Super Monk

Chapter 264

Zhao Fugui wrapped the purple grass in his clothes and hurried back to the Farmhouse Inn with the grass. Then immediately all the curtains in the room were pulled up.

The sunlight was blocked by the curtains, and the room of the Farmhouse Inn fell into darkness. Without turning on the light, Zhao Fugui gently opened his clothes, revealing the purple grass.

The grass is purple, and there seems to be blood flowing in its leaves and stems. In the dark, the grass even emits faint light. Zhao Fugui looks at the purple grass with a look of ecstasy. When Zhao Fugui saw the grass, the information of the grass appeared in his mind.

Reincarnation grass: one of the top secret treasures. It is the flesh and bones of life and death. It grows in the shade. It can't see light before it grows up. It will die when it sees light. Don't expose to light for a long time after growing, or the grass will wither and die.

"Top secret treasure, it's top secret treasure!" Zhao Fugui's ecstatic self talk, in some ways, some of the effects of this reincarnation grass are more powerful than the spirit spring water. If this grass can really kill human flesh and bones, it will give people an extra life.

Reincarnation grass can only grow in the shade, but it's not the shade that can grow reincarnation grass. Zhao Fugui didn't expect that he was so lucky. He moved his grave and found a reincarnation grass. It seems that the earth atmosphere on the side of black dragon pool in Daqingshan is really abundant, which can breed many treasures.

"Is there any secret of this place?" Looking at the resurrection grass in his hand, Zhao Fugui said to himself suspiciously.

According to the Taiping Taoist Scripture, the secret treasure is very rare, and the place where it can be bred is certainly not an ordinary place. But after living in Xiaowan village for so long, Zhao Fugui didn't think Xiaowan village was special before he got the Taiping daoshu.

It's similar to other villages. It's neither Changshou village nor Zhuangyuan village. The villagers in the village can't see anything different from ordinary people from old to young.

"If there's a secret, sooner or later you'll find something!" Zhao Fugui thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with any unusual secret in Xiaowan village. He could only hide it in his heart.

With the book of peace in hand, no matter what secrets Daqingshan has in Xiaowan village, Zhao Fugui will know sooner or later.

Zombie grass can't see light. Zhao Fugui found a plastic wrap to wrap the purple grass, and then put it in the deepest part of the refrigerator. After the resurrection grass is mature, it has no requirements for other aspects except that it can't see light.

In the evening, the grave removal team again went out and leveled seven or eight graves. Zhao Fugui was at the scene all the time, but there was no other discovery in the cemetery. The earth atmosphere here should not be long enough for two reincarnation grasses.

The next morning, the tomb moving team was out again. In the morning, Xu Wei's people had already arrived. Zhao Fugui arranged for the farm to catch 1000 mandarin ducks and 1000 Fugui geese.

The people sent by Xu Wei were also very straightforward. They gave the money on the spot, settled the accounts, and then took Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose away. These rare ducks and geese will be sent to the provincial fair, and the quality is better.

In addition, Xu Wei has to sell the fry of Yuanyang duck and Fugui goose to let more farms breed these birds. This is the main work of high-tech biology.

As soon as Xu Wei's men left, Zhao Fugui went to find Chen Yihan. About the farmers' Association, Zhao Fugui wanted to take Chen Yihan with him. In addition, he had to prepare some fruits from happy farm. This was Zhao Fugui's main job to attend the farmers' Association.

"Meaning, tomorrow in the provincial capital Hongshan stadium to hold a farmers' fair, I'm going to take some happy watermelon to participate, do you want to go?" Zhao Fugui said to Chen Yihan.

"Farmers' Association?" Chen Yihan wants to go, but Xiaowan village has a lot of things to do. The last time she and Zhao Fugui went to Hong Kong province for an investigation, there was a backlog of things after they came back. They were busy for several days. If we go with Zhao Fugui this time, there will be a lot of backlog.

"Well, general manager Xu said that it is a large-scale national farmers' fair, and merchants from all over the country will go. This is an opportunity to promote happy fruit!" Zhao Fugui explained.

"We should go to this kind of farmers' meeting, but the people from Shenzhu society will come to pull the second batch of watermelons tomorrow. In addition, there are many things in the village, so I don't think I can go!" Chen Yihan hesitated for a while and said.

Zhao Fugui is a little disappointed. This is an opportunity to get along with Chen Yihan alone. If they go on business together, maybe they can make the relationship closer. But there are a lot of things in the village. The Shenzhu club has just started to cooperate with each other, and their affairs can't be delayed.

"Well, I'll go alone tomorrow!" Zhao Fugui nodded, did not reluctantly let Chen Yihan and his past.

"Be careful on your way, and the Li family is in the provincial capital. You should pay attention to safety!" Chen Yihan listened to Zhao Fugui say that he went alone, also did not plan to call Linzhi nuoxia Hongyan what people together, slightly relieved, and then explained.

"The Li family is too busy to take care of themselves now. I don't think they have time to take care of me any more. And even if Li Jianbin bothers me again, I can deal with him. You don't have to worry!" Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"Well, be careful, it should be OK!" Chen Yihan thinks about it and thinks that the Li family is in great trouble now. When an important person falls down, he must have a headache. At this time, he is unlikely to take the initiative to find Zhao Fugui's trouble. "What fruit are you going to bring? Would you like some snacks? ""Just bring some happy watermelons. Other fruits are not mature yet. They don't sell well. Even if you pick them, it's a waste." Zhao Fugui thought about it and said, "in addition, snacks are not easy to sell in bulk. It's useless to take them in the past, so we don't take snacks!"

"That's good. Take more happy watermelons. Be careful not to use them!" Chen Yihan said.

"Well, I know. I'll pick some later, but I won't take too much with me, so as not to waste it. Just take them to some merchants to have a taste!" Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Fugui thought about all these things before. He would bring as many happy watermelons as he could in the carriage and back seat of Rolls Royce. No need to bring more. Zhao Fugui didn't intend to sell these watermelons.

"And when are you leaving?" Chen Yihan asked again.

"Tomorrow morning before daybreak, the farmers' fair will be held for three days. It's no big deal to delay one morning. I have agreed with President Xu that she will reserve a booth for me! " Zhao Fugui said.

After discussing with Chen Yihan, Zhao Fugui went to the orchard and arranged for someone to pick a batch of fresh big watermelons. Rolls Royce's trunk and back seat were very spacious, and they even filled three or four hundred kilograms of watermelons.

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