Super Monk

Chapter 2776

"Hum, this boy is so stupid that he dares to rush towards the high explosive bomb. He is not afraid of death. I'm afraid this guy will be fried to pieces now!" Seeing that the fire completely engulfed Zhao Fugui's body, a Lin family security guard said with a grim smile.

"Even if the ordinary immortal master is hit by a high explosive bomb without magic weapon, he will die, not to mention the pariah who comes out of nowhere!" Another Lin security guard sneered.

"It's not just this boy who has offended our Lin family. The fat black girl who ate with the boy this evening has already said that his girlfriend's name is Li Yiyi, and his younger brother's name is Li Qiang. Her family also has her parents and grandfather. All these guys have to die. However, Li Qiang has already got the qualification of the official disciple of Xianwu sect. Fortunately, he is not dead yet, but he is locked in the water prison. When we get rid of Zhao Fugui, we'll deal with the rest of his girlfriend's family later! " Another Lin family security guard said with a ferocious face.

"I'll find the boy's corpse later. Mr. Lin has to check it himself." Lin Bao casually waved his hand and said, his heart sneer, what master, offended the Lin family or a dead, but at this time, he looked at the direction of the fire, his pupils suddenly shrunk, and cried out, "how can this boy not die?"

"What?" A group of security guards can't believe that they can see Zhao Fugui's figure slowly coming out of the fire. It seems that the high explosive shell just now has no effect on him at all.

"The body of the great holy land is really stronger than that of the little holy peak, at least doubled. Now I'm afraid that even the depleted uranium armor piercing bullet may not be able to cause any damage to my body!" Zhao Fugui walked out of the fire, looked at the fist that hit the high explosive bomb, and said to himself that there was no damage on his fist, just some impact pain. "After all, the era of human science and technology is over, and the era of myth has returned. I'm afraid that such weapons will be eliminated soon!"

The modern weapons of human beings have begun to lose efficacy gradually. The damage that light weapons can do to the current demons and beasts is limited, and the heavy weapons have become more and more difficult to deal with half demons. Rhinoceros, which has just stepped into the small demon level, is rapidly becoming stronger every day. Once they have accumulated enough evil spirit, it will not be easy to kill them even if it is a machine gun fire. As for the more powerful monsters, they are not easily eliminated by human conventional weapons.

Now the dragon city depends on the Jindan friars of Xianwu sect and anti-aircraft machine gun heavy artillery to maintain the situation, but I'm afraid this situation can't last too long, and it's probably luck to persist for another half a year. Half a year will be enough time for those rhinoceros to recover to the level of ancient goblins. At that time, one or two rhinoceros will be able to cause heavy casualties to fall dragon city. If more powerful goblins appear, fall dragon city will be over.

Zhao Fugui took a look at his fist, then stepped in the air, turned into a black shadow and shot at them. In the villa, Li Yiyi was directly awakened by the huge explosion just now. She stumbled out and saw several bodies lying outside the villa. The four bodyguards arranged by the Liu family here were all dead.

"Fire, kill him, kill him!" Lin Bao's face changed greatly. He yelled in a terrified voice that he was not afraid of high explosive shells hitting directly. Even if he used magic weapons to stop them, it was very difficult to deal with such a strong man. Now he can only count on anti-aircraft machine guns and light machine guns to kill him.

"Fire, fire!" The other security guards were also flustered. The machine gunner who controlled the antiaircraft machine gun had already aimed at that side. Now he directly pulled the trigger and opened fire. The double barreled antiaircraft machine gun directly shot a dazzling bullet mark in the direction of Zhao Fugui.

Some of the other Lin family's security guards lie on the ground, and some hold light machine guns in their arms. More than a dozen Lin family's security guards use light machine guns to form tongues of fire. All these tongues fire at Zhao Fugui.

In the blink of an eye, these barrages were shot at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui didn't dodge at all, and rushed up against these barrages. He narrowed his eyes slightly and let the bullets of the machine gun and light machine gun strafe on his body. Those bullets would still bring him some pain, but they could not bring any harm at all. The bullets could not even tear off Zhao Fugui's skin.

"How can it be? Why isn't he afraid of bullets?" Lin Bao looked at Zhao Fugui and rushed directly against the barrage. His face suddenly showed a look of great fear. He screamed in a panic.

Even if the magic weapon was used to resist bullets, those bullets should be blocked in the distance outside the body. But Lin Bao clearly saw that the bullets from both the anti-aircraft machine gun and the light machine gun had hit Zhao Fugui, but these bullets could not cause any damage at all, and even Zhao Fugui's skin could not be penetrated.

"He's not a man, he's a monster, he's a monster!" Seeing that Zhao Fugui has rushed to the front, a security guard of the Lin family screams in horror. He lets Meng throw away his gun and runs away.

"Run, run!" One person took the lead in running away, and immediately other people couldn't bear the fear. Now there are real monsters in the world, and they are still cannibals. Other security guards immediately started to run away."Damn it, don't run!" Lin Bao screamed in horror, but when he saw that Zhao Fugui had appeared in front of them, he killed two shooters in a flash. He also knew that the task they wanted to kill Zhao Fugui today was absolutely impossible. Lin Bao made a quick decision and yelled, "retreat, retreat!"

Before Lin Bao began to call for retreat, he had turned and ran to the darkness in the distance. He was a perfect state in the construction period, and his strength was much stronger than other security guards, so he ran the fastest. Other security guards saw that Lin Bao also ran away. Even those security guards who had the courage to shoot at last also started to run away quickly. But at this time, the anti-aircraft machine gun which was already very popular It rang again.

"Dada dada dada!" The thick bullet heads swept wildly around. These bullets which had no effect on Zhao Fugui's body became a life-threatening token for these security guards. These guys fell down like wheat harvested by a harvester.

"Damn bastard, Mr. Lin will never let you go!" When Lin Bao saw the bullets of the anti-aircraft machine gun sweeping towards him, he was scared out of his wits. He let out a hoarse howl, and then he was completely submerged by the bullets of the anti-aircraft machine gun. A master builder is not as good as a dog in this world.

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