Super Monk

Chapter 279

"Sister Ling!" When Jiang Caiyuan ran to the box, she saw that the box was in a mess, the table was overturned, and half of sister Ling's cheek was red and swollen, shrinking in the corner of the box.

A young man with a sullen and crazy look was just about to smash a wine bottle on sister Ling's head. Some of the other people around the young man were smashing the table, and some were yelling at her.

"Smelly bitch, dare to fool me with fake hanshuiyu, I'll kill you!" With a shriek, he smashed the bottle on sister Ling's head.

"Stop it Jiang Caiyuan's face was pale and she cried out. The young and the big wine bottle in his hand continued to hit sister Ling's head. If a bottle of wine is smashed on sister Ling's head, sister Ling will surely come to a bloody end.

Jiang Caiyuan stood at the door of the box, only two steps away from sister Ling. Seeing that the sullen young man didn't stop, Jiang Caiyuan rushed up without hesitation and put her hand in front of the wine bottle.

"Bang!" The wine bottle is smashed on Jiang Caiyuan's arm. Jiang Caiyuan screams in pain and falls on sister Ling. Sister Ling quickly holds Jiang Caiyuan.

"Stop, don't touch her!" Ling elder sister screams loudly, quickly protects Jiang Caiyuan, and stares at Da Shao with anger and hatred.

"Oh, it's sisterhood. The old one has a little one, and the little one is still a beauty. It seems that I will have fun tonight! " He threw away the wine bottle in his hand and said with a grim smile.

"Da Shao, this girl is really good. Why don't you take her away for fun?" Tiger brother rubbed his hands and reached for Jiang Caiyuan's face.

"Play?" Big and little Yin Li's eyes look at Tiger elder brother, tiger elder brother heart a cold, the grimace on the face suddenly stiff. Tiger brother was so proud just now that he almost forgot that now he can't play any more. What he said is a taboo.

"No, no, it's the kids who have fun!" Tiger brother said quickly.

"Don't mess around. Caiyuan is from the Jiang family. If you dare to mess around, her father won't forgive you!" Sister Ling said quickly. Jiang's family is No.1 in the provincial capital. Generally, the second generation of gangsters want to give some face. Sister Ling is afraid that they will hurt Jiang Caiyuan, so she quickly moves Jiang's family out.

"The Jiang family?" Tiger brother's face changed slightly. Jiang family knew that these gangsters couldn't provoke the people of Jiang family. Otherwise, not to mention the provincial capital, even the whole central China could not survive. "Look, young and old?"

Tiger brother is a little nervous and looks at Da Shao. Da Shao is not afraid of the Jiang family, but these gangsters can't be afraid. When something goes wrong, Da Shao's Jiang family can't make trouble, and they will certainly vent their anger on these gangsters.

"The Jiang family? The Jiang family is nothing! How dare a second or third rate family in the provincial capital scare Laozi? " With a grim smile, he didn't pay attention to the Jiang family at all. He reached out and grabbed sister Ling's hair, ready to pull him away and pull away Jiang Caiyuan, who was protected by her.

Sister Ling's eyes are full of despair. Even the Jiang family can't scare these people. Who else can save them today? Several chefs on the first floor heard the news and looked furtively, but no one dared to help.

"Bitch, get out of here!" Da Shao grabs Ling Ling's hair and pulls her out. Ling screams in pain. But the more she makes a painful sound, the more excited the expression on Da Shao's face is.

"Pa!" At this time, Jiang Caiyuan took advantage of the fact that he didn't pay attention to her. Ninja slapped him in the face and said angrily, "let her go. If you don't leave, I'll call the police!"

He almost fell to the ground when he was reeled by the fan. This guy is weak and weak. He is not as good as a woman.

"Damn, you dare to beat us, don't want to live?" Brother Hu kicks sister Ling away and pulls Jiang Caiyuan up, but he doesn't dare to move Jiang Caiyuan. Jiang's family can't be provoked.

"Damned girl, how dare you hit me? You still call the police? Who dares to take care of me? " Little brother Hu and other people in the box subconsciously swallow their saliva. They all step back a little, and even dare not look at the expression on little's face. They all know how insane little brother Hu has become since he was "badly hit" in Chengdu.

He was not a human being when he started to go crazy. Brother Hu and his companions all hid far away. If they were not afraid of the anger of the young, they would all turn around and run away now.

The name of the Jiang family can't scare these people, nor can the police. Jiang Caiyuan's face looks desperate, and she doesn't know who can save them.

"Ah Hu, hold her hands. I'm going to blow her face today!" The young and the old yelled wildly, "Shua" and even took out a butterfly knife from their body. The people who saw the sharp blade felt cold.

It took this woman's face more than raping her. She was raped. The Jiang family concealed the news for several years. Who would know in two years? After a long time, maybe it's over, but if you scrape such a beautiful woman's face, it's a lifelong revenge.

No matter how long the feud lasts, the yuan family's energy and money will definitely kill their accomplices. Brother Hu is not brother long. If he dares to fight against the Jiang family and make the Jiang family a dead enemy, he will be doomed."Young and old, why don't you cut these two women off?" Brother tiger said in a big voice.

"What? Do you want to give up? " The boy's playful eyes looked at Tiger brother. Tiger brother was shocked. He immediately thought of one of his men who had been with him two days ago. The guy's eyes were gouged and his hands and feet were broken. Now he's still throwing it in the mental hospital in the provincial capital.

"Young and old, I'm talkative, I'm talkative, I don't dare any more!" Tiger brother "plop" fell on his knees, slapped himself hard, and begged to the young.

"Trash, get out of here!" Big young crazy laugh a few, kick in tiger elder brother's face. Tiger brother was kicked down, quickly climbed to the side, no longer dare to many. Several other people are the same, one by one look scared, do not dare to see the big or small.

Just at this time, a cook sneaked out of the kitchen and ran up to the second floor. He was frightened to find Zhao Fugui and yelled, "come on, there's something wrong with the landlady and Miss Jiang!"

Zhao Fugui's face changed greatly. Teng stood up and rushed to the bottom of the building immediately.

"Smelly girl, I'm Li. I scratched your face. I told your father at night that I did it!" With a grim smile, the butterfly knife in his hand flowed on Jiang Caiyuan's face.

"Stop it At the moment when the butterfly knife is about to fall on Jiang Caiyuan's face, Zhao Fugui rushes in, slaps Da Shao's face and flies this guy out.

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