Super Monk

Chapter 2695


Zhao Fugui's figure was heavily bumped into the rocks. The figure that just stood in front of him was the spirit. The spirit saw the silver light shooting at Zhao Fugui and did not hesitate to stand in front of him. The last scene that Zhao Fugui saw before he fainted was the blood of the spirit spilling all over the sky.

"Hum, damned Terran!" The demon of Hutou human body reaches out to catch the silver magic weapon that flies back automatically. The magic weapon shrinks and turns back into a silver bracelet, which is put on its wrist. The demon of Hutou human body stares coldly at Zhao Fugui who bumps into the rock. It can feel that Zhao Fugui is not dead.

This damned Terran dares to attack it. The demon of Hutou human body feels that its authority as a demon has been challenged. The demon is the Lord of heaven, and the Terran is just the food of a hundred races. Even the slaves can't match it. A Terran dares to challenge the authority of its demon generals. He is simply looking for death.

The demon with tiger head will feel that Zhao Fugui is only seriously injured, but he didn't die, which makes him even more angry. Just when the demon with tiger head will continue to kill Zhao Fugui directly, he suddenly looks up into the distance and feels a strong will in that direction.

"Damn Terran, good luck to you!" The demon general felt the strong will, and his eyes twinkled. There was a trace of fear in his eyes. Then he hesitated. The demon general took a look at Zhao Fugui's direction and quickly controlled the seven color black bird to fly to the distance.

The demon will sit on the seven color black bird and fly to the distance. In a short time, it will disappear in the darkness. Until this time, there is a light in the sky. The light pierces the darkness and brings light directly.

"Sister!" Several teenagers hiding around ran out in panic. There were more than ten young boys and girls in the cave last night, and now there are only four of them. Most of them have died. The four surviving teenagers rushed to this side, but all they found was the body with incomplete spirit. Her body was already bright.

"Sister is dead!" The four teenagers all know that the spirit is dead. The girl who took them all the way is dead. The four teenagers look sad. One of them holds the body of the spirit, and the other begins to dig on the ground.

"My father said that our human race came from the earth, and we will return to the earth when we die." A young man wiped his tears and threw away the soil on the ground with his hands.

The remaining two teenagers dig up the rocks and start to look for Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui blocks the seven color Xuanniao. They want to find Zhao Fugui whether they live or die.

"All the Honghuang ethnic groups, Nuwa made them into human beings, and let them have the congenital Tao. They learn everything the fastest. Unfortunately, their lives are too short, and they always waste time for these so-called feelings, wasting the congenital Tao in vain!" In the void, countless talents looked at this scene, some people said with a sneer.

"The human race never knows what is the respect of the strong. The feelings are just some jokes. They never have the strength to be true! It's the same with the Terrans who come to the time when he cut off. If we are the demon clan, we can't escape immediately, and we can still have a life. Hum, this stupid Terran dares to attack the demon general. He is really looking for death. If it hadn't alerted his remaining consciousness in the long river of time and space, the boy would have died long ago! " Another one sneered.

"I think it's the understanding of anger, hatred and other feelings that makes the human race rise from the hundred races." Another one said thoughtfully.

All these powers of speech are not Terran powers. There are still some Terran powers in the void. In those days, the man didn't distinguish the enemy by race, he just distinguished strength. And none of the humanoid powers in the void spoke, not only they did not speak, but also none of the top powers spoke out.

These top powers don't even show their eyes, but other powers are very clear. These top powers must also watch what happens in the tributary of the time and space that is intercepted from the river of time and space by that person, because it is related to whether they can escape from the seal of ten thousand years.

The ancient world where Zhao Fugui lived was not an illusory one, but a real one. It's just that the real world is a piece of time and space that the man intercepts from the vast river of time and space. He intercepts the river of time and space, and makes the river of time and space form a closed loop. What happens in this small world starts at one point and ends at another point. Then it repeats again and again. The Terrans and demons in this small world don't feel any abnormality at all. They just trace back their lives at a certain time point, and then everything starts again.

Even in this small world, even the remaining consciousness of that person can't feel the abnormality. This small world is the obsession left by that person. These powers in the void don't know why the man intercepted the tributary of the long river of time and space, so that it can't return to its origin and drown in the vast river of time and space. But all the powers are very clear that this place has become a big array of the seals of the kunxu. If you want to open the seal of the kunxu, you can only start from here.

But the time when all the life in this small world get free is also the time when those who are sealed in the kunxu seal can escape from the kunxu seal.In the void, all kinds of consciousness are communicating. They are preparing. Variables have arrived. The best opportunity to open the seal of kunxu has appeared. They will never allow this opportunity to slip away. These great powers not only need to open the seal of kunxu, but also kill Zhao Fugui before leaving the seal of kunxu.

Zhao Fugui is the variable that they have been waiting for for for a long time, but this variable may become a threat in the future, so they need to completely annihilate this threat before it grows up.

On the ground, two teenagers dug a big pit on the ground with their hands. They buried the spirit. Other people didn't even leave any corpses, only the corpses left by the spirit.

"Found it!" Soon after, the other two teenagers dug up the rocks and found Zhao Fugui. The two teenagers were surprised and yelled, "come and help, Zhao is still alive, dig him out!"

Zhao Fugui's skeleton is broken, and he has become a blood man. Even if his half step sage's body has no power to protect himself, he can't bear the attack of the silver magic weapon. It's still the attack of the silver magic weapon whose power has been continuously weakened.

Terrans have no time to grieve in this world, because they have to work hard to survive.

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