Super Monk

Chapter 2728

In the dark, I don't know how long time has passed. Zhao Fugui only feels that his body is constantly floating in the dark. In the dark, it is like a dark river. Zhao Fugui's consciousness is constantly floating in the dark river. There was a dead silence in the darkness, no sound, no other things, only a dark dead silence.

In this silent darkness, even consciousness has to freeze. Zhao Fugui felt his thinking almost solidified several times in this darkness. Maybe the freezing of consciousness means the final darkness. Zhao Fugui tried to keep his consciousness from falling into the complete darkness until suddenly a piece of star light fell in the darkness.

The starlight seemed to restore the color of the whole dark world. Zhao Fugui's consciousness saw the light, which seemed to be emitted by the Big Dipper. His consciousness was involuntarily attracted by the light of the Big Dipper, involved by the light of the Big Dipper, and finally separated from the dark river.

"Hoo In the silent darkness, a long but powerful breathing sound appeared immediately, which was weak at the beginning, but soon became stronger and stronger.

Soon after, in the darkness, Zhao Fugui suddenly opened his eyes. His body seemed to have not moved for a long time. Zhao Fugui took a deep breath, and a smell of fishy smell filled his nose. At the same time, the bones in his body gave off a burst of "crackling" sound, as if the rusty bones had regained their power.

"I remember something exploded before, which nearly broke my body, but now my body is not only recovered, but also seems to be stronger!" Zhao Fugui slowly stood up from the darkness. He looked around. It seems that his current position is still in the body of the giant one horned snake.

But the wound of the giant one horned snake still did not recover, not only did it not recover, even its blood was drained. Zhao Fugui was near the wound. Under his feet was a dark green liquid that was about to dry up. There was a faint starlight on his head, which was very little. It seemed that there was something above the body of the giant one horned snake that covered the sky, and only a little light fell from the gap.

Zhao Fugui feels that his physical strength is even stronger than before. It seems that his physical strength has directly entered the great saint realm from the half step great saint realm, which is equivalent to the physical strength of the great saint realm.

"This giant one horned snake was blown to death!" Zhao Fugui wiped the clothes on his body, but found that he had no clothes on his body for a long time. Now he is naked. Although Zhao Fugui didn't smell the smell of corpse, he didn't feel any vitality in the body of the one horned giant snake. It seems that the giant snake has died, but the time of death should not be very long.

Seeing that the one horned giant snake is dead, Zhao Fugui is a little relieved. If the monster is not dead, I'm afraid it's still a problem. Zhao Fugui looked carefully to make sure that the monster was dead. His mind moved and he tried to run Daoli. However, his body was still empty, and there was no Daoli at all. However, Zhao Fugui found a few other forces in his body.

"Is this the power of the stars?" Zhao Fugui has a look of surprise in his eyes. He finds that the power in his body is actually the power of the stars cultivated by the star Taoism of Beiluo. Although Beiluo forced Zhao Fugui to have some cultivation methods and supernatural powers before he disappeared, Zhao Fugui only tried to use the cultivation methods of the star Tao body once before he was seriously injured. Unexpectedly, after the recovery of the serious injury, a little star power appeared in his body.

At that time, the God of Luo assassinated Beiluo with the time knife forged by Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor. The reason that the knife failed to kill Beiluo was that the star Tao of Beiluo was strong enough. With the strength of Luoshen and the use of time knife, if Zhao Fugui was stabbed with this knife, even if Zhao Fugui practiced Taiping daoshu to the extreme, he would not be able to bear it.

The so-called time knife is to cut time. After a knife is stabbed into the body, the knife can disturb and confuse time and space in a small range. Even the Tao body of Da Luo Jinxian can't resist it. It was because the sword was strong enough that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gave it to Luoshen and asked her to kill Beiluo.

But no matter the Eastern Emperor Taiyi or the God of Luo, they didn't expect that the star Taoist system of Beiluo was so strong and wonderful. The power of the time knife was sealed by Beiluo's star Tao body when it penetrated Beiluo's body. It couldn't confuse time and space in Beiluo's body, so it couldn't kill him.

Zhao Fugui's Taiping Taoist Scripture is like building a solid foundation for his body, while the star Taoist Scripture can really make him soar to the sky. After all, even the two strong men in the myth who practiced Taiping daoshu to the extreme, one eventually submitted to heaven, and the other was accepted by Lingshan, they failed to surpass the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism.

If Zhao Fugui only studied Taiping daoshu, he would not be able to go to the last step. But if Taiping daoshu had built the foundation, once Zhao Fugui's Xingchen DaoTi had been completed, he might even be stronger than Beiluo's.

"Before, all the bones and flesh of the body were broken, which was like a rebirth. Now the power of the stars is integrated into the body, and it becomes more powerful than before! " Zhao Fugui took a look at his feet and said to himself, "besides, his body is soaked in the gastric juice of the giant one horned snake. The gastric juice constantly corrodes his body, but makes his body stronger and stronger. Although I can't use Daoli now, my physical strength is no less than that of the body in the true Mahatma realm! "No wonder he didn't have any clothes on him. I'm afraid those clothes can't resist the corrosion of the gastric juice of the giant Unicorn snake. They have already disappeared in the corrosion of the dark green liquid.

"However, according to Beiluo's memory, Xingchen DaoTi is extremely difficult to cultivate. With his talent, it took him more than 100 years to cultivate Xingchen DaoTi to the extreme. Although I have the memory and experience of his cultivation, I can avoid many detours, practice at the optimal speed, and save a lot of time, I'm afraid it's not easy for me to succeed in the cultivation of the star Tao in a short time! "

"The book of Taiping Taoism can lay a good foundation for the Xingchen Taoism, and even Daoli can be easily transformed into the power of the stars. It seems that if you want to practice faster, you have to find the sealed Daoli. Apollo's crown is divided into five pieces, scattered in different places, we have to find them

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fugui has a plan. Although he has a body that has just entered the great holy land, he still can't give full play to the fighting power of the complete great holy land without the support of Tao power.

But the good news is that the power of the stars is not suppressed by the seal. He can continue to practice the star Tao while looking for Apollo's crown, and strive to accumulate more power of the stars.

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