Super Monk

Chapter 2608

When ye Tiannan stepped into the valley, his figure disappeared in an instant. It felt like the sun was shining on the shadow, and the shadow disappeared in an instant. Hundreds of people from the organization of immortality all watched ye Tiannan disappear. The face of the old Nordic with wrinkles was cloudy and sunny.

This old man is the second God of the organization of immortality. He is already one of the top strong men on the earth. But he is just a human being. Even if he has increased his life by some means, with the loss of some strength, his body is getting older and older. He can't hold on for too long. If he can't set foot on the road of becoming a God, he will die soon.

The only reason why the old man is still alive is that he has solidified a permanent powerful prophecy on himself, immortality. But with the disappearance of the power of the great prophecy, the old man's body has begun to grow old. This is also the reason why he firmly wants to open the seal of Kyushu and get the chance to become a God.

"Go The wrinkled Nordic old man looked at his arm, which had turned into a dry orange peel, and immediately made a decision. Without hesitation, he waved his hand and immediately walked to the valley with the people of Changsheng organization.

The old man walked in the front, and all the elite of hundreds of organizations of longevity followed him. The old man walked all the way to the valley and stopped outside the invisible boundary. But he just stopped for a moment, and then walked inside without hesitation. In an instant, the old man disappeared, and the strong members of the longevity organization were silent and went in.

A few minutes later, all the members of the organization disappeared. The whole valley was quiet again, as if nothing had happened. Hundreds of people just disappeared in the valley.

One day later, Mr. Li took his advance team to a mysterious place in the Kunlun Mountains. He brought all the elite of the Moon Palace and a group of the most trusted Zhenwu troops. He even had regular troops to cooperate with the Dragon finch special team to set up. This time, Mr. Li applied to the above through emergency channels. He directly wanted to turn the sealed entrance of the kunxu ruins discovered decades ago into a forbidden area and block the whole forbidden area.

All the troops are equipped with all kinds of heavy and light weapons, and the entrance of the kunxu seal must be made into a fortress like place.

The entrance of the seal of Kunlun ruins, discovered decades ago, is very remote. The whole Kunlun is more than 2500 kilometers long, almost close to the distance from south to north of China. Even the narrowest part of Kunlun Mountain is more than 130 kilometers wide, and the widest part is even more than 200 kilometers wide, which is wider than many provinces. Moreover, the average altitude of the whole mountain range is more than 5500m to 6km, which is the highest in China. Many mountains are covered with snow all the year round.

Most parts of Kunlun Mountain are inaccessible. The mountain is deep and high-altitude. Even some ginseng pickers can hardly get to the deepest part of Kunlun mountain. The population sealed by Kunlun ruins is the most mysterious place in Kunlun mountain.

There was no road to this place long ago. If the people in the team were not real fighters, they could not even arrive in such a short time, and the large army could not arrive without more than a week.

"The people of Changsheng organization may arrive at any time. Immediately find a place to camp, deploy weapons and start patrolling!" Old Li poured out a few pills and swallowed them. The strong altitude reaction began to appear, but old Li didn't care about his own situation and immediately ordered.

"Yes, sir!" People around immediately began to get busy deploying, and many weapons began to be deployed in combat positions.

Looking at the people around him, Mr. Li began to get busy. He took a few breaths of oxygen and looked up at the thatched cottage not far away. A few people from the Moon Palace escorted him to the thatched cottage, which is ye Tiannan's residence. Ye Tiannan usually lives here to guard the entrance of the kunxu seal. In addition, a group of people from the Moon Palace also guard around.

Because there are few people here and the roads are difficult to walk. Ye Tiannan, the most powerful man in China, is guarding here. In addition, the situation before was not so bad. To this extent, they did not send large-scale soldiers to guard here, so there are not many people left here. However, as an emergency plan, there is a mobile unit 200 kilometers away. Once something signals here, the armed helicopter formation there can arrive for support within an hour.

"Ask Ye Zhanshen to come out. I have something to discuss with him!" Old Li went to the hut and looked at the hut without any movement. Suddenly, he felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He said uneasily. With ye Tiannan's strength, it's impossible that he can't hear what's happening outside, but he doesn't even come out to check. This is not a good omen.

The adjutant behind him immediately came forward and knocked on the door of the hut. Just one knock, the door of the hut opened automatically. The adjutant looked inside and found that the whole hut was empty.

"Mr. Li, ye Zhanshen is gone!" The adjutant also knew that the situation was not right, so he quickly came out and said.

"Find our people and contact them!" Li Lao's face was ugly, and he quickly ordered. Ye Tiannan is gone. Even the people who stay in the Moon Palace are gone. Have they had an accident? Mr. Li did not even dare to think about such a result. Once such a thing really happened, I'm afraid they would be late.

Soon, many people received orders and immediately went to look for the people left by the Moon Palace. Some people contacted them by satellite phone, but they couldn't find them at all."Sir, everyone is gone. The people who stay here will contact the Moon Palace headquarters every 12 hours, but the contact time arrived a few hours ago, and they didn't contact each other!" The adjutant came quickly, reporting nervously.

"Are there any signs of fighting here? Ye Tiannan is the strongest man in China. Even if the people of Changsheng organization come here, they can't be wiped out without a trace of fighting! " Li Lao's face suddenly became dignified and asked quickly.

"No, there's no trace of fighting or blood around here. It's not like there's been a fight. If there is a battle, the God of war and our people will be subdued in an instant Said the adjutant.

"If we are attacked secretly, it is possible for our people to be subdued instantaneously, but ye Tiannan cannot be subdued instantaneously. Wealth can kill the immortal God, but he can't do it, and the people of the immortal organization are unlikely to do it. There must be something wrong with it! " Li's heart suddenly sank, and he thought of the worst possibility, that is, ye Tiannan himself is a traitor. If he does not resist and has his cooperation, it makes sense to have such a situation.

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