Super Monk

Chapter 2723

"Hiss!" Seeing that many people were running away, the giant snake suddenly gave out a proud hiss, and its fear of the Terran disappeared a lot. After all, there was only one person in the Terran who frightened them.

The huge one horned snake hissed with pride, and its whole body wriggled up the mountain. The whole body was perched on a mountain not far away. The mountain was just the entrance of kunxu seal guarded by the Moon Palace and Zhenwu army, but now the mountain was half collapsed.

"Hoo The one horned giant snake perched on the mountain peak, poked its head out, then opened its ferocious mouth and sucked fiercely at the nearby Zhenwu army's position again. In the blink of an eye, all the people in this position disappeared and were swallowed into the snake mouth. Although these people are all real warriors, far more powerful than ordinary people, they have no ability to resist in front of this one horned giant snake.

"Run, run, we can't deal with that giant snake at all!" The crowd that the giant snake devoured in the second bite completely collapsed these real warriors. The one horned giant snake can devour hundreds of people in one bite. How many of them can be eaten by the one horned giant snake? The Zhenwu army collapsed completely, and every Zhenwu began to rush away.

The Zhenwu army originally set up its position around the entrance of the kunxu seal, but later the ground vibrated and the whole position was pulled apart, and the position immediately became sparse. The original sparse positions are not conducive to defense, but now it is convenient for the real fighters to escape. If the positions are still closely arranged as before, I'm afraid the vast majority of the real fighters can't escape.

"Go, go!" The true fighters have completely collapsed. They are not real troops after all. They have no determination to fight to the end. Once the situation is unfavorable, they will collapse. Almost all of the true fighters are running away. They have thrown away their armor and even all their weapons, just to run faster.

"We can't stand it. Call the armed helicopter formation and let them come. Maybe they can wipe out this monster!" In the crude command room, the officer of Zhenwu army powerlessly threw away the communication device and turned to Li Lao's adjutant. Now there are adjutants in the positions of the whole Zhenwu army who have the right to call for air support. No one else has the right. Maybe dozens of armed helicopters can kill this huge one horned giant snake.

"Now there's a big earthquake. I'm afraid the helicopter formation can't support us. They can't come!" Said the adjutant, shaking his head. Now the whole ground is shaking, and it hasn't stopped until now. It's conceivable that this is a terrible huge earthquake, which may involve a very wide range. Once a big earthquake affects the air force base, I'm afraid the air force base will be too busy now. How can it still be able to support them?

"You are agents, and you are not soldiers. Even if you are soldiers, there is no way except to die in this situation. I advise you to run away. I want to run away!" The officer of the Zhenwu army opened his collar and looked at the giant one horned snake in the distance.

"Run away? Where can I escape now? We've all been parasitized with mutants. Even if we run away now, we'll only live a few more days. In a few days, everyone will become mutants! " The adjutant said with a pale face. As soon as he said this, the whole humble command room was quiet, and everyone looked at the adjutant, especially those in the Moon Palace.

"What variant? Although that light fell on me, I didn't feel anything else. If you want to die, just wait here. I'm leaving! " Although the officer of the real armed forces knew something about the variants, he was not very clear about the parasitism of the variants. After he finished, he saw that the giant one horned snake had already looked this way, and immediately rushed out of the command room without hesitation and ran into the forest.

"What do we do now, sir?" The Moon Palace agents in the command room all looked at the adjutant. These agents already had the consciousness of death. They were going to die sooner or later, now and in a few days. When the mutants entered their bodies, all of them were already dead.

"The giant snake is now perched on the peak at the entrance of kunxu. Now its body has blocked the entrance of kunxu. Maybe we can blow it up!" The adjutant took a deep breath and said quickly.

"But what do we use to blow it up? We don't have enough firepower or bombs at all A Moon Palace agent in the command room asked, now in this simple command room, all the people of Zhenwu army have fled, and the rest are all Moon Palace agents, but most of these Moon Palace agents don't know about the bomb.

"At the entrance of kunxu's seal, Mr. Li has arranged in advance to bury CL20 super explosive, which is ten times as powerful as TNT high explosive. A ton of CL20 is buried at the entrance of the kunxu seal, which is equivalent to the power of 20 tons of TNT! " The adjutant said in a hurry, "the body of the giant snake has blocked the hole. There is an alloy gate in the depth of the hole to block it. Once the CL20 explosive is detonated, the main power of the explosive will erupt from the hole. At that time, it can directly act on the body of the giant snake and maybe kill it!"

The adjutant said while taking out a micro bomb detonating device, he quickly connected the bomb detonating device to the computer, and verified the startup program in the computer. This explosive is too powerful. In order to prevent touching the detonating device by mistake or getting the detonating device by others, a detonating start program is stored in the computer. If this program is not verified, the detonating device is useless.Almost at the same time, the one horned giant snake had already looked this way. It opened its terrible mouth and sucked in this direction.

"Hoo A strong wind suddenly appeared, and the crude command room soon began to collapse, which was pulled up by the strong wind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor to work with you. I hope this is not the end of human history, but the beginning of a new world!" The adjutant tidied his collar, looked at the agents in the command room and said that the next moment his body was sucked up by the strong wind and flew to the sky. Almost at the same time, the adjutant pressed the switch of CL20 bomb detonator.

"Boom!" A huge explosion suddenly appeared in the night sky, and the strong air flow disappeared in this instant. All the people who were sucked up smashed to the ground heavily, and the huge mountain not far away suddenly exploded, and a terrible heat flow instantly engulfed the small half of the one horned giant snake.

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