Super Monk

Chapter 2791

"Order everyone not to shoot easily unless they have to. Once the shooting goes too far in the dark, it will certainly attract other monsters!" Lin Yuandong sat in the pickup truck, holding a string of rosary beads in his hand, and said to Lin Yuannan.

"I know, big brother!" Lin Yuannan nodded and said, then he took out his walkie talkie and immediately ordered the guard. The soldiers of the guard team have been on guard for a long time. The anti-aircraft machine guns on the eight pickup trucks point to the darkness on both sides. Hundreds of the guards and the Lin family security team turn on the lights to shine on the darkness, and they also begin to take advantage of the favorable terrain.

But every soldier's face is extremely nervous. In the dark, when people gather more, the smell will be transmitted far away. Once the time is long, it will attract a large number of monsters. There are not many powerful monsters outside the falling dragon city. Basically, rhinoceros is one of the strongest monsters. The strength of rhinoceros is close to the level of goblin, which is about half demon to Goblin. It is much weaker than the weak golden wolf king in the ancient goblin. However, one or two rhinoceros are enough to cause great damage to the human team of this vitality configuration.

Not to mention that the surrounding area of falling dragon city is the territory of hyenas. Although hyenas like to act alone, the number of hyenas active around falling dragon city is extremely considerable. Once they meet the prey of a large group, those hyenas will cooperate with each other in hunting. Once their number reaches a certain level, I'm afraid that the people of this group will be in danger.

"Big brother, when is Nanjiang immortal master coming? We have been waiting for half an hour. There are more and more monsters around us! " It's like ants on a hot pot. After waiting for half an hour, Lin Yuannan couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead. In the darkness around the team, there are more and more blood red and dark green animal eyes. These monsters are gradually approaching the team and may attack at any time.

"Master, there are more than ten hyenas moving towards our rear. They want to cut off our rear road!" At this time, the security team leader of the Lin family said nervously that the security team leader was a master of Kaiguang period, and he was also invited by the Lin family from Xianwu sect at a high price. He was once a formal disciple of Xianwu sect.

There are many formal disciples in Xianwu sect, but not half of them are valued. Many of them just have some cultivation talents, and they are too slow to improve their cultivation. As time goes on, their status becomes lower and lower. The names of formal disciples can't bring them cultivation resources for no reason. The cultivation resources given by the sect are not enough, so they have to find their own way.

This kind of formal disciples are not even as good as some good external disciples, but there's no way. Xianwu sect really pays attention to internal disciples and zhenzhuan disciples. It's good that more than one third of the 1000 formal disciples are concerned. Those with poor cultivation talent, Xianwu sect basically let them live and die on their own.

"These damn animals!" Once the monster's face is very dangerous, it can't be judged by ordinary animals.

"Master, those hyenas in the back must not stay, or we will be in danger when we retreat. We must eliminate them immediately!" The security captain nervously said that if he was trapped in the hyenas, let alone a dozen hyenas, it would be dangerous for five or six hyenas to besiege the friars of Kaiguang period. After all, the poisonous teeth and claws of hyenas are not vegetarian. Ordinary people will die when they meet them. The friars in the foundation building period can only resist a little more.

Lin Yuandong's face is gloomy and hesitant. If he orders to open fire, those monsters in the dark will start to attack immediately. If they don't open fire, they may be able to stand still for a while, but the longer they stand still, the more unfavorable it will be for Lin's motorcade.

"Big brother, when will Nanjiang arrive? This guy has no sense of time. Maybe he will kill us! " Lin Yuannan looked back at the rear of the team and said nervously.

"It's coming, it's coming!" At this time, the security captain suddenly pointed to the sky and said, Lin Yuandong, they quickly looked into the darkness, and saw a golden light appeared in the sky. The golden light tore the darkness, just like a golden sword light flying from the distance, and soon came close to the falling dragon city.

"Magic, this is the real magic!" Lin Yuandong looked at the sword light enviously and murmured that although he was the head of Lin family, he was too old to practice any more. "Come on, turn on the searchlight and show the way to Nanjiang immortal master. Everyone welcome Nanjiang immortal master!"

"It's a magic talisman for thousands of miles. It's a magic means!" Lin Yuannan also murmured that he was younger than Lin Yuandong and knew a little more about Xianwu sect. He knew that this golden light was the magic talisman of Xianwu sect. With this talisman, he could travel thousands of miles a day and night, which was the fastest means of transportation now.

Nanjiang is a monk in the LINGJI period. In the Xianwu sect, he is qualified to be a steward in the outer gate when he reaches the Kaiguang period, not to mention LINGJI. However, there are few steward positions and many Kaiguang disciples, so it doesn't matter. It's impossible to make up for the lack of steward in the mountain without contacts. Nanjiang is just a steward in the Xianwu sect, because Nanjiang's master is an elder in the Jindan period I have contacts.Not to mention that Nanjiang has been cultivated to the end of the golden elixir period. Only one east pearl is needed to gather the outer door golden elixir. He and the security team leader of the Lin family can be said to be quite different. If it wasn't for a master of the golden elixir period, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to get this thousand mile magic talisman, and I'm willing to use it.

However, there are very few powerful demons in the control area of Xianwu sect. Therefore, the disciples of Xianwu sect dare to use the thousand mile talisman to avoid several dangerous places. Otherwise, they may be dead if they are found by a powerful demons.

When the guards and the security team saw the golden light, they hurriedly prepared to meet him. If you put him in the fallen Dragon City, he would be the second person next to the immortal master of Jindan. His status is much higher than that of the four families.

The golden light in the sky seemed to have noticed the people below. The golden light lingered in the dark and then fell to the ground.

"Welcome Nanjiang immortal master!" On the ground, Lin Yuandong and Lin Yuannan, together with a group of guards and security guards, cried out and bowed down.

"Roar, roar!" Almost at the same time, the monsters were a little restless, and then rushed directly to the team.

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