Super Monk

Chapter 2613

The sun fell from the sky and felt the surging power in his body. Zhao fuguimeng raised his hair and let out a long cry. The long howling sound shocked hundreds of miles, rolling sound waves swept out, just like a dull thunder in a sunny day.

"What sound? Is it an earthquake again? " The sound spread to the town near Olympus, which immediately caused a lot of panic. All people still remember the huge explosion and vibration that suddenly appeared in the Olympus mountains a month ago, which caused more than a dozen old people to be scared to death and more than 20 traffic accidents.

"It's not an earthquake. It's like thunder. It's sunny now. How can it thunder?" A lot of people rushed out of the house, but there was no vibration on the ground. Suddenly, it sounded like thunder.

"Ah, God bless, it's getting more and more abnormal now. It's not long since the earthquake, and now it's sunny and thundering. Is judgment day really coming?" In the distance of the Olympus mountains, in a small church in a small town, a priest with a cross drew a cross on his chest, then murmured, but soon his eyes widened. He saw a pale golden figure in the sky.

The priest quickly rubbed his eyes and looked into the sky again. But the figure flashed by and couldn't be seen.

"Was that an angel?" The priest doubted whether he had any illusions. He thought for a while, turned back to the chapel in a hurry, turned out the Bible, and began to look for the signs of judgment day, to see if besides the four knights of the apocalypse, there were angels coming.

Zhao Fugui didn't know that he flashed in the sky and flew directly with his wings, which scared the priest of a small church. The priest worried that judgment day was coming, and he couldn't eat and sleep for several days.

Zhao Fugui used the half drop of God's blood left by Zeus to break through the small holy realm and formally set foot in the half step great holy realm. His strength changed qualitatively again. According to the division of martial arts and Taoism, he is already a strong man in breaking the void realm. He can not only step in the air, but also gather the power of the Tao to fly rapidly. His speed is many times faster than that of the previous half god realm.

If Cao man and xiamuhuilizi stay near the Olympus mountains for a long time, they will surely hear the roar. Unfortunately, xiamuhuilizi has been looking for the main peak for nearly a month and has not seen anything. If Zhao Fugui is really buried below, I'm afraid he's dead after such a long time. Xiamuhulizi feels that he has no hope, so he will return to Lingwu school with Cao man. If he can't find Zhao Fugui, xiamuhulizi should also protect the orthodoxy left by Zhao Fugui.

"It's too low from the ground. It's better not to be seen by too many people!" After flying in the sky for a while, Zhao Fugui saw the outline of a city looming in front of him. The golden wings behind him pressed fiercely, and his body suddenly lifted up to the top of the clouds, leaving the range of people on the ground.

Before long, Zhao Fugui flew over the city in front of him, which seemed to be inhabited by millions of people, and there were airliners constantly taking off from the city's airport. When Zhao Fugui saw the airport appear, he was just about to find a place outside the city where there were few people. He suddenly changed his mind.

"I don't have a passport, I don't have a phone, and the longevity organization has penetrated so many people. I want to leave by plane. I'm afraid it's not so easy!" Zhao Fugui frowned and said to himself, he has no passport and no money. It's not so easy for him to leave Greece by plane. If you contact the Moon Palace and ask them to arrange it, I'm afraid it's easy to be monitored by the people of Changsheng organization. At that time, those crazy guys may try their best to prevent him from returning to China and going to kunxu.

Zhao Fugui is not afraid of Changsheng organization's operation at all, but if Changsheng organization finds out, it will undoubtedly delay a lot of time. Now Zhao Fugui has been under the river for a month, and if he delays any more time, I'm afraid that before he goes to kunxu, the seal of kunxu will be opened by Changsheng organization, and it will be too late.

"Just take a ride!" Zhao Fugui said to himself that at this time, an international flight of Dubai Airlines suddenly appeared from under the clouds. Several passengers of the flight suddenly saw Zhao Fugui floating in the air, and these passengers were stunned.

"Mom, it's superman. Superman's outside!" A little girl with blonde hair saw Zhao Fugui from the window and suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"God, what do I see? Is it an angel or an alien? " Another passenger in front of the little girl widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

The mother of the little blonde girl and several passengers nearby heard the sound and looked over there, but when they saw it, Zhao Fugui had disappeared.

"What are you shouting about? Superman, angel, you have seen God There are passengers dissatisfied said.

"Mom, I really see Superman!" The little blonde girl didn't understand the meaning of the adults, and she still said to her mother happily.

"OK, but now Superman is gone. He goes back to sleep. We have to fly for more than ten hours. You should go to bed first." The little girl's mother didn't believe what Superman the little girl saw at all and said perfunctorily.

"Oh The little girl looked out and couldn't see the trace of Superman. She could only listen to her mother and began to go to bed.Many passengers in the cabin were talking. At that moment, at least seven or eight passengers saw Zhao Fugui floating in mid air. No matter what they said, even the people who were with them were suspicious. They didn't believe what they said. How could anyone with golden wings fly in mid air? This is a joke.

There are even more people who don't believe it. Even those who see Zhao Fugui begin to doubt whether they are wrong. Just now, the plane was pulled up and the change of air pressure made them hallucinate.

People are just like this. It's too easy to be influenced by others. If people say too much and say yes, they will soon believe it.

In this Dubai Airlines plane, when many passengers are talking about it, Zhao Fugui has already landed on the top of the plane, standing on the top of the plane and taking a downwind "car" to fly with the plane. Zhao Fugui doesn't know what plane will fly to China, but as long as the direction is right, he should be able to return to China quickly by changing a few planes, at least much faster than when he lands back on the ground and takes the normal way.

Soon the plane kept rising and gradually disappeared into the sky. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, but Zhao Fugui didn't care.

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