Super Monk

Chapter 261

Xiaowan village is the most famous village in Qingtian township. Boss Zhao in the village leads everyone to get rich. The per capita income of the villagers leads the whole village. Now in Qingtian village, who doesn't know that the villagers in Xiaowan village are rich, and the girls in nearby villages want to marry in Xiaowan village, which is not an ordinary village.

"Xiaowan village, you must be boss Zhao! Hello, boss Zhao Zhang Youdao immediately judged Zhao Fugui's identity, instantly nodded and bowed, respectfully said, "you buy so many tombs, I'll discuss with the boss, and I'll definitely give you the most favorable price!"

"Then you can discuss it with your boss and get the contract ready. If you can see it, you can sign the contract today!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Yes, yes! Boss Zhao, please take a seat in our VIP room! " While calling the boss, Zhang Youdao hurriedly takes Zhao Fugui to Baihuashan staff office area.

There are more than 100 tombs. It's a big business. The annual sales volume of Baihuashan cemetery is a little more than that. Zhang Youdao called his boss, and after a while, he reached an agreement, with a 10% discount.

"Boss Zhao, it's like this. Now tombs are quite popular. Our boss says that we can give you 10% discount at most. What do you think?" Zhang Youdao thinks the discount is a little low, but it's true that tombs are in short supply.

"10% off, 10% off. Show me the location!" Zhao Fugui nodded and asked Zhang Youdao to take him to see the location of the tomb.

Zhang Youdao takes Zhao Fugui to the deep of Baihua Mountain. Baihua Mountain is only one or two hundred meters high, but it stretches for two or three kilometers. There are four hills, two of which are occupied by Baihua Mountain Cemetery. The tombs in Qianshan are almost sold, and there are still quite a few empty tombs in Houshan.

"Look, boss Zhao, these tombs are empty. There are 150 tombs in this area. There are 80 tombs beside them. There are more tombs in the back. Whatever you like is OK!" Zhang Youdao said.

Zhao Fugui looked at these tombs. The location of these tombs is pretty good. From the perspective of geomantic omen, they are passable. The location is better than that of the luxury VIP cemetery built in Baihuashan cemetery. The so-called luxury VIP tomb gathers water but not wind. The real feng shui master only points the tomb here if he is blind.

"This is the tomb. It's in a good place." Zhao Fugui took a look and chose the tomb on the hillside.

"Boss Zhao, you have a good eye. This tomb is a good place!" Zhang Youdao immediately complimented that Zhao Fugui had a good eye on this tomb, so he could get the promotion this year. Tens of thousands of yuan is enough to pay for a large flat in his hometown.

"Sign the contract. I'll pay 30% down payment in advance, and pay off the balance in one lump sum when I start moving the grave." Zhao Fugui said.

"All right, all right, boss Zhao, it's up to you!" Zhang Youdao nodded, and immediately the cemetery staff went to prepare the contract. After confirming that the contract was correct, the cemetery unit sealed the seal, and Zhao Fugui signed his name.

Put 30% of the deposit into the account designated by the cemetery, and the matter here will be settled.

"Boss Zhao, take your time!" Zhang Youdao respectfully escorts Zhao Fugui to the bus. After seeing Zhao Fugui's car leave Baihuashan cemetery, Zhang Youdao turns around and walks to the office area, feeling that the whole person is light and happy.

Zhao Fugui drove his Rolls Royce out of Baihua Mountain and went to Xiaowan village on the urban-rural highway. Before Rolls Royce drove far away, Zhao Fugui's mobile phone rang. When Zhao took it out, it turned out to be a call from Xu Wei, who hadn't been here for a while.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!" Zhao Fugui got through and said.

"Rich and noble, in two days, there will be a national farmers' fair in the provincial city. This farmers' fair is held once a year in different cities. It has a great influence and many businessmen participate in it every year. Your mandarin duck and Fugui goose grow very well. I want to transfer 1000 Fugui geese and 1000 mandarin duck from you. Do you think it's ok

Xu Wei and Gaoke biology have a contract with Zhao Fugui. Every year, they will buy part of Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose, because Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose in Xiaowan village are fed with diluted Lingquan water, so both taste and quality are very good.

The share of high-tech organisms this year has been used up more than half a month ago. Zhao Fugui no longer needs to provide them with mandarin ducks and Fugui geese this year. He just needs to let the farm supply Xiaowan village's own consumption. However, Zhao Fugui considered Xu Wei's request and thought that he could help.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, when you need it, just ask someone to pull it directly." Zhao Fugui said, "also, can Xiaowan village participate in that farmers' fair?"

"Thank you for your wealth. You've been a great help to me!" Xu Wei was obviously relieved when she heard Zhao Fugui's promise. She said casually, "Xiaowan village can also participate in the farmers' trade association. I can spare part of the company's booth for Xiaowan village, but the location may not be too big!"

"That's great, Mr. Xu. Please send me the specific time and place of the farmers' Association!" Zhao Fugui heart a joy, quickly said.

"OK, I'll send it to you later!" Xu Wei finished, and the two talked about the farm for a while before they hung up.More than half of Xiaowan village's Kaixin fruit will be exported to Japan, but the domestic market can not give up. Zhao Fugui wants to make Kaixin fruit well-known in China step by step and become a well-known brand. This influential farmer's Fair is very helpful for Kaixin fruit's nationwide sales.

After a while, Zhao Fugui received a text message from Xu Wei. The farmers' association started the day after tomorrow at the Hongshan gymnasium in the provincial capital. The provincial capital is the home of the Li family, but Zhao Fugui is not afraid of Li Jianbin now. Li Jianbin is afraid that he has no time to trouble him any more.

What's more, Zhao Fugui is not afraid of Li Jianbin's trouble. Li Jianbin has contacts and means, and Zhao Fugui also has.

Half an hour later, Zhao Fugui drove his Rolls Royce back to Xiaowan village. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Beautiful women in cool clothes, white-collar workers and female college students can be seen everywhere in Xiaowan village. Zhao Fugui thought that if a bar was built in Xiaowan village, it would be very popular.

"I'm Zhao Fugui. The village has a meeting this evening. In the graveyard beside Heilongtan, anyone who has a grave will have a meeting at the threshing ground in the evening!" When Zhao Fugui returned to the village, he went directly to the radio room and said on the radio.

We need to hold a meeting to discuss the matter. Not everyone is willing to move the ancestral grave. We have to hold a meeting to discuss it first.

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