Super Monk

Chapter 2667

Zhao Fugui and his followers continued to march forward in the dark. The six samsara of the small six samsara formation has been broken by five. The suppression of the formation on Zhao Fugui has almost disappeared. Even the strength of several real warriors in the Zhenwu army has begun to recover. Although their strength has not recovered, it has also recovered by 50% or 60%.

The strength recovered a lot, and Zhao Fugui's speed of action immediately improved. Soon after, Zhao Fugui and his family came to the last position of the small wheel back to the French array, which is hell.

Hell way is the most bitter way among the six paths of samsara, even more painful than the eighteen layers of hell. This way can be summed up as "one day, ten thousand deaths, ten thousand lives, and one thought can't stop." that is to say, people who are trapped in this way will continue to repeat the process of tragic death. In one day, this process of tragic death can reach ten thousand times, even if they want to get a short time It's impossible to get a pause in time.

Hell road is the road of extreme suffering. Those who are not guilty will not be driven into this road. Those who can be driven into this road are the most evil villains. Hungry ghost road and animal road are less painful than hell road.

"Mr. Zhao, there is a small town ahead!" Seeing the situation not far ahead, Zheng Wen immediately said that from here, they could only see a small town like place in the darkness.

The town over there is dark, and only a general outline can be seen. Zheng Wen and his colleagues can't see clearly the situation in the town, but only the scale. This town is the largest place in the small six paths circle.

"That's the hell road simulated in the samsara. You wait for me outside the town, and I'll go in!" Zhao Fugui's face was slightly dignified when he saw this hell road. The Yin Qi in this hell road was so strong that it was the place with the heaviest Yin Qi in the whole small six paths reincarnation formation, far from being comparable to other small six paths reincarnation places.

What Zhao Fugui doesn't know is that this little hell road was a shady eye when it was a thousand years ago. In ancient myths and legends, the Yin eye is the spring connecting the hell. The Yin Qi in the hell is continuously ejected from the Yin eye, and even can form a hundred Li ghost in the daytime.

And this Yin eye is used by LINGJI. As the array eye of the small six paths reincarnation Town, the array eye itself is the most powerful place in the big array. In addition, it has been continuously influenced by the Yin Qi in the Yin eye for thousands of years, which has already made the ghosts in the little hell become extremely powerful.

Those who have strayed into hell, whether they were good or bad people, have already become extremely resentful and ferocious under the constant torture in hell. Yin Qi and resentment make these ghosts become extremely terrifying.

"It's so cold here!" As Zhao Fugui approached the town, no matter the Moon Palace agents or the real warriors, they all shivered. The physical fitness of these Moon Palace field agents is quite strong, much stronger than ordinary people, not to mention those who are really martial arts. The weakest of them are all half step masters with strong Qi and blood. Even if they jump into the ice in the cold winter, they will not feel the slightest cold.

But it's these real fighters and agents who feel the piercing cold here, shivering all over. This is not a normal thing in itself.

"An ordinary fierce ghost can make an ordinary person in a room feel the temperature drop, and a ghost King level big ghost can make dozens of people feel shivering, but the temperature can drop so much from such a distance. There is a lot of Yin in this town!" Zhao Fugui said.

Ghosts can really change the surrounding temperature. The more powerful ghosts are, the more obvious the influence of their Yin Qi on the surrounding temperature is. Now Zhao Fugui and his family are about a mile away from the town. In such a far place, the Yin Qi overflowing from the town can make the half step master level Zhenwu feel the chilling chill in such a far place. It's a pity in the town Yin Qi is really amazing.

"Mr. Zhao, since it's so terrible here, why don't we get around here? Can we get around here? " Asked a real warrior.

This small six path reincarnation array is not fixed. It is not fixed which small six path reincarnation array you encounter when you come in from qingshimen. However, as long as you encounter one of the small six path reincarnation arrays, you can't bypass it. If you don't enter this small six path reincarnation array, you can't leave. Zhao Fugui is very clear about this, but these real warriors and Moon Palace agents are not clear about it, because they have never met the second small six path reincarnation array. They all met one of the small six path reincarnation arrays and fell into it.

"As long as you encounter one of the small samsara arrays, you can't get around it. You have to break the small samsara to pass it!" Zhao Fugui said lightly, "although the samsara of the little hell road is powerful, there is no powerful one that can't be dealt with. I have a way to deal with it. You wait here. When I break the samsara, you will leave here and return to the outside of kunxu passage!"

"Be careful, Mr. Zhao!" Zheng Wen nervously said that the piercing Yin Qi has made them pale, and several real warriors can still insist, but the agents of the Moon Palace can't hold on any longer. If they don't retreat, those agents and real warriors who haven't recovered will be frozen to death."I know in my heart, you stay away from here!" Zhao Fugui said, and then went straight to the gloomy town.

After Zhao Fugui's death, Zheng Wen and his family quickly retreated. They couldn't stay a mile away from the town. They had to retreat at least two or three miles away from the town.

After Zheng Wen and them, Zhao Fugui's figure gradually went to the town. After a distance behind them, they met another person.

"Zhang long, are you still alive?" Zheng Wen and his family are retreating. After a short distance, a figure suddenly appears in front of them. Zheng Wen takes a closer look and finds that the figure is Zhang long. Zhang long has been missing for some time. Zheng Wen thought he was dead.

"You are not dead, how can I die!" Zhang Long's face looks like a dead man. He says with a smile.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Zhao has gone to the front to break the last little hell cycle. It's too cold in front. We can't stay there until Mr. Zhao breaks the last little hell cycle!" Zheng Wen has no affection for Zhang long now. He says impatiently, "if you want to live, come with us. If you want to die, go ahead!"

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