Super Monk

Chapter 2618

The man who stepped down from a long Rolls Royce looks only 20 or 30 years old. He is wearing casual clothes, with a proud smile on his face. There is nothing special about him, but a bronze bracelet of unknown material on his wrist.

The young man came to him at random, surrounded by a group of elders and families of Zhenwu circle. Everyone's face showed a look of reverence and awe. Even the first-class strong master did not dare to show any disrespect.

"Who is this? What a prestige?" Those from the rich and powerful families outside have never met this young man, and they have no idea who this young man is.

"I haven't seen him, but next to him is the family elder behind the scenes of the Li family. Looking at the look of the inner elder, this young man must be a big man!" One of the Li family said.

"The owner of our Liu family is also here!" The rich people outside the Liu family went to pay homage to him. Although they did not know who the young man was, they did not dare to neglect him.

As soon as someone took the lead, the rich family members quickly went to pay homage, and most of the people in the banquet hall gathered there.

"Hum, it seems that these are the people behind the attack on elder Huangfu!" See this scene, cold Xi cold hum a say.

"It should be the man of the Jin family who is in charge of it. Now he appears in public, and he is going to attack us!" Zhang youwan looked coldly at the outside of the banquet hall and said coldly. Now there are a group of Lingwu sect masters lurking outside the banquet hall. They are Cao man and almost half of the great masters of Lingwu sect. However, seeing that these people are fearless, even if they make preparations, they may not be useful.

"Feifei, this has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't have come. You'll leave quietly while no one pays attention to you later!" Leng Xi said.

"I'm afraid I can't go!" Liu Feifei said with a bitter smile that no matter where she went, this kind of "no one noticed you" situation would not happen. And this time, Liu Feifei came here because of the company's arrangement, saying that Zhao Fugui invited her, but now it seems that either the company was cheated, or the company cheated her.

A young man in his twenties and thirties, with both hands on his back, walked into the banquet hall, and many people appeared everywhere behind him. Leng Xi and Zhang youwan see the young man's entourage behind him, and they suddenly look nervous. The young man's entourage is all masters. The weakest one is the master. Most of them are great masters, and the strong ones are only the young man's servants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you. This is Jin rushen, master Jin, who came from the Jin family in Mordor. Master Kim is the first strong man in Jin family. After that, we believe that the real martial arts circle in Zhongzhou's three provinces has the final say of King Kim, and is respected by master Kim. An old man in Tang Dynasty costume walked to the front with his head held high. He motioned for silence with his hands, and then said aloud.

"Hum!" As soon as the old man in Tang Dynasty said this, the whole banquet hall began to talk about it. Many people were inquiring about the origin of the Jin family. They even subdued so many powerful people and wanted to directly control the Zhenwu circle in the three provinces of central China.

"Why, someone doesn't agree? I, Tang Hu, am master Jin's servant now. If someone doesn't agree, you can ask me first if you agree! " The old man in Tang costume said with a cold hum.

"Did Tang Hu become the servant of the Jin family?" The whole banquet hall was stunned, and even Zhang youwan and Leng Xi were shocked. Tang Hu is an old strong man in Zhenwu circle. Before the rise of Zhao Fugui, he was the strong man in sanchongtian peak, the great master. He is also famous in Zhenwu circle. He is definitely the top three expert in tianbang, and his Tang family is also a big family in Zhenwu circle. I didn't expect that Tang Hu would be a slave now. It's incredible.

, Tom, Dick and Harry has the final say. You can't be too arrogant. We have Lingwu school here. There's no more than what's wrong with a cat and dog. Behind Leng Xi, a 40-50-year-old bald man strode out and yelled.

Liu Wu, the bald head, was originally a master of the Ren family. However, he was very talented in practicing Henglian martial arts. He was instructed by Zhao Fugui. After he got the Lingquan water from Lingwu school, his Henglian martial arts progressed rapidly, and now he is also a strong master of Henglian martial arts.

"Quack, are you here to talk? I want to talk to Tang Hu and ask Zhao Fugui's disciples to come here! " Tang Hu said with a sneer.

at that moment, the banquet hall immediately dispersed, especially those rich families who were far away from the two generations who were surrounded by Liu Feifei. They all rushed away. Now everyone can see clearly. After all, who has the final say in Zhongzhou is afraid to see tonight.

Even the so-called Jin rushen, young master Jin, was just carrying his hands. His playful eyes swept over the bodies of Liu Feifei and Zhang youwan, revealing a squinting look without opening his mouth.

"Headmaster, do you deserve to speak? I want to die There was a flash of blood in Liu Wu's eyes. With a roar, his body swelled instantly, and his extremely strong muscles directly broke his clothes. An extremely strong beast breath filled the whole banquet hall. Liu Wu made great strides to the extreme and rushed directly to Tang Hu.The precious marble ground transported by air from Western Europe was immediately stamped with footprints. The rich businessmen and celebrities in the banquet hall looked at Liu Wu in panic. They seemed to see an ancient murderer rushing about in the banquet hall,

"what a powerful force. Lingwu sect really has a deep foundation. Even if Zhao Fugui is gone, it is not easy to provoke Ah The warrior in the real martial arts circle thought with twinkling eyes, "but the opponent of Lingwu sect is not a real warrior this time. Even if Zhao Fugui is close to him, he may not be able to win under master Jin!"

Under Liu Wu's powerful momentum, a group of real martial arts people's faces changed slightly. They looked at Jin rushen, but found that Jin rushen was not worried, but a trace of scorn flashed in his eyes.

"Well done, it's just a local dog. Today I'll let you know the majesty of tiger!" Tang Hu gave a grim smile and stepped out with no expression. He came to Liu Hu's eyes in an instant. He patted Liu Hu's chest with a light palm.

"Liu Hu is the great master of Wang Lian. Even if he is the same great master, he can't be hurt by a slap. Tang Hu is too light on the enemy." Many of them thought, but the next moment they heard a crack.

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