Super Monk

Chapter 2821

"Oh? That's fine! " Zhao Fugui showed a smile, glanced at the powerful servant, disdained to talk with him, and directly sat back in the car. As soon as Zhao Fugui got back in the car, Li Yiyi also directly followed him back to the car.

"Miss Li..." As soon as the servant's face changed, he wanted to talk to Li Yiyi. Li Yiyi directly raised the window and ignored the servant. A few immortal masters stand by and dare not talk much. They have seen Zhao Fugui's strength. How dare they talk much.

The servant's face was ugly. Seeing that he couldn't invite Li Yiyi, he hurried to the Yunlong flying car and said to Sun Bin, "young master, there's a man next to miss li. That Dalit also wants to ride in the young master's baby flying car. I won't let him come, and Miss Li won't come. That Dalit is so hateful!"

"What's the relationship between the pariah and the younger martial sister? How dare you be so ungrateful! Is he also a disciple of Xianwu sect this time? " Sun Bin's eyes flashed a trace of malicious light asked. If the boy is also a disciple of Xianwu sect this time, offending Sun Bin, the disciple of the real master, is to seek death. If he is not a disciple of Xianwu sect, it's better to deal with him. He can make the boy not even go to the mountain gate, and then he can make a casual arrangement to make the boy die.

"Young master, I don't know!" The servant said carefully.

"Hum, since this boy is so illiterate, don't blame me!" Sun Bin sneered and directly took out a communication symbol to activate it. Then he said to the servant, "go and invite younger martial Sister Li again. If the boy wants to come, let the boy come and let them come together. Count that kid lucky, let that kid ride my cloud dragon flying car once before he dies! "

"Yes, young master!" The servant quickly bowed to salute, with a smile on his face. He went back to the motorcade and said to Li Yiyi and Zhao Fugui, "you two, our young master said that since they are all disciples of Xianwu sect, it's OK to go with them, please!"

"Brother Zhao, I think that Sun Bin has a bad intention. We'd better not go!" Li Yiyi whispered.

"Well, I'd like to see how the Yunlong flying car is!" Zhao Fugui said, and then directly pushed the door down, Li Yiyi see Zhao Fugui get off the car can only follow the car to Yunlong fly past. Now the roads of the world have been completely destroyed, but if there is no means of transportation, if the Yunlong flying car is really as good as Sun Bin said, it will be useful to Zhao Fugui.

The appearance of this Yunlong flying car looks like a luxurious carriage. This flying car has four wheels. It doesn't look big on the outside, but it has a lot of space inside.

"Younger martial Sister Li, please sit down. You will be younger martial brothers and sisters in Xianwu sect in the future. Don't be stiff!" Sun Bin completely ignored Zhao Fugui and said to Li Yiyi with a smile.

Zhao Fugui didn't look at Sun Bin at all. Instead, he looked at the Yunlong flying car. It was really good. The space was not small. There was no sound and no turbulence between the two cars. This thing is really a magic treasure. When it walks, it doesn't walk on the ground at all. Instead, it is three feet above the ground, which is equivalent to flying at an altitude of about one meter. Therefore, the bumpy road has no influence on him at all.

In addition, the speed of this thing is not slow. It's really good to take this thing as a means of transportation. Zhao Fugui is sitting in Yunlong's flying car, thinking about how to get this thing. Ming Pao is not in line with Zhao Fugui's character. Zhao Fugui thinks that Sun Bin's best not to give him a chance, otherwise he will be regarded as unlucky.

"Thank you, elder martial brother sun!" Sun Bing motioned for Li Yiyi to sit beside him, but Li Yiyi sat directly beside Zhao Fugui. The smile on Sun Bin's face was stiff, his eyes changed, and he looked at Zhao Fugui.

"I don't know what to call this brother? Is he also a new official disciple of Xianwu sect? " Sun Bin looks at Zhao Fugui and asks.

"Zhao Fugui, I'm not a disciple of Xianwu sect!" Zhao Fugui said casually.

"Not a disciple of Xianwu sect? Hehe, you must be related to Li Shimei? " Sun Bin asked with a smile.

"Doesn't that seem to have anything to do with you?" Zhao Fugui light said, even if do not say other, only said that Li Yiyi is too vaginal body, it is impossible to let others touch. Now in this situation, we can't let go of any way to speed up our practice. Sun Bin and Zhao Fugui have no relatives. How old does he want to pick peaches? Shenbao family? That's nothing.

"Younger martial Sister Li is a disciple of our Xianwu sect. As a zhenzhuan disciple of our Xianwu sect, I am naturally qualified to protect the disciples of our Xianwu sect. Some people who do not know where they come from are willing to approach our Xianwu sect's disciples. As a leader of zhenzhuan sect, I have to take care of them!" Sun Bin said with a sneer.

"It seems that the Xianwu sect is just like this. Any cat and dog can be the leader of the sect!" Zhao Fugui said casually. In Zhao Fugui's eyes, the disciple of zhenzhuan, the disciple in charge of real people, is not worth mentioning at all. If there is Beiluo in front of him in terms of seniority, even the founder of the twenty ninth sect of Xianmen is Zhao Fugui's back. In terms of strength, even if Zhao Fugui has no Taoist power and is slow to cultivate, even if there are human immortals in the 29 schools of the immortal sect, he may not be able to win him.

In terms of seniority and strength, even the three leaders of the twenty ninth sect of Xianmen can't compare with Zhao Fugui. It's not a joke to take out the identity of a true disciple and try to suppress him."What a big tone!" Sun Bin's face completely changed. It's a great shame that a pariah of unknown origin should dare to talk to him like this.

"Bold, damned pariah, how dare you talk to the young master like this, and don't kneel down to apologize to the young master!" Sun Bin's maid stood up with a fierce face and directly took out the green snake whip used by sun's family for execution. She immediately pulled it on Zhao Fugui's face.

This Sun Bin travel with two servants, male servant from outside driving, female servant from inside tea pouring. In the sun family, the rules are very heavy. If a servant does something wrong, he should use a whip. For those servants who have self-cultivation, the green snake whip is used.

This kind of whip is made from the tendons of those giant snakes in a big mountain near Beishan city. Even those who have self-cultivation will be seriously injured if they are beaten by this whip. For those who have no self-cultivation, this whip can even kill people directly.

Sun Bin didn't notice the aura in Zhao Fugui. He thought that Zhao Fugui had no accomplishments at all. He asked the maid to beat Zhao Fugui with the green snake whip, just to kill him. When Zhao Fugui is killed, Sun Bin is pretending to reprimand the maid. This matter will not be over. Li Yiyi is afraid that there will be no way to be dissatisfied at that time.

He is the disciple of Zhang Jiaozhen. Does Li Yiyi dare not flatter himself?

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