Super Monk

Chapter 2769

On the first floor of the Golden Dragon Pavilion, a lot of bullets are shooting directly at Zhao Fugui's body one after another. There are lights flashing on these warheads, which are the immortal power attached to the bullets. Unfortunately, these warheads strafed Zhao Fugui's body, just like hitting a very thick steel plate. When they hit Zhao Fugui's body, they twisted and deformed, and could not hurt Zhao Fugui at all.

After hitting Zhao Fugui, the twisted warheads directly fell to the ground. After a while, the sound of colliding needles crashing in the two assault rifles came. Chen Hao's two men had emptied the bullets in the assault rifles. Everyone looked at Zhao Fugui in horror. At least 50 or 60 bullets hit Zhao Fugui in such a short distance, but Zhao Fugui was just like a person who had nothing to do. How could it be so possible?

"My God, is this man a human monster? So many bullets won't kill you! " Those guests who were hiding far away suddenly showed a look of horror when they saw this scene and said in horror.

"It's definitely not a human form monster. Those bullets have been blessed by the immortal master. Even if the monster is hit, it can't be intact. Maybe this man is also a great immortal master!" Another guest retorted immediately.

"Yes, yes, this person may be the great immortal master of Xianwu sect, or the inner disciple or even the core disciple of Xianwu sect. Now Lin Chen and Chen Hao are going to have bad luck!" There are guests gloating said.

"It's too strong. I've seen our immortal masters in the Dragon falling city fight. Even those immortal masters in the Dragon falling city can't directly use their bodies to resist the assault rifles that have blessed the immortal Dharma. Maybe this person is stronger than the immortal masters!" Another said in a low voice.

"That's not necessarily. This person may have given some magic to himself, but we can't see it. Our immortal master in dragon city is a first-class old immortal. It's OK to fly in the clouds. How can he not be his opponent? " As soon as he said this, someone immediately retorted.

"Who knows, this man must be very powerful anyway!" Those guests who fled far away had lost their fear of Chen Hao when they saw this scene, and they all began to whisper.

Not to mention the guests who escaped far away, even Chen Hao and his group of subordinates were all shocked. These guys all showed a look of horror. They were not afraid of bullets. They had seen a lot of monsters, but it was the first time for them to see people who were not damaged by this kind of shooting.

"You, you?" Chen Hao stares at Zhao Fugui with a look of panic and disbelief. Chen Hao thought that there was nothing wrong with him in the city of falling dragon, but the development of this matter this evening completely exceeded his expectation.

"It seems that you don't have a deep understanding of the changes in the world now. Do you think you know a few people who hide a few guns and you are a character?" Zhao Fugui holds Lin Chen in one hand, turns around slowly and looks at Chen Hao coldly and says.

By this time, Lin Chen's eyes had already turned white, and a smell of coquettish smell immediately spread out. Although this guy didn't faint, he had been scared to urinate directly.

"I didn't expect you to be an expert, little brother. I, Chen Hao, have no eyes!" Chen Hao is also a character who can bend and stretch. He quietly made a gesture to the people behind him. Then he immediately changed his expression and said with a smile to Zhao Fugui, "it seems that today's matter is a misunderstanding. If you let Lin Shao go, we will treat it as if it didn't happen. What's more, my little brother will spend all his money with Chen Hao for free. How about wine and beauty

"Boy, please let me go. My Lin family can mobilize the guard team, with the support of the inner disciples of Xianwu sect. If you move me, you will die!" Lin Chen also responded at this time. Although he was afraid, he saw Chen Hao's gesture and immediately yelled.

Chen Hao must have sent someone to inform the Lin family, and even Chen Hao's own strength is not just on the surface. Even if Zhao Fugui is strong, he will die once the guard team comes. The guard team in the inner city is equipped with heavy weapons. There is almost no security team in the inner city. It's all the guard team.

There are 40 or 50 vehicles in these guard teams. Usually, four vehicles keep moving, and the rest are covered with thick oil for maintenance. The four mobile vehicles are all equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, which are not comparable to the power of heavy machine guns. A large number of anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy guns are concentrated in the inner city. The big men in the inner city have concentrated the strongest firepower for a long time, and the defensive firepower of the inner city wall is even more powerful than that of the outer city wall.

As soon as the guard goes out, at least two cars will follow. Even if Zhao Fugui is not afraid of assault rifle bullets, the anti-aircraft machine guns loaded on those pickup trucks are enough to sieve him.

"The fool!" When he heard Lin Chen's words, Chen Hao's face suddenly turned ugly. The people Lin Chen dealt with before were not real thugs in the outer city, or the self righteous thugs he met when he was in school. He didn't understand how to be afraid of real ruthlesss.

It's a threat to the students who are bullied or bullied in the outer city, but it's definitely a threat to them. If Zhao Fugui is really afraid of the Lin family, he will not trouble him at all. If he dares to trouble him, he will not be afraid of the Lin family. But Lin Chen is too conceited to understand this."Little brother, if the Lin family called the guard team, it would be troublesome. The defense of the inner city is solid. There are firepower networks everywhere. Once things get big, you can't get out of the inner city even if you kill Lin Shao. We could have been friends. Why make things so stiff? You let Lin Shaofang go, and I promise you can leave safely. Maybe we can still be friends in the future. Now many friends in the world are better than many enemies, right? " Although Chen Hao's face was a little ugly, he said immediately.

"Zhao Fugui, if you dare to touch me, the Lin family will not only kill you, but also all the people who have relations with you, the girl and her family. I'm an important member of the Lin family. If you dare to move me, the Lin family will never let you go, and the Xianwu sect will never let you go! " Lin Chen struggled and threatened.

"You still don't seem to have a clear idea of the situation. You, the Lin family or xianwuzong are not a problem for me. I said I would borrow your head tonight!" Zhao Fugui looks flat, but there is a trace of murderous in his eyes.


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