Super Monk

Chapter 2858

"Elder martial sister, what is yanyangcao?" Li Yiyi only knew that the fiery red fairy grass was special, but he didn't know what the burning sun grass was and what it was used for.

"Yanyangcao is the main medicine for refining Dapiyuan pill, and it is very helpful for the monks who practice the fire attribute. This is a medium and high-quality fairy grass!" Ruan he said excitedly that it must have been a little close to the depth of the mountains, so few disciples of Xianwu sect came here, so no one found this immortal grass. Ruan he thought that he was really lucky today.

"This pool of water is slightly blue. I'm afraid it's highly toxic. Elder martial sister, you'd better fly over to collect medicine!" When Li Yiyi saw that there was immortal grass here, he immediately put down his heart and laughed that he was worried too much. She just entered Yupingfeng and didn't get in the way of other elder martial sisters. How could anyone harm her.

"You cross the rope and pick up the burning sun grass!" Ruan he turned his eyes and pointed to the inner disciple who came with Ma Yu.

"Elder martial sister, there are immortal grasses here. I'm afraid there are monsters guarding. I dare not go!" The nun's face changed greatly and said in a hurry and panic.

"If you want to go, you can go. If there are monsters, I will deal with them naturally. As long as you pick the hot grass, I will say a good word for you in front of the master and recommend a place for your inner disciples! If you don't go, you don't have to stay in the mountains! " Ruan he said.

Li Yiyi glanced at Ruan he. She always heard that the youngest elder martial sister was famous for her cleverness on the mountain. She didn't expect that it was not the case at all. It seems that the rumor is not true. Li Yiyi thought of this and secretly increased his vigilance in his heart.

Ruan he made a decision and pointed to an ancient tree nearby. A vine flew over, one on the bank, the other into the island in the middle of the lake. Ruan he is a spiritual cultivation. The inner disciple is just Kaiguang and can't fly, but as long as she has this vine, she can walk on it.

"Elder martial sister Ruan, that's what you said. If I pick the grass from the burning sun, you should recommend a place for my inner disciples!" Said the nun, taking a close look at the pool.

"What I promise you will do!" Ruan he said impatiently that she was only an inner disciple, and she didn't become a golden elixir. Why should she recommend a person as an inner disciple? It's just that she was not a man, so she didn't need to care about the things that her husband promised. Let's get the Yanyang grass first.

"Well, I'll go and pick it!" The nun took a look at Ma Yu. Ma Yu's face was expressionless, as if she didn't notice what happened in front of her.

The nun jumped up slightly and fell on the vine. Then she walked cautiously along the vine to the opposite side. She walked very carefully and watched the surroundings for a hundred years to guard against the appearance of monsters.

Ruan he and Li Yiyi are also on guard against the sudden appearance of monsters. Only Ma Yu keeps looking at the distant sky, as if waiting for someone to show up.

the nun walks through the vines little by little. In the cold pool of the mountain forest, there are only bursts of wind blowing. The nun soon passes half the way, and nothing happens. Maybe there are no monsters guarding the plant, and the plant doesn't work for all monsters. The nun thought so. She just breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't see the ripples on the lake behind her. A huge snake head came out from under the water.

The snake's head was the size of a large water tank. After the snake's head came out of the water, the body of the black snake quickly exceeded the nun's height and looked down at her. On the pool, the nun was still walking on the vine. She didn't realize that a terrible monster had appeared behind her.

The giant snake stared at the nun with golden pupils and opened its mouth slightly. The evil spirit of this giant snake is even stronger than that of the ice snake that Li Yiyi met on his way to Xianwu sect. The cold ice snake was not dealt with by two immortal masters in the quiet period and several immortal masters in the open period. I'm afraid it's even more difficult to deal with this black snake.

"It's Yin snake!" Seeing this snake, Ruan he's expression suddenly became ugly, but she stared at the snake but didn't move her hand. She didn't intend to save the nun on the vine.

"Be careful!" Li Yiyi doesn't know Ruan he's plan, but she shouts without hesitation. When the nun heard Li Yiyi's cry, she turned back and saw a scene that she would never forget. A dark snake, whose body was much higher than her, was two or three meters behind her, staring at her with cold eyes.

"Ah As soon as the nun turned her head, the dark snake opened her mouth and bit her hard. The dark snake was like a full bow, which was quickly bitten down.

"The grass and the trees are all soldiers!" Seeing that nun Xiugen could not resist and was about to die, Li Yiyi clenched her teeth and pressed her hand on the Eight Trigram disk. The Eight Trigram disk suddenly lit up. At this moment, the mountains around Xiao Tan were suddenly quiet, and the faint green rose, forming a net to press the Yin snake.

"Hiss!" Yin snake's body seems to have been oppressed by heavy objects. Her huge body is so fierce that the nun on the vine reacts and turns to run to the front in a hurry. The Yin snake let out an angry hiss, and her huge body broke away from Yingying green net, biting the nun who didn't have time to escape."Ah Just for a moment, the nun screamed bitterly. The black snake bit the nun's body directly and cut off the nun's body immediately. The nun's lower body fell into the pool, and the pool made a sound of "gurgling" boiling. In the twinkling of an eye, her lower body was corroded into white bones.

The nun's upper body was still bitten in the mouth of the Yin snake. The Yin snake suddenly raised its head and swallowed the nun's upper body down.

At this moment, Ruan he's figure flashed fiercely, stepped on the vine, and immediately bypassed the snake's back and appeared on the island in the center of Xiaotan. Ruan he showed a trace of satisfaction on his face. When the snake didn't respond, he directly pulled out the burning sun grass.

"The burning sun grass is mine!" Ruan he showed a very proud expression and grasped the hot grass in his hand. The Yin snake noticed that he had been cheated, and the snake pupil showed an extremely angry look. He fiercely opened the snake's mouth and spewed out a poisonous miasma at Ruan he.

"Hoo The miasma shot out, and the island suddenly became barren. In this moment, all the plants on the real little Tan withered and turned to pieces. Ruan he's face changed greatly. He made a decision and turned around and ran.

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