Super Monk

Chapter 2625

"You talk too much!" Zhao Fugui didn't want to talk with Jin rushen any more. He just slapped his hand and photographed it. The top of the hall, which is more than five meters high, was directly broken. There was a big hole in the ground on the upper floor, and a huge golden palm snapped it. Zhao Fugui knew that Jin rushen had a magic treasure on his body. He didn't do it politely. He was just a big hand to subdue the devil.

This palm is quite different from the one Zhao Fugui used to slap Tang Hu to death. If Zhao Fugui used to kill a mosquito, now he can kill an elephant. Before Zhao Fugui's hand fell, everyone in the banquet hall felt a sudden weight, as if everyone was carrying hundreds of pounds.

"Ah In particular, those frail and frail second-generation people screamed bitterly one by one, bleeding from their mouths and noses, unable to bear the slightly leaked palm pressure.

"Hum, a small skill of carving insects!" In the face of this can be a main battle tank patted into a metal palm, Jin rushen just sneered, a punch to the golden palm of the past. As soon as Jin rushen makes a move, Zhao Fugui's eyes are slightly narrowed. What Jin rushen uses is pure aura. It seems that he takes aura as the foundation of strength.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, Jin rushen blows his fist on Zhao Fugui's golden giant palm. In an instant, the giant palm bursts out a bright golden light, and then dense cracks appear on the giant palm. Zhao Fugui's big hand print of subduing demons is smashed by Jin rushen's fist.

Zhao Fugui, who was as immortal as a God just now, was smashed directly by Jin rushen. All the real martial artists in the banquet hall were stunned. They didn't expect that Jin rushen's strength was so strong. No wonder he was a strong man who could drive four half steps and half gods. It seems that there will be a fierce fight today.

With Zhao Fugui's current strength, even a semi God like akura can kill him with one slap. Jin rushen can smash such a hand with one punch. This guy is nothing, but his Shenbao really has some thoughts.

"Ha ha, Zhao Fugui, your strength has been like this. This rotten place is too small to let go. Zhao Fugui, do you dare to fight with me outside?" Jin rushen smashed Zhao Fugui's big handprint of conquering the devil with one blow, and he was full of confidence in a moment. He twisted his neck at will and walked away. A few steps later, he appeared in the air outside the banquet hall, cheering to Zhao Fugui with confidence.

The club was built in front of the Castle Peak, so it's not convenient for guests to enter and leave. Today has the final say that the private clubs have not received any visitors, and they have been all wrapped up. All the people who can come are all respected figures in the provincial capital. Kim is like God who wants to kill Zhao Fugui in front of these people, so that they can see who is the boss of today's provincial capital.

"Your God treasure looks good, but it's a pity that these God treasures are with the wrong owners. After today, I will help them find some right owners!" Zhao Fugui walked leisurely with his hands on his back. He also walked slowly into the air. Li Jin said casually.

"Zhao Fugui, you're just a local dog in the countryside. You've got a piece of magic treasure after a dog's excrement. But a local dog is a local dog, and you'll never get on the stage! I'm Jin rushen. I'm the son of heaven. I came from a family of ten billion rich people, and I got several treasures. What qualifications do you have to compare with me? " Jin rushen sneered and said, "Liu Feifei, look at you. You are so beautiful. Only I, Jin rushen, can match you!"

On the ground, Liu Feifei and Zhang youwan have rushed out. Hearing this, Liu Feifei's beautiful face shows a trace of blush and embarrassment. She and Zhao Fugui are just friends now, but Jin rushen's words are just like that she is Zhao Fugui's woman. She can't be embarrassed if she is looked at by so many people.

"You're so amorous Zhao Fugui sneered, stepped out, and instantly appeared in front of Jin rushen. A blow went to Jin rushen. The bright golden light lit up on Zhao Fugui's fist. The terrible sound burst didn't ring until now.

Zhao Fugui's speed has reached at least two or three times the speed of sound. Many real warriors can't let their bodies break through the speed of sound or do it. But they have the strength to break through the speed of sound, but their bodies are not so strong. They can't bear the huge burden after breaking through the speed of sound. Only those strong ones with extremely strong bodies can be reckless and free Beyond the speed of sound.

"Well, you want to sneak? You deserve it, too? " Jin rushen didn't panic in the face of the sudden blow. Instead, he gave a grim smile and raised his arm to stop Zhao Fugui's blow. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, even a hill can be smashed with one blow. Jin rushen even wants to block his blow with one arm. Zhao Fugui frowns slightly, and immediately understands that Jin rushen is going to use his magic treasure.

"Dang!" In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui's fist hit Jin rushen's wrist. In an instant, there was a heavy metal impact at the place where Zhao Fugui bombarded. The metal wrist guard on Jin rushen's wrist burst out a rich glow, which directly blocked Zhao Fugui's terrible blow.However, even so, Jin rushen's body also flew backward directly, and it barely stopped until it was 100 meters away. Jin rushen's metal wristband can block Zhao Fugui's boxing power, but the terrorist power contained in the boxing power is still transmitted to Jin rushen, and directly blows Jin rushen out.

Can resist Zhao Fugui's fist without damage, this metal wristband must be a treasure of Jin rushen.

"Damned local dog, how dare you hurt me? I will destroy all the Lingwu sect of you!" A trace of blood flows out from the corner of Jin rushen's mouth. Compared with the slight injury on his body, Jin rushen feels more ashamed that he was beaten back by Zhao Fugui, which is totally unacceptable to Jin rushen.

Jin rushen roared, and then the metal wristband on his wrist began to change. In a moment, the metal wristband seemed to become a living creature and began to spread to Jin rushen's body. In a short time, the metal on the whole wristband wrapped Jin rushen's whole body. After the metal wrapped Jin rushen's body, it was in Jin rushen's body A complete armor is formed on the body. As soon as the armor appears outside Jin rushen's body, it immediately makes Jin rushen look like a god of war in ancient mythology.

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