Super Monk

Chapter 2650

As soon as Zhao Fugui's voice rang out, several people immediately became silent, especially the real warrior who spoke. He was afraid that his complaint just made Zhao Fugui unhappy. If Zhao Fugui was not happy here, he would be dead.

"What's ahead, Mr. Zhao?" Zheng Wen warily pointed the muzzle of the heavy machine gun around. He asked in a low voice while on guard.

"It's human, but it's dead!" Zhao Fugui looks cold said, and then continue to walk forward, a minute later, Zheng Wen they also see Zhao Fugui said.

These people are hanging on the strange trees. The sharp branches of the strange trees are deeply inserted into their backs from their backs. The sharp branches are like meat kebabs that string their bodies together, allowing their bodies to be hung on the branches and constantly sway slightly.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of people hanging on these sharp branches in the strange forest in front of them, and their number is exactly the same as the number of weapons and equipment abandoned outside the strange forest.

"These trees, these trees killed them all!" The real warrior, who could still speak, saw the scene and cried out in panic.

"Shut up if you don't want to die!" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he cheered coldly. At this time, it seems to be aware of someone close, those who were hanging on the tree even opened their eyes one by one, and began to howl to the people.

"Zheng Wen, help me, help me. I'm trapped by this tree. Come and help me!" On the tree, someone recognized Zheng Wen and reached out to him.

"Chen Hai, you, you?" Looking at the voice, Zheng wenshun's face immediately changed. He recognized the man hanging on the tree, who turned out to be his colleague in the Moon Palace and one of the members of the operation.

"Zhang long, help me. Put me down quickly. I'm your brother. I don't want to die here. Come and help me!" On the other side, a man hanging on a tree also called to the real warrior who could still talk. The real warrior was Zhang long.

"Zhang, Zhang Hu? Are you dead? " Zhang long looks at Zhang Hu on the book with a frightened face and asks in horror. Zhang Hu and Zhang long are two brothers. They are the cultivation of master banbu. Master banbu is not the blood of the family. In fact, they are just the bottom of the Zhenwu circle, let alone the families in the Zhenwu circle. Even the families attached to the master's family don't pay attention to them.

Later, the Zhenwu army became an army. Zhang long and Zhang Hu heard that they could learn the martial arts that directly pointed to the great master and even the myth of the time in the Zhenwu army, so they immediately signed up to join the Zhenwu army. Because they performed well in the Zhenwu army, they were arranged to join the operation. Originally, they thought that this operation had Mr. Li, a big man in the Moon Palace, and it would not be too dangerous. If it was too dangerous, how could such a big man risk his life?

But I didn't expect that Mr. Li had already put his life and death aside. He just wanted to stop the Changsheng organization. After qingshimen, it was too late for Zhang long and Zhang Hu to find out.

"Help me, I'm still alive Zhang Hu struggled desperately on the sharp branches, shouting to Zhang long as he struggled, but their situation was so strange that Zhang long didn't dare to go there, even to save his brother.

"Ma Jian, give me a hand, you save my life, I will repay you, help me!"

"Hu Chang, help me. I helped you before. You can't be ungrateful. Please help me!" Even the two Zhenwu people who had their tongues pulled out were also yelled by people hanging on the tree. These hundreds of people are all the people that Mr. Li brought in to carry out the task, so many people know Zheng Wen and Zhang long. But none of these people hanging on the strange tree asked Zhao Fugui for help.

Even if most of the people in the Zhenwu army have never met Zhao Fugui, there must still be a few people who have. It's impossible for more than 100 people in the Zhenwu army not to recognize Zhao Fugui. Everyone in the Zhenwu Army knows how powerful Zhao Fugui is, but no one asks him for help.

"Mr. Zhao, let's save them!" Zheng Wen wanted to save people very much, but he didn't dare to act without Zhao Fugui's order. He looked at Zhao Fugui and said.

"They are hopeless. What they are doing now is to lure you to the past and make you the same as them!" Zhao Fugui said coldly.

"What?" Zheng Wen and Zhang Long's faces suddenly changed. Zhang long and Ma Jian Hu Chang even subconsciously stepped back two steps, further away from the people hanging on the trees.

"But they are still alive. How can they harm us?" Zheng Wen looked at the colleagues who constantly begged him and asked in disbelief.

"They are actually dead. Now they can only be regarded as living dead at most. Look at the skin and flesh on their backs penetrated by those branches. If they are living people, how can they not shed any blood?" Zhao Fugui said slowly.

Zheng Wen and Zhang long looked carefully, and sure enough, they saw those people who were hanging on the branches. There was no blood on them at all. Maybe the blood on them had dried up a long time ago.

"They are really dead!" Zheng Wen and Zhang long look at the people struggling on the branches. They feel a chill rising from the soles of their feet. They shudder. All the people who look alive are dead."Zheng Wen, don't listen to that liar. We're still alive. We're not dead. I'm your good brother. I've gone through life and death with you so many times. Don't you even want to save me once?" Zheng Wen at the same time, Chen Hai shrieked.

"He's a liar, brother. You help me. He lied to you. He doesn't want us. You help me!" Zhang Hu yelled, but Zhang long turned his head and didn't look at him. Zhang Hu was dead, and he didn't want to die.

"Mr. Zhao, we, what shall we do?" Zheng Wen looked at the hundreds of people who sent out shrill cries and asked at a loss.

"Get out of here. If I guess well, this should be the iron tree hell. They have become one with these strange trees and can't be saved!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, get out of here, go, go!" Zhang Long's face was frightened and said busily.

"Zheng Wen, if you don't save me, you can't die well, you can't die well!"

"Zhang long, you are ungrateful and don't even save your brother. You will go to hell after you die!"

Zhao Fugui and his family want to get around these strange trees with living dead people. At this moment, the living dead people on the strange trees show their ferocious expressions and utter vicious curses and curses. The vicious voices of hundreds of living dead people are everywhere in the strange trees.

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