Super Monk

Chapter 2658

In front of everyone's eyes, there appeared a continuous mountain range. The mountain range was clear and bright, and the sunlight poured from the mountain range. The light scattered the darkness. It seemed that even the whole world on this side was not changing. The terrible world seemed to be changed in this moment.

"There must be an exit, there must be an exit!" Seeing the light, Zhang Long got excited. He didn't care about the others. He rushed to the light.

But Zheng Fugui and Zhao Zhenwu wait for another order, and run to them at the same time.

"We also go there. It's not the exit. It should be the way of heaven or humanity in the six samsara!" Zhao Fugui didn't look at Zhang long at all. He said casually, and then walked in that direction. Zheng Wen and the rest of the true warrior, no matter which one of the six samsara, as long as there are no horrible ghosts.

In front of the mountain haze blocked Zhao Fugui's line of sight. There was only a narrow sloping mountain road in the middle of the mountain haze. The mountain haze seemed to be a clear boundary. The darkness was here and the light was there.

Zhao Fugui and the three of them went to the mountain road. Zhang long had already run in the front. He didn't mean to wait at all. He ran directly into the mountain road and disappeared in an instant. I'm afraid that the scene on the other side of the mountain road didn't make him feel any danger, so he didn't hesitate.

Zhang Long ran into the mountain road. After a while, Zhao Fugui and them also walked past. Even Zhao Fugui was surprised at the sight behind the mountain road.

Through the mountain road, Zhao Fugui can see behind the mountain road is a basin that can't be seen at a glance. In the basin, there are large areas of golden wheat. Birds are flying in the sky, prestige is rippling in the valley, and some people dressed in ancient clothes are working hard in the fields.

In the distance, there are still people pulling the ox cart away. There are still groups of sheep and some big water buffaloes grazing leisurely on the grassland at the end of the wheat field. Even in the other direction of the grassland, there is a village full of ancient Chinese customs. The cooking smoke curls in the village. It looks like an ancient idyllic scenery.

"Here, this is an ancient village?" Zheng Wen looked at the scene in the basin and murmured in disbelief.

"This is not an ancient village. If you look carefully at the people inside, some people's clothes are from the Tang and Song Dynasties, some people's clothes are from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and some people's clothes are from the Republic of China, even decades ago and even now!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "they are just people who have been here by mistake in the past dynasties!"

"Can ancient people live to the present? Isn't that where people can live forever? " Zheng Wen looked at those people carefully, and sure enough, as Zhao Fugui said, they had all kinds of Dynasty clothes. However, Zheng Wen's face showed a trace of inconceivability. If these people really came here by mistake, for some reason, they left behind people who had never left. But a person from the Tang Dynasty has been more than 1000 years. If those people in Tang Dynasty clothes are really people of that era, how can they live so long?

"If a big array can make people live forever, I'm afraid that all the masters, princes and nobles of all dynasties will come here!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice, "most of the people in this basin have already died, and only a few are still alive!"

"What?" Zheng Wen's face once again showed an unbelievable look. He clearly saw that some of the people who worked in the basin were still sweating, and some even reaped wheat. When they were tired, they were still resting in the field with hoes. These people didn't look dead at all. They all looked like normal living people.

"Let's go in. There's no danger here!" Zhao Fugui said that instead of explaining, he walked directly into the basin.

Zheng Wen and another real warrior who had his tongue pulled out showed a look of bewilderment and quickly followed up. If most of the people here were dead, in such a strange situation, wouldn't they be in danger?

At the same time, Zhang long had already rushed into the basin. He didn't see any dangerous places in the basin, so he ran into the basin without hesitation.

"Safe, ha ha, safe at last, I came out alive!" Zhang Long rushed into the basin and yelled excitedly. He even rushed directly into the wheat field and trampled down a large area of golden wheat, which seemed to be real and could be trampled down by Zhang long.

"Younger generation, don't step on my wheat, don't step on my wheat!" Wearing the clothes of the Tang Dynasty, an old man hoeing the field saw Zhang Long trampling on wheat everywhere and called out.

"I look up to you when I step on your wheat." Zhang Long escaped, and immediately resumed the arrogance of the real warrior, staring at the vicious curse of the ancient farmer.

"Come out, come out, it's the food of the whole family. You can't spoil it!" The old man dressed in Tang costume didn't know Zhang Long's strength, so he hurriedly urged.

"Old man, you want to die!" With a grim smile, Zhang Long directly kicked the farmer."Zhang long, stop it On the other side, Zheng Wen's face changed greatly, and he called to Zhang long. Zhang long was so bold that he had just escaped from the ghost and was about to hurt someone when he came out.

"Leave him alone, such a fool will die sooner or later!" Zhao Fugui waved his hand casually and said that his eyes looked far away, and he just went to see Zhang long.

Zheng Wen couldn't stop him. He watched Zhang Long kick the old man in Tang costume. But when Zhang Long kicked the old man in Tang Dynasty, Zhang Long's face suddenly changed, showing an extremely frightened look, because his feet went straight through the old man's body.

"Ghost, there is a ghost, he is a ghost!" Zhang Long fell to the ground with a bang, and his face looked terrified. He got up and ran to Zhao Fugui. His arrogant expression had completely disappeared.

Zhang Long ran over in panic. Zheng Wen and another real warrior's face also changed. As Zhao Fugui said, these people who look like real living people are all ghosts. Zheng Wen and another real warrior nervously look at Zhao Fugui. They don't know what to do. The places that seem safe here are all ghosts. Do they have no way to go?

But when they looked at Zhao Fugui, they found that Zhao Fugui had gone to the basin.

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