Super Monk

Chapter 266

"Get out of the car!" The police on the other side of Rolls Royce fiercely pressed the gun on his waist and yelled at Zhao Fugui. The policeman looked very nervous and seemed ready to take out his gun at any time.

"Put your hands on the steering wheel and get off the car slowly. Slow down!" The police standing next to Zhao Fugui's cab also yelled.

Most of the highway patrolmen don't have guns, but a few can, but only one in a group of two can. Zhao Fugui driver's cab police want to touch the gun, but no gun, can only stare at Zhao Fugui nervously, for fear of any abnormal action.

Zhao Fugui is a little confused. Is this how the police in the provincial capital enforce the law? Take out your gun before you finish? And these two guys want to take out the gun nervously, there must be some reason, right? Is it because I'm afraid to see him big?

"Officer, how do you open the door with your hands on the keyboard?" Zhao Fugui was a little suspicious that these two guys would be the policemen disguised as car bandits and road bullies. He was also on guard in his heart and quietly released ghosts to appear beside the two policemen, ready to start at any time.

The police in the driver's cab reached out and pulled the door. The door didn't move. If Rolls Royce didn't unlock, it would be a ghost if it was easily opened.

"Open the door with your left hand. Don't play tricks. Slow down!" Did not open the door, the door next to the police Li drink, staring at Zhao Fugui, seems ready to start Zhao Fugui uniform.

"Don't be nervous, officer. I'm just passing by!" Zhao Fugui didn't know what the two policemen were up to. He slowly opened the door with his left hand.

"Get out of the car!" Zhao Fugui opened the door, and the police on the other side of the co pilot had nervously grasped the gun. As soon as Zhao Fugui got out of the car, the police in the driver's seat rushed up, and a standard catcher was ready to subdue Zhao Fugui.

How can Zhao Fugui let these two guys of unknown origin subdue? These two bastards took his driver's license, but they didn't even get a police license. Who knows if they are real policemen.

The policeman wants to hold Zhao Fugui's hand, but finds that Zhao Fugui's hand pattern doesn't move. Instead, he is caught by Zhao Fugui's wrist.

"What are you doing? Want to attack the police? " The policeman in the co pilot's position changed his face and took out a pistol to point at Zhao Fugui.

"What do you want? Stop my car for no reason and try to attack me? That's how the provincial police do things? " Zhao Fugui then pinched the wrist of the police around him to make this guy dare not move. Zhao Fugui asked coldly, staring at the policeman who pulled out the gun.

"This guy must be a drug dealer. Call reinforcements. Don't let this guy run away!" Zhao Fugui was arrested by the police dare not let their companions shoot.

He knew very well that his partner had not participated in shooting training for two or three years. Despite such a short distance, the policeman didn't want to be hit and sacrificed by his partner.

"Drug dealers? Who the hell do you see that I'm a drug dealer? " Zhao Fugui was laughed with anger.

Who the hell is driving a Rolls Royce? Can you afford a Rolls Royce with your head on your belt? In recent years, there are more start-up funds than drug trafficking. These two policemen have seen a lot of American blockbusters.

"Driving a Rolls Royce to pull a watermelon, are all the drugs hidden in your watermelon? You think no one will check a luxury car? " The policeman with the gun said coldly. At the same time, he was ecstatic. Today, he wanted to get some pocket money. Unexpectedly, he bumped into a big case by mistake. He couldn't move up.

"Which law forbids Rolls Royce to pull watermelons?" Zhao Fugui didn't expect that this is the reason why he was pointed at by a gun. Are these two bastard policemen too sensitive?

"Stop talking to him and call for reinforcements. This guy must be a bandit!" Zhao Fugui was holding the wrist of the police is not so good mood, his wrist came bursts of pain, let him dare not move.

"This is patrol car 06. We found a drug dealer on the way to the provincial capital. Please send reinforcements immediately!" The policeman with the gun called the command center directly on his mobile phone.

Zhao Fugui is speechless. If he pulls a watermelon, he can be regarded as a drug dealer. What the hell is that?

"If I take a watermelon to a farmers' fair, you can treat me as a drug dealer. The police in your provincial capital are really tough!" Zhao Fugui couldn't help being angry.

"You'd better let my colleagues go, or the reinforcements will not be good for you when they come later!" Zhao Fugui said that he didn't believe the policeman with the gun. The policeman cheered to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui doesn't want to give this human shield. If this son of a bitch is nervous and shoots, he will be in trouble. Now there's a shield, and the son of a bitch doesn't dare shoot.

Zhao Fugui is too lazy to talk nonsense with the policeman. He's ready to let people go when the reinforcements arrive. He's afraid to shoot in full view of the public, isn't he? The police with guns didn't want to listen to the sophistry of Zhao Fugui, a "criminal", so the three confronted each other.

Just at this time, a Mercedes Benz car taking photos from the provincial capital drove over from the back of the expressway. Seeing what happened here, the Mercedes Benz suddenly stopped in the emergency Lane in front of it.

"Richness, what's the matter? What's the matter? " A tall beauty gets out of the car and shouts to Zhao Fugui in surprise."Caiyuan?" Zhao Fugui looks for sound, but he didn't expect that Jiang Caiyuan would get off the Mercedes Benz. Zhao Fugui said with a wry smile, "these two policemen said that my drug dealer, but I didn't expect the police in the provincial capital to be so" hospitable "!"

"How can they treat you like a drug dealer?" Jiang Caiyuan was surprised and said, "officer, my friend is not a drug dealer. He is a farmer entrepreneur and a good man!"

"Don't come here!" Jiang Caiyuan's appearance not only did not let the police with guns relax, but also made him more nervous. He felt that his reinforcements had not yet arrived, on the contrary, it was the accomplices of the criminals.

"Well, wait a minute!" Jiang Caiyuan Bing Xueming, seeing the policeman's look, immediately understood. She quickly turned around, walked back to the Mercedes Benz, and said to the people in the car, "Uncle Xiao, my friend is definitely not a bad person. He is a famous farmer entrepreneur in Chengdu. He planted the happy fruit you ate last time. Would you help him prove it?"

"He planted the happy fruit? His place is called Xiaowan village happy farm, isn't it? I have a colleague who has been there. It's easier for him to make money than a drug dealer! " The middle-aged man, known as Uncle Xiao, looks at another middle-aged man, nods and walks down from the Benz.

"Put down the gun. There is no evidence. How can you draw a gun at will and point it at the common people?"

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