Super Monk

Chapter 2671

"If you say that, you can't talk about it. If you can't talk about it, you will die!" Zhao Fugui looked at the cow head and said.

"Boy, master Niu still doesn't know how to write dead words!" A dark light flashed through the huge ox's eyes. It suddenly raised its hand and slapped Zhao Fugui. Little hell road has its own limits and scope. The power of hell road can't work beyond its limits. That is to say, according to the principle, the power of Tauren can only work within the scope of small town, but now it's obviously not just that.

A dark giant hand suddenly appeared, which was composed of the extreme Yin Qi. As soon as it appeared, it immediately caught Zhao Fugui.

"So you've been illiterate for too long!" Zhao Fugui gave a sneer. Looking at the terrible hand, he saw a golden flame burning in his eyes. He slowly raised his hand and reached out to the dark hand. Zhao Fugui slowly raised his hand. His arm seemed to bear the weight of Mount Tai. The speed of lifting his arm seemed to be very slow, but it was just before the dark giant hand caught him.

"Boo!" It was like the sound of a bubble burst, and there was a thick crack in the dark hands. The huge black hands were just like a big bubble, and Zhao Fugui was told to break them.

"It seems that once your power is out of the scope of ghost town, there will be a great decline!" Zhao Fugui seems to have done a trivial thing. He sneers and says, "with your strength, you can extend out of the ghost town. Why fight with me?"

Niutou's power can really penetrate into the outside of the ghost town, but this power has been greatly weakened. Although the power of xiaohelldao is almost unable to suppress the ghost town now, it can still be suppressed at least for the time being. Therefore, Niutou's power quickly decays as soon as it penetrates into the outside of the ghost town. Although it looks amazing, it does not threaten Zhao Fugui at all.

"So what? I can't kill you. You can't take the token from outside the town and cross the town. When those fools open the seal of kunxu, you will still die! " The huge eyes of the ox head flashed a little blood red light, and its nostrils blew out two black gases angrily. It gave Zhao Fugui a fierce look, and then turned directly to the ghost town.

Ghost town is the real home of these ghosts. Niutou believes that no matter how strong Zhao Fugui is, he will die if he dares to enter the town. If he doesn't enter the town, he won't be able to take the last token, break the six path samsara array, and leave the seal of entering kunxu. He can't stop those people either. When they succeed, the seal of kunxu will be opened.

At that time, Tauren's real body will come, even if it is only a spiritual consciousness that has been destroyed, it will still be strong as long as it enters the body. Tauren's separation in the ghost town is just like Zeus's Divine Body in the city of gold, which is used to recover his strength in the shortest time.

It is because of this that the noumenon of Niutou is in the seal of kunxu. It can communicate with Fenshen at the same time. Therefore, we know what the people of Changsheng organization do. This is also the reason why the Fenshen of Niutou wants to stop Zhao Fugui.

"It's strange that master Niu can't kill this dog Taoist. Is this dog Taoist very strong?" At this time, at the entrance of the ghost town, the half body ghost and the big head ghost seem to be not intelligent enough, and they are still whispering there.

"Are you blind? The dog Taoist almost made a hole in our town with a slap just now. Do you think he is strong? I think he's a fairy. He's watching us do evil things, so he's coming to collect us! " Big head ghost whispered.

"Damn flies, buzzing cow, I'm upset!" Niu tou slapped the big headed ghost and the half body ghost impatiently, but they didn't recover for a long time.

"Are you sure I can't kill you?" At this time, Zhao Fugui's calm voice rang up, his faint voice rang up in the whole ghost town. "Thump!"

At this moment, the thick dark cloud composed of Yin Qi above the ghost town was directly torn open, and a huge General Xu Ying rose up. The General Xu Ying's body had been condensed like fog. When Zhao Fugui first created this fist, this huge general was just a shadow, except for the place on the fist, it was almost a shadow.

However, with the improvement of Zhao Fugui's strength, the image of the general becomes more and more solid. If there is plenty of aura in heaven and earth, the virtual image of the general can swallow up a lot of aura in a moment, and Zhao Fugui's strength also continues to increase. I'm afraid that the general can completely change from the virtual to the real, and become a real God general, who can be called to come and wave away, and be extremely powerful. And even now, Zhao Fugui's strength has reached half step and half god, and the power of thumping has been terrifying.

Xu Ying, a hundred meter tall general, appeared above the ghost town. Then Xu Ying, a huge general, hit the ghost town with one blow. The Yin Qi, which was like a canopy above the ghost town, began to burn with the power of this blow.

With this terrible blow, the whole ghost town was in a commotion. The middle and lower level ghosts were shivering under the meaning of the terrible blow. They could not make any effective response at all. They just looked like they were waiting to die. And those ghosts with strength in the middle and upper classes also gave out a grudging roar one after another, and they rushed to the sky against the fist of General Xu Ying."Bang, bang, bang, bang!" Innumerable dense crackling sound instantly rang up, a ghost hit on the fist of General Xu Ying, then burst directly, into a trace of black fog.

But Chuidi is not Zhao Fugui's big handprint. Although these ghosts are not weak, fierce and fearless, they rush to the huge fist of the general, but they can't stop the blow of this fist at all.

"Damn the Terrans!" At this time, as like as two peas at the bull's head, the huge ghost of war will be seen, and the angry and extreme growl will be fiercely. The ghosts of the sky are rushing like a bull in the sun, and a dark figure will appear behind the ox's head in the blink of an eye. The dark figure looks almost like a bull's head. This is the real appearance of the bull's head made from Yin Qi. It's just that this dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma DHA.

As soon as this horrible Yin Qi Dharma body condensed, it directly lowered its head and rushed to the huge General Xu Ying.

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