Super Monk

Chapter 2604

I don't know where the deep underground river leads to. No one would have thought that there would be such a big underground river under the Olympus mountains. After jumping down the river, Zhao Fugui drifted along the river. Suddenly, a huge shock came from the city of gold above. Some wet rocks fell down from above and fell into the river.

Some parts of the underground river even began to collapse. Zhao Fugui immediately knew that there might be a huge explosion in the golden city. It might be that the longevity organization was eliminating traces, or something else happened. However, the most valuable blood in the golden city has fallen into Zhao Fugui's hands. The city has lost its value. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Follow Zhao Fugui Wealth doesn't matter.

Zhao Fugui continued to drift along the river. Not long after, he had drifted dozens of kilometers along the river. Not long after, Zhao Fugui saw a faint light in front of him. It seemed that a tributary of the river bank was flowing into a river. Zhao Fugui grabs a protruding rock and jumps onto it in an instant. It's just enough to sit cross legged above the river.

Sitting on the damp and cold rock, Zhao Fugui slowly opened his hand and held the drop of golden blood in his hand. While he began to absorb the power of golden blood, he began to recover.

Soon after the huge earthquake and explosion in the Olympus mountains, the news of the earthquake in the Olympus mountains began to appear on the Internet. Soon after, the news of the earthquake began to appear all over the world. As for people who saw suspected missile objects and flashes during the day, the information soon disappeared.

All the information was covered up. Only some secret channels and the North American military began to investigate the incident. However, the incident was classified as absolutely confidential, and all kinds of secret communication proceeded quickly. If the information is leaked, I am afraid that northern Europe and America will completely break up. After all, no matter for any reason, any country can not accept another country's nuclear bomb exploding in its own country. This is not just an explosion.

This incident left the American military in a mess. After making various concessions and agreeing to some conditions, the news was finally suppressed.

On the other hand, Lilith, with two drops of Cain's blood, rushes back to China as quickly as possible. The news of her Nordic seal and the possible death of Zhao Fugui are all told to the Lingwu sect and the Moon Palace.

"Is wealth dead?" Li was originally in the Lingwu sect to discuss with the Lingwu sect about Zhenwu army. Now the Moon Palace also needs Zhenwu army's help. Hearing the news brought back by lilice, Li's teacup fell to the ground and smashed.

"How can it be? It's impossible Chen Yihan's pretty face suddenly turned pale and trembled. She didn't believe what she heard. How could Zhao Fugui die.

Huangfu invincible, Cao man, Zhang youwan, Leng Xi and other high-level Lingwu faction also changed their faces. They didn't expect to hear the news from lilisi.

"Miss Lilith, what's the matter? We hope you can tell us in detail! " After all, Huangfu Wudi had seen the world. He asked in a calm voice. Zhao Fugui is the foundation and pillar of Lingwu school. Huangfu Wudi knows very well what will happen if Lingwu school really dies. If Zhao Fugui really dies, the heaven of Lingwu school will collapse. Even if the whole school doesn't collapse immediately, I'm afraid it's not far from collapse.

"The Nordic seal is a trap. In fact, the Changsheng organization has been able to destroy the Nordic seal for a long time, but they deliberately use the Nordic seal as a trap, trying to attract wealth to the past. Nordic seal not only gathered the third God of the organization of eternal life, hewatos, and the fourth God, akura, but also occupied a god body left by Zeus. After he took control of the divine body, he was too strong for human beings to resist. Although Fugui killed akura, he was killed by hewatos in the end! " Lilith took a deep breath and managed to control her anger and hatred.

"Hewatos and Acura?" Hearing these two names, Huangfu invincible's face turned pale and ugly. Akura was the blood ancestor, and his terror Huangfu invincible had also heard of it. Although he had never heard of it, he could rank in front of akura, which naturally explained the problem.

Being besieged by such two strong men and such two immortal gods, Huangfu was invincible and could not even think of who could resist in the world? Huangfu's heart sank and he couldn't speak any more.

The rest of the Lingwu sect looked at Huangfu invincible blankly. They had not even heard of the two names of hwaitos and akura. But looking at Huangfu invincible's face, everyone knew that these two names might represent extremely powerful existence, at least they must look up to.

"What about the painting? Why didn't she come back with you? " Chen Yihan, with the hope of just in case, immediately grabs lilisi's arm and asks eagerly. Chen Yihan doesn't believe what Lilith said. She hopes to find another person and ask what happened to her.

"Doolizi was injured before we entered the northern Europe seal. Fugui didn't let her go with her to the seal. She stayed in the city near Olympus. When she saw something happened there, she should be back soon!" Said Lilith.

"How could that be?" Chen Yihan looks desperate and murmurs."Miss Lilith, did you see master die with your own eyes?" The rest of the Lingwu sect were silent, and each disciple's face was sad. Only Zhang youwan took a deep breath, barely controlled his shaking body and asked in a voice.

Lilith was silent for a moment, and said slowly, "no, I didn't see rich and noble die in the war with my own eyes. At that time, I had already run away, and I didn't even dare to look back!"

Lilith's speed was fast enough, so she left Olympus alive, but Miller and another mechanic were not so lucky. They didn't leave the tunnel in time and were buried directly under the tunnel. In the end, they didn't leave the seal alive.

"You didn't see rich and noble die in battle with your own eyes. I don't believe he will die so easily. He has been able to survive so many dangers before. It must be the same this time. I believe rich and noble are not dead!" Hearing this, Chen Yihan showed a strong look in his eyes and said firmly.

"I also believe that master is not dead. Maybe he will come back in a few days!" Zhang youwan also firmly said that no one would blame Lilith for running away, because if Zhao Fugui was not the opponent of those immortal gods, then even Lilith would be in vain.

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