Super Monk

Chapter 276

There's no comparison between these things and the local chicken of happy farm. It's too far away. Zhao Fugui can't understand how this kind of thing can be so popular in China. Can't everyone eat good or bad?

"This kind of junk food can be so popular. If you make Huaxia's own fast food with local chicken from happy farm, maybe you can go out of Huaxia and enter the world to compete with fast food giants like KFC! You can even drive KFC out of China Zhao Fugui whispered to himself.

After that, the capital of happy farm is abundant. Maybe it can enter the fast food industry and redefine the standard of the industry. Zhao Fugui thinks for a while and feels that this idea may not be impossible to realize. An entrepreneur without ambition is not a good entrepreneur, thought Zhao Fugui.

"Richness, what are you thinking?" Jiang Caiyuan saw that Zhao Fugui had thrown away chicken legs and pizza. She thought that there was something wrong with him and asked with concern.

"Nothing. You just need some pizza?" Zhao Fugui shakes his head. Instead of telling Jiang Caiyuan about these things that are not relevant at present, he asks.

"The ingredients of these chicken legs are very poor. Eating too much is bad for your health. I'll just eat fast pizza!" Jiang Caiyuan said.

"I'll treat you to a big dinner in the evening." Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

"Good!" Jiang Caiyuan immediately nodded happily.

Zhao Fugui and Jiang Caiyuan don't eat KFC junk food, but a few girls of high tech biology eat it with relish. In a short time, they only eat half of KFC family buckets and Pizza Hut's big pizzas.

At this time, a dozen lunch boxes were placed on the table. Several girls put down their food and went to the booth to take over the work of the male staff. The male staff began to have lunch.

Zhao Fugui didn't expect things to go so smoothly today. He just finalized the sales channels of several provinces in the morning, and he didn't pay much attention to happy watermelon.

These watermelons let the staff all cut and give to merchants and tourists to taste, let happy watermelon in the provincial capital more famous. Zhao Fugui brought about 500 Jin of watermelon today. It is conservatively estimated that at least one thousand people can taste happy watermelon.

Watermelons must not bring a lot of happiness to people today, and those who eat watermelons for free will certainly not be so happy.

In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui didn't pay attention to the happy watermelon. Xu Wei wanted to show the happy watermelon for two more days, but the customers and tourists in the stadium were so enthusiastic that the 500 Jin watermelon was gone in the afternoon.

A tourist and businessman asked if there were any happy watermelons in the booth the next day, and many people asked what kind of watermelons were produced. Zhao Fugui did not expect that because of the happy watermelon, Xiaowan village's happy farm has also made a big name in the provincial capital, which has attracted many tourists from the provincial capital to Xiaowan village.

In the afternoon, Zhao Fugui also went around the Hongshan gymnasium to see some agricultural products at various booths. Originally, Zhao Fugui wanted to see what rare things could provide Xiaowan village with some new snacks and dishes. Later, he found that there were not many new things here.

The farmers' fair in Hongshan gymnasium started at 9 am and lasted until 7 pm. Before 7 pm, Zhao Fugui and Xu Wei said hello and were ready to leave.

Jiang Caiyuan accompanied Zhao Fugui to hang out in Hongshan gymnasium in the afternoon. She didn't leave until this time.

"Caiyuan, let's go for a big meal. What would you like to eat? I wonder if there is any special food in the provincial capital! " Zhao Fugui finished the task on the first day and said to Jiang Caiyuan in a good mood.

"The most famous fish in the provincial capital is Hanshui fish. When the chairman came to taste it, he was full of praise, but the real Hanshui fish has high requirements for water quality, which is very rare now. Most of the visitors in the city are fake Hanshui fish. These years, even the local people in the provincial capital can't tell which is the real Hanshui fish! "

Jiang Caiyuan said to Zhao Fugui as she followed him outside.

Zhao Fugui also knows that Hanshui fish is a kind of flat big belly fish. Its shape is quite different from ordinary fish. However, Zhao Fugui has also eaten this kind of fish. He feels that although it tastes good, it's not surprising. After listening to Jiang Caiyuan's words, it is estimated that what she ate was also a fake Hanshui fish.

"It's better not to eat if you can't eat. Let's go to eat something else. What would you like to eat, Caiyuan?" Zhao Fugui said casually. Even if it's a real Hanshui fish, Zhao Fugui doesn't think it's better than the fish raised in the Lingquan water in Xiaowan village.

"Others can't eat it, but we can do it!" Jiang Caiyuan confidently said, "my father has a cousin. Four generations are fishermen by the spring river. The Hanshui fish that the chairman ate at that time were all caught by my father's cousin's father. His family now runs a restaurant by the Hanjiang River. Let's go there to eat real Hanshui fish! "

"All right, I'll listen to you!" Zhao Fugui went to get Rolls Royce and took Jiang Caiyuan to the other side of Hanjiang River. As soon as the Hanjiang River passes through the provincial capital, it divides the provincial capital into two parts. The Chunjiang river is actually a tributary of the Hanjiang River.

Rolls Royce walked slowly along the streets of the provincial capital. Not long after leaving Hongshan stadium, Jiang Caiyuan's mobile phone suddenly rang. Jiang Caiyuan took out her mobile phone and looked at it, but she didn't answer the phone."Why don't you answer the phone?" Zhao Fugui asked casually.

"It's uncle Xiao's call. He must have asked us to have dinner. I don't want to have dinner with them!" Jiang Caiyuan said.

Xiao Changlin's recent situation, Jiang Caiyuan also knows that he may want to borrow the mysterious energy behind Zhao Fugui to go further, but Jiang Caiyuan does not want to take advantage of Zhao Fugui's relationship. She does not want to let her relationship with Zhao Fugui be mixed with these things.

What's more, Xiao Changlin's intention of getting Jiang Caiyuan and Zhao Fugui together is very obvious. If they go to dinner together, Jiang Caiyuan is afraid that Xiao Changlin will say something that embarrasses her and Zhao Fugui.

"Then don't answer his phone, let's go to dinner by ourselves!" Zhao Fugui didn't think much. He didn't really want to deal with strangers.

After the phone rang for a while, no one answered and hung up. At the other end of the phone, Xiao Changlin said with a wry smile, "Caiyuan doesn't answer the phone. She doesn't want to take care of our business. It seems that it's not easy to do it!"

"Caiyuan is stubborn. It's hard for her to change what she thinks. I'll try to persuade her in the evening to see if I can arrange for you to talk to Zhao Fugui!" Lao Jiang also helplessly shook his head and said.

"That's all I can do!" Xiao Changlin nodded bitterly.

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