Super Monk

Chapter 2661

There are only about ten people who have survived in the basin, and some of them are still weak. Some of them have been hungry for two or three days. If they are trapped in the basin for two more days, I'm afraid they will become the living corpses.

Fortunately, these people were all carrying marching food and water bottles. There was still a little left of these things. After a little food and water was added, these people followed Zhao Fugui forward. Those who were weak and could not walk were supported by others. Those who didn't want to die had to go on.

After Zhao Fugui got the golden token, everyone went on for a few minutes, but Zhang long on the other side didn't follow them. Zhang long was frightened when there was a change in the basin. He thought that the ghosts in the basin would appear, so he hid directly in the pass, ready to escape as soon as he found out there was danger.

When the changes in the basin stopped and there was no danger, Zhang long realized that it must be Zhao Fugui who had done something and wiped out the things here. The light here is gone, and everything is swallowed by the darkness, which will not bring any sense of security. Zhang long is afraid and wants to find Zhao Fugui again, but when he dares to rush into the darkness, he can no longer find them.

"Mr. Zhao, wait for me, and me, give me a hand! Major Zheng, I know it's wrong. Wait for me! " Zhang Long screamed in horror in the dark, but in the dark there was only a silent sinking, and there was no voice to respond to him.

"You damned bastards, you will die sooner or later. I curse you all to die!" Zhang Long cried for help, but there was no response. He immediately changed his face and began to curse. Begging and cursing, Zhang Long showed his ugly side, but he still didn't get any response.

On the other side, Zhao Fugui took more than a dozen people to advance in the dark. Most of these people were Zhenwu soldiers, only two or three months old. According to them, after passing through the qingshimen, they met the seemingly endless darkness. Later, some people disappeared one after another from the next day. However, with the help of carefully selected strong people, more than half of them still came to the basin. Before they came to the basin, they met nothing but a large number of missing people.

But they don't know what happened after entering the basin. It seems that they forget anything as soon as they enter the basin. If Zhao Fugui didn't appear, they wouldn't think of anything.

"It seems that the power of humanity is quite strong, but it's really amazing that they can still break through, Mr. Li!" Zhao Fugui heard the survivors of the narrative, some surprised said. To go through the cycle of humanity, it does not necessarily need strong strength, but it must need firm will. In the basin, not only the power of humanity will affect the people who enter here, but once someone wakes up and wants to leave, other villagers will try their best to stop them. Although these villagers can't do it directly, don't forget that language is also a power .

"Mr. Zhao, how long have we been out of touch?" A somewhat weak Moon Palace agent was supported by another real warrior, barely keeping up with Zhao Fugui's steps and asked.

"You've been out of touch for nine days since I came in!" Zhao Fugui said.

"OK, OK, I feel like time has passed for a long time!" The Moon Palace agent said with a wry smile, "are all our missing people dead?"

"It's very possible that I saw about one or two hundred of their bodies, and some of them may still be wandering in the dark!" Zhao Fugui sighed and said that what Li Lao and these agents and Zhenwu army did was basically futile. Even if thousands of Zhenwu army were fully armed and equipped with heavy and heavy equipment, an immortal God could kill them easily enough.

Even the people who let them find the organization, they can't stop those people at all. In a sense, even if they come here, it doesn't make any sense, but some things have to be done by someone, even if it doesn't make sense, just like what they are doing now.

"I hope their sacrifice is worth it!" The Moon Palace agent sank for a while and murmured.

"Let's hope that no one knows what step the organization has taken. The worst case is that before we leave here, they have already opened the seal of kunxu. Other seals have been destroyed by them. Once we open the seal of kunxu, all the seals of Kyushu will be opened! " Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

Once all the seals of Kyushu are opened, all the things in the seals of North America, northern Europe, underground magic pool, kunxu and the other two seals that Zhao Fugui has never been to will escape from the seals. No one can be sure what will happen to the world at that time.

"I hope it's not that bad!"

The voice in the team was silent again, only the sound of drinking water and slow chewing. Occasionally, people in good condition began to be vigilant. People in bad condition walked in the middle of the team, drinking water and eating to recover their physical strength. Zhao Fugui took them forward in the dark, and soon saw that the light in the dark was getting brighter and brighter in the distance.

The animal way, hungry ghost way, Asura way and humanitarian token have been obtained by Zhao Fugui. In this small six way reincarnation array, there are still two reincarnations of the six way reincarnation, one is the way of heaven, the other is the worst way of hell. The hell way can't emit obvious light, so the place in front of it is obviously the way of heaven, which is the last good way."There's light!" Zhao Fugui's eyesight is the furthest. After walking for a while, other people in the team saw the light in front of him. However, the light just appeared made them agitated, and most of them were very upset. Because the safe and peaceful place in front of them is like a ghost that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, which has killed many people. Therefore, they are very uncomfortable with this kind of place that lights up.

"That's the way of heaven in the small six samsara formation. If they didn't break through, they would be trapped in it now. If they have already broken through, then the samsara of xiaotiandao will exist in name only. You will not be in danger if you follow me. Go on Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

As soon as his voice fell, the team immediately calmed down. No one doubted Zhao Fugui's strength, and no one didn't trust what Zhao Fugui said.

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