Super Monk

Chapter 2864

"I've always heard that Ling Xianzi of Yupingfeng is not false to men. Now it seems that the rumors may not be very true!" Hou Yu heard Zhao Fugui's voice and turned to look at him. This was the first time that Hou Yu really looked at Zhao Fugui, but her eyes were full of disdain. "It's a pity that Ling Xianzi's vision is not so good. He has found a waste who has no aura all over his body."

"There are always some people in the world who think that the rest of the world is the same as him, though they are rubbish." Zhao Fugui said lightly.

Hou Yu is a strong man of Yuanying and a first-class genius in Xianwu school. Who dares to say that he is a waste? Ling muyue's eyes jump when she hears Zhao Fugui's words. Zhao Fugui is strong, but even if you are reincarnated in ancient times, your strength has not recovered yet. It's a bit arrogant to say that a strong yuan baby is a waste, isn't it?

"Boy, you're a trash who doesn't have any aura. You dare to say I'm a trash. I don't know if it's because you're arrogant or shameless!" Hou Yu's face suddenly sank, and she was very angry and laughed. She looked at Zhao Fugui coldly and said.

At the same time, Hou Yu's body exudes a strong momentum. He wants to use his own momentum to let the boy know the huge gap between himself and Yuanying.

Yuan baby's strong man releases her power. Ling muyue feels the air around her as if it is solidified. Even if she is a Jindan level master, she also feels a huge pressure. Ling muyue's eyes are dignified, and she releases her strength to resist the pressure. The strong Jindan is still far away from the strong Yuanying. It's a qualitative change from LINGJI to Jindan, and it's also a qualitative change from Jindan to Yuanying. Even Jianxiu can't smooth the gap.

In the twinkling of an eye, under the heavy pressure, there was a cold sweat on Ling muyue's head, even her flying sword was forced down a few feet, but only Zhao Fugui seemed to be unaware of the mountain like pressure.

"What if there's no aura? If you don't have any aura, it's just like killing a dog! " Zhao Fugui said with a smile that Hou Yu's so-called Yuanying's power was a joke to him.

"I, Hou Yu, have come to Yuanying step by step since Jindan. No one dares to insult me. You are just a pariah who has no aura. Killing you dirties Hou Yu's hand, but since you want to die, I will help you! You are lucky to die in the hands of Yuanying strongman! " Hou Yu saw that Zhao Fugui didn't respond to the pressure released by him. He was so cheeky that his face was completely ugly.

"Brother Zhao, be careful. He is a strong man in Yuanying. Be careful!" Li Yiyi's face is pale, but he looks at Zhao Fugui anxiously and shouts.

"Brother Zhao? I didn't expect that you came here for her. It's a pity that she will be mine from now on. Go to hell alone Hou Yu's eyes flashed a look of jealousy. He pressed down his palm, and the mountain and river appeared from his hands. He smashed Zhao Fugui and Ling muyue.

"Be careful, it's the seal of the five gods!" Ling muyue's face is dignified. Guanghan sword immediately appears in front of her. Jinwu sword also carries Zhao Fugui. Ling muyue is afraid that Zhao Fugui will fall out of the air if she moves Jinwu sword.

"You take care of Yiyi, I'll deal with him!" In Zhao Fugui's eyes, it seems that there is no mountain and river mark at all. He reaches out his hand and presses Ling muyue's shoulder, and presses it down fiercely. In an instant, Ling muyue's body is pressed down fiercely, and his body is like a shot from the sky. "I said, if you can block my three punches, I'll spare you a dog's life!"

"Arrogant pariah, die for me!" Hou Yu's face was ferocious to the extreme, and the mountain and river seal released its incomparable strength. It was like a real mountain, and it hit Zhao Fugui head on. In this year, the number of monsters and people who died under the seal of mountains and rivers is unknown. As long as the number of people and monsters Hou Yu can't stand, they are all smashed into a pool of rotten meat by the seal of mountains and rivers.

"By the way, you?" Zhao Fugui's voice sounded word by word, almost at the moment when Zhao Fugui's voice sounded, he had appeared in front of shanheyin, with a fierce blow.

"Get out of the way!" Ling muyue's pretty face changed color when she saw this scene. The seal of mountains and rivers is a treasure of five gods, and even the Dharma style of Dujie real person can't resist it. Ling muyue knows that Zhao Fugui was reincarnated from ancient times, and his strength is incomparable. But his strength has not yet recovered. How can he use his body to fight against mountains and rivers?

"Boom!" Just for a moment, Zhao Fugui turned a deaf ear and directly hit the mountain and river seal. Zhao Fugui's fist directly blew up the air, and in a moment, it exploded on the mountain and river seal. In an instant, the sound of a terrible explosion sounded like a rock collapse. With a terrible seal of mountains and rivers, it was smashed by Zhao Fugui.

"How could it be?" Hou Yu was shocked to change color. Even Leidong, who went far away to prevent Ling muyue from carrying away, showed a look of panic. It's impossible to break the seal of mountains and rivers with one fist. Even their master, the leader of Xianwu sect, can't do it.

"Who the hell is this kid? What kind of magic power does he have that can smash the seal of mountains and rivers with one blow? " Leidong's face showed a look of disbelief and fear. He cried in horror.

"How can it be? Is this the strength of an alien? Strange man is so strong. This is the time when his strength has not recovered. When his strength has recovered, how powerful is it? " Ling muyue looks up at this scene, eyes full of incredible and strange emotions, Zhao Fugui's strength has left Ling muyue the most profound image.In mid air, Zhao Fugui didn't care about everyone's astonishment and incredible look. The seal of mountains and rivers is really strong, which is stronger than most of the magic weapons Zhao Fugui met before. But a five grade magic weapon, in the hands of a yuan infant monk, how can it shake Zhao Fugui's body, which is even stronger than the immortal Dharma? Even if Zhao Fugui doesn't use the slightest bit of Daoli, he can use his fists to blow up.

"This is the first punch, and there are two more!" Zhao Fugui smashed the seal of mountains and rivers in mid air, but his body still didn't drop, and he continued to rise. In an instant, he appeared in front of Hou Yu. Hou Yu's face showed a look of astonishment, because Zhao Fugui's fist quickly enlarged in his pupil.

"Clear mind!" Hou Yu's face was terrified. At that moment, he roared, and a simple bronze mirror appeared in front of his eyes. Everyone in Xianwu sect knows that Hou Yu is in charge of the seal of mountains and rivers, but few people know that Hou Yu still has another state of mind.

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