Super Monk

Chapter 2698

"The human race is destined to eat, which is what the Eastern Emperor himself said. The East emperor is the Lord of the heaven. Words are the law. If it says so, no matter what Beiluo does, it can't change that! " The demon emperor Si Chen sneered and said, "what's more, I'm afraid Beiluo can't even protect himself tomorrow, let alone protect the Terran!"

"You mean, Lord demon..." The three demon kings looked at each other and saw a bit of shock in each other's eyes. In the court of heaven, the power of Beiluo is gradually becoming stronger and stronger, which has already attracted many demon emperors and demon kings' dissatisfaction. Is it that you demon emperors are going to fight against Beiluo this time? But Beiluo will marry Luoshen, the daughter of Fuxi, the holy emperor. Do you dare to ignore Fuxi?

Although Fuxi had a good temper, he was by no means the master to swallow his anger. If several demon emperors killed Beiluo and hurt Luoshen, Fuxi would surely fight in heaven. I'm afraid that even the Eastern Emperor would not be able to protect them. Thinking of this, the three demon kings were frightened.

"Hum, with the presence of Nuwa and Fuxi, no one dares to destroy the human race. Beiluo wants to marry the daughter of Fuxi God. As a demon clan, we are not easy to fight, but we don't need to fight against him. Hehe, this man can't fight even if Fuxi God is very angry! " The demon emperor Department Chen in the eye flashed a cold light to sneer to say.

"Lord demon, who will do it tomorrow? Are they the great arjins of their own race The leopard eared demon king asked at once.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't know. Then you will know that if I say the name of that person, even if it is covered by my strength, Beiluo may not be aware of it!" The demon emperor Si Chen coldly said, "tomorrow, you will naturally know who did it. Now that we are in the city, you three should be honest with me. No one is allowed to act rashly until tomorrow, or you will not have to go back to heaven if you disturb Beiluo and do something bad! "

"Yes, Lord demon!" The three demon kings' faces changed slightly, and they immediately restrained their momentum. Even if they wanted to eat up the whole city, they didn't dare to show it.

Si Chen glanced at the three demon kings, his eyes flashed, and then stepped out to the Star King City. The three demon kings kept up with each other and entered the Star King City one by one.

The lights are bright in Xingjun's mansion, and countless people spontaneously come to help. Outside Xingjun's city, countless people try their best to come to Xingjun's city at the risk of traveling at night, even if they are attacked by monsters and pay the cost of their lives. Tomorrow's wedding is a great event that can make the whole Terran jubilant. Maybe the whole pattern of famine will change after tomorrow.

The fact that Beiluo was able to marry the daughter of Fuxi, the God of Luoshui, also made countless people feel proud, because Luoshen was also one of the most beautiful goddesses in Honghuang. The story of Luoshen and Beiluo was also well-known among the people, and everyone liked to tell it.

This night is doomed to no sleep. For the Terran, this may be the biggest event in recent thousands of years, but who knows how many powers behind the scenes are playing with the flow of humanity.

In Xingjun mansion, the three young people are also excited to help other spontaneous people. They want to decorate Xingjun mansion, decorate Xingjun mansion with all kinds of flowers growing in the wild, and prepare fruits and vegetables. There are countless things in Xingjun mansion that can keep them busy all night.

In Zhao Fugui's comatose room, there was only one young man looking at the busy people outside. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep. The young man was left to take care of Zhao Fugui and couldn't go out to help him. By this time, it was very late at night, but the Terran boy didn't feel sleepy.

"It's a pity, sister, they can't see the grand event of our Terran tomorrow. Otherwise, I don't know how happy they will be!" Looking at the busy people outside the window, the Terran youth suddenly darkened his eyes and said to himself.

"Spirit Just at this time, Zhao Fugui, lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes and cried, his whole body's power surging in an instant, and he hummed again, coughing up a mouthful of congestion.

"Zhao, are you ok?" Hearing Zhao Fugui's voice, the Terran youth in the room ran over and asked anxiously.

"Where is the spirit?" Zhao Fugui feels his blood is not smooth, even the flow of Daoli is not smooth, but Zhao Fugui can't take care of his problems and asks eagerly.

"Sister, sister is dead!" This Terran youth's arm was scratched by Zhao Fugui. His face showed a trace of pain. His eyes were dim and he said, "sister is dead, most people are dead. Only the four of us dug you out of the mountain and brought you to Xingjun city!"

"We found Xingjun mansion. A uncle in Xingjun mansion gave you a magic medicine. Let's have a rest here. They went out to help!"

There are eleven of them, but there are only five people who came to Xingjun city alive and Zhao Fugui. Since Zhao Fugui has a memory, six of them have died. Most of them have not come to Xingjun city alive, but this is the life of the human race in the ancient world. If five people can survive, others already think they are lucky.

"Dead?" Zhao Fugui let go of this Terran youth and slowly lay back on the bed. He and Ling only knew each other for one day, but Ling is like a sister who has known each other for many years. Ling is a sister who can sacrifice for others without hesitation in danger.Some people have known each other for a lifetime, but it seems that they have never known each other. Some people have known each other for a day, but it seems that they have known each other for a lifetime.

Spirit died, died in front of Zhao Fugui, Zhao Fugui looked at the distance, he watched the spirit died in front of his eyes, but he could do nothing. Zhao Fugui doesn't know who let him go through all this, and why.

Zhao Fugui just felt strongly that before a long time ago, perhaps these things had really happened, but it was not him who had experienced these things, but another young man of human race. That young man once powerlessly watched a girl like his sister die in front of him, but he could do nothing. At present, all this just reappears in Zhao Fugui's eyes for some reason.

What Zhao Fugui is experiencing now is all that the teenager once experienced, but Zhao Fugui doesn't know what the meaning behind all this is, why let him also experience these, let him see all this, all this is so real.

"Zhao, don't be sad any more. Although sister a is no longer here, we have survived. What she has done is meaningful. We survived. If we can learn something, we can protect more people in the future! " In the room, the boy's words seemed to come from a very distant place.

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