Super Monk

Chapter 2805

Most of the people in the martial arts arena think that Zhao Fugui must be crazy. They dare to say that Jindan Yuanying is a mole ant in front of the great immortal master. It's like looking for death.

"It's over, it's over, it's dead!" Even Liu Wei is desperate. His legs are soft, and he wants to be scared to kneel on the ground. Zhao Fugui has offended Da Xian Shi completely. Even if Zhao Fugui can win Nanjiang, the Liu family will not have a good life.

"Brother Zhao is so powerful that he doesn't even pay attention to Jindan Yuanying. He is so powerful Liu Debiao, who was slow to respond, murmured instead.

Liu Wei looked at Liu Debiao with hatred. It was a toothache, but now he has no time to talk to Liu Debiao.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. You're just a mortal and a pariah. How dare you despise the people in the immortal way? I'll use your blood to remind those who want to ignore the immortal world!" Nanjiang is already very angry. He wants to use Zhao Fugui's death to frighten others and let them know that the authority of Xianwu sect is inviolable. Nanjiang drags the wooden card, infuses the aura into the wooden card, and yells "Lei Lai!" again

"Boom!" A thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air. The thick thunder and lightning were as thick as a bucket. The terrible thunder appeared from the wooden card, and then directly blasted to Zhao Fugui. The thunder was like a terrible thunder snake, which immediately rushed to Zhao Fugui.

"Boom!" Almost just for a moment, the terrible thunder and lightning has hit Zhao Fugui. In a flash, the dazzling thunder has engulfed Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui seems to have fallen into a sea of thunder and lightning.

"Ah Li Yiyi screams and covers his mouth tightly. Lin Yuandong's face shows a contemptuous smile. Zhao Fugui originally thought he had some ability, but he was engulfed by Lei FA of Nanjiang immortal master. This guy is just a clown.

"OK, so is the clown. Liu Wei, hand in your water plant!" Lin Yuandong cheers impatiently to Liu Wei, but at this time he suddenly feels wrong. Liu Wei looks at the center of the challenge arena, with an unbelievable look on his face, and has no response to Lin Yuandong's words.

Lin Yuandong felt as if something was wrong. He turned to the center of the challenge arena and widened his eyes.

"Your thunder method only attracts ordinary thunder and lightning. It has average power against ordinary demons and beasts. It's just something you can't use!" Zhao Fugui's voice rings from the thunder light. The dazzling thunder light jumps on Zhao Fugui's body for a few seconds, and then it begins to disappear reluctantly. Zhao Fugui's whole body is completely intact except his upper body's clothes are burnt.

Nanjiang's thunder method has the same power as those of the earth awakeners in the West. It's naturally powerful against ordinary people, not to mention Zhao Fugui. Even half demon Dusi is not afraid of this thunder method, that is, ordinary monster can still deal with it. Zhao Fugui estimated that this kind of lightning is the power to electrocute two or three hyenas at a time. For rhinoceros, this is tickling.

But for Zhao Fugui, the thunder method is not worth mentioning. It's a joke to use ordinary thunder to deal with Zhao Fugui.

"What?" Nanjiang widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Fugui undamaged. He couldn't believe what he saw. Even Da Xian Shi's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and his face looked suspicious. He was not sure about the origin of Zhao Fugui.

"If you only have this ability, it seems that you can't kill me!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Good!" At this time, there was an undisguised cry of praise from the Liu family, and then Liu Debiao clapped his hands.

"Shut up and be quiet!" In the martial arts arena, a few of the immortal masters who just came to the arena looked over here discontentedly. Liu Wei quickly kicked Liu Debiao hard and scolded him in a low voice.

Now, the situation of the immortal masters of the Xianwu sect is not good. Even if you are happy, you can't show it. Otherwise, if you offend those immortal masters, you will be in trouble.

"Hey, hey, I'm happy for brother Zhao. Brother Zhao is so awesome!" Liu Debiao also found that the atmosphere was not right, laughed twice, and quickly shrank into the crowd. In the whole arena, except Liu Debiao and Li Yiyi, their faces were not good-looking.

"Damn it Nanjiang's face became very ugly. Zhao Fugui didn't have the slightest aura fluctuation. How could he resist his Leifa so casually? Nanjiang is just the cultivation of Kaiguang period. The summoned thunder method is really just ordinary lightning, but even ordinary lightning can't be resisted by ordinary people.

"If you only have this ability, I'll do it!" Zhao Fugui stepped forward at will and walked to Nanjiang. He said lightly.

"Well, who told you that's all I have?" Nanjiang's face is gloomy and despised by ordinary people. It makes Nanjiang crazy. In Nanjiang's opinion, he is a man of immortal ways. How can he be despised by a mortal? Or how can not clean up a mortal.

"Fire, wind!" Nanjiang is holding the five element card. His face is as gloomy as ink. He roars and injects aura into the five element card. A large amount of aura in his body begins to rush into the five element card. At this moment, the five element card lights up. A red flame suddenly appears from the five element school. In the blink of an eye, a thick pillar of fire forms and burns directly to Zhao Fugui.At the same time, a gust of wind blows fiercely in the arena. In a moment, the wind blows fiercely in the arena, and the fire becomes fiercer with the wind. If Nanjiang's strength is enhanced to a more powerful level, the wind will not be the ordinary wind, but the vigorous wind, or even the nine day vigorous wind, or the more powerful divine wind. But now what he can summon is the ordinary wind, which has little power and can only fuel the fire.

The ferocious fire spread out in the martial arts arena in an instant, and the fierce heat wave spread wildly. The terrible heat wave even forced the four families in the distance back more than ten steps.

Although the temperature of this fire is very high, it still does not break away from the realm of ordinary fire. With Nanjiang's strength, it can't summon divine fire at all. He just can make the power of ordinary fire stronger.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, this pillar of fire rushes to Zhao Fugui's eyes. Zhao Fugui sneers at the terrible fire dragon, blows out with one punch, and directly hits the fire dragon. It's just like a loach can't understand why the dragon can roam in the void.

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