound, and the spear bit by bit deeply penetrated into hewatos' gold spear.

The scar on hewatos' chest gradually expanded, and a trace of golden divine blood oozed from the wound. These divine blood stained on the bronze spear disappeared in a twinkling of an eye, and was directly absorbed by the bronze spear. After absorbing this trace of divine blood, the bronze spear seemed to wake up slowly. gfbmmjd6vtlsadjnamr7x + cajfrxmdlwh / zzyo8z5gisjlpbdedigjfyq9n6alntkprnlifskmt6m4khqwjra = =

soon, the bronze spear was fixed.

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