Super Monk

Chapter 2735

"I killed this thing. If I want what's on it, you won't have anything left!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the remains of rhinoceros beast and said faintly.

"You killed it?" Xiao Yi's father looked at Zhao Fugui suspiciously. He saw that Zhao Fugui had no weapons at all, and he didn't look like a powerful man in a piece of animal skin. Then he sneered and said, "can you kill this rhinoceros by yourself? Who do you think you are? Do you know how powerful this rhinoceros is? "

"Then I really don't know how powerful this thing is!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

"Hum, just last month, our transport team in the fallen dragon city was attacked by two rhinoceros. The transport team had heavy weapons. There were four anti-aircraft machine guns fighting helicopters alone, and fifty or sixty people in the convoy, all carrying assault rifles. There were at least seven or eight heavy machine guns on the cross-country vehicle, not to mention two immortal masters. But even so, two rhinoceros attacked, killed 30 or 40 people, destroyed more than a dozen cars, and destroyed half of the transportation materials! " Xiaoyi's father said with disdain, "in the end, the transportation team just killed one rhinoceros and drove away another. The transport team is not the opponent of rhinoceros. You want to kill rhinoceros with your bare hands. Who do you think you are? "

"Listen to you so say, rhinoceros animal sounds to pour really is quite fierce!" Zhao Fugui showed a thoughtful expression and said, "but what do you mean by the immortal master?"

Rhinoceros, a little weaker than the king of golden wolf, is powerful because of its rough skin and thick flesh. If they are fired by the anti-aircraft machine guns which are used to fight against fighter planes and air defense, they are very likely to be killed. However, these so-called transport teams have such strong firepower and many fighters, but they are still killed by two rhinoceros The beast caused so many casualties.

One reason for this is that rhinoceros have certain wisdom. The other reason is that the so-called transport team is not a regular army or a well-trained armed personnel.

However, Zhao Fugui is not concerned about this, but about the so-called immortal master in the middle-aged population. Is Zhao Fugui's mind? Now those real immortal strong people in the wild have begun to preach? At that time, Beiluo sword swept all the sky, and the standard was the strong one whose strength was equal to the level of human immortals. All the strong people above the level of human immortals, including the level of human immortals, were swept and sealed by a sword. Of course, for the demons, Beiluo lowered a lot of standards, otherwise the remaining demons would be enough to kill the Terran.

The strong people whose strength is equal to that of human immortals are not affected, and the so-called human immortals are the existence of the human friars after the robbery. Zhao Fugui's half step sage is equivalent to a strong man in the robbery period, that is, the peak of breaking through the void in Zhenwu circle. The strong man who breaks through the void is also an immortal.

Above the human immortals are the earthly immortals, the celestial immortals, the golden immortals, the great luojinxian, and so on. When Xingjun city was attacked, not counting Beiluo, the strongest among the strong people was the great luojinxian Wujiang. Although there are not many strong people in the human race, there are not many real immortals. In particular, there are probably more than 100 strong people in the level of human immortals and earth immortals. If these people escape from the seal of Kyushu, they may have begun to preach.

No more than the level of human immortal, but it is equivalent to the old demon of ancient times, that is, the level of seven color Xuanniao. The strong one in the level of Dixian is just the level of demon generals, that is, the demon generals who attack Zhao Fugui with that silver magic weapon. Tianxian is equivalent to Yaoshuai, Jinxian is equivalent to the ancient great demon, and Wujiang is just as powerful as a demon king.

It sounds that the strength of the Terran is not weak. There are 100 real immortals and ancient golden immortals. But once compared with the demon clan, this strength is simply vulnerable. The demon clan has 100000 demon generals, 1000 demon Shuai, 100 big demons, 10 demon kings and three demon emperors, not to mention the emperor Donghuang Taiyi.

One hundred thousand demon generals are one hundred thousand earth immortals. In the ancient times, there were more than one hundred thousand demons above the level of earth immortals, while the Terran immortals and earth immortals were more than one hundred thousand. Such a power gap is a natural moat. That's why the weakness of the Terran is regarded as the blood food of the hundred. It can be said that each of the hundred tribes in Honghuang is much stronger than the Terran.

However, although there are few strong people in the Terran, there are 100 real immortals. They escape from the seal of Kyushu. Whether they want to recover their strength or for any other reason, they are also likely to pass down the Tao.

When Zhao Fugui heard that Xiaoyi's father mentioned the immortal master, he first thought of these powerful people who escaped from the seal of Kyushu.

"How dare you say what immortal master is? Get out of here, or I'll be rude! " Xiao Yi's father suddenly changed his face when he heard Zhao Fugui's words. He yelled. The Heavy Crossbow in his hand has aimed at Zhao Fugui.

"Dad, don't mess around. This gentleman has left us most of the things on the rhinoceros. We can't be ungrateful!" The small that full face oil stains says in a hurry.

"Jianguo, don't mess around!" Xiao Yi's grandfather also said.

"What do you know? Now it's not the past. You used to learn from me. In my opinion, you read your mind badly. Rhinoceros is such a precious thing. If he knew how valuable it was, how could it be left to us. Besides, he must not be able to take away the things on these corpses Xiaoyi's father's face is not good to Xiaoyi."Don't say it, sir. Go away quickly." Xiaoyijian couldn't persuade her father, so she said to Zhao Fugui. Xiaoyi's father used to be a good man, but since the great change of the world, Xiaoyi's father seems to be a different person, greedy, stingy and mercenary, and Xiaoyi is worried that his father will really do it.

"I don't know. I advise you to leave here at last!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Well, you're going to kill yourself. No one is going to rob us!" Xiao Yi's father's face suddenly shows a murderous air. The body of rhinoceros is related to whether his father can prosper with his son. No one wants to rob the body.

"Whoosh!" Xiao Yi's father's eyes are cold and pulls the trigger of the Heavy Crossbow in his hand. The reason why he doesn't use the assault rifle on his back is that the sound of the assault rifle will attract monsters. He will never shoot easily unless he has to.

"No!" Xiao Yi cried in horror.

"In this world, there are always too many people who don't know what to do!" Zhao Fugui looked slightly cold. Looking at the heavy crossbow, he raised his hand and flicked his finger on the tip of the crossbow.

"Dang!" With a light sound, the heavy crossbow, which can penetrate several millimeters of thick steel plate, was directly flicked away by Zhao Fugui. At this moment, Xiaoyi's family were all stunned.

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