Super Monk

Chapter 289

Zhao Fugui drove Rolls Royce along the expressway and returned to Chengdu before noon. Jiang Caiyuan didn't follow Zhao Fugui to Xiaowan village. She went to downtown Chengdu. Zhao Fugui drove his own Rolls Royce back to Xiaowan village.

"What's the meaning, Ma?" Zhao Fugui put the car away. There are so many people coming and going in Xiaowan village. There are so many tourists. Zhao Fugui saw the second sister Liu and asked.

"Meaning in the office, those fruit wholesalers have to wholesale happy fruits from us. They are pestering meaning every day these two days. Go and have a look!" Liu Erjie pointed to the direction of the farm stove and said.

Zhao Fugui nodded, turned around and walked to the direction of the farm stove. By noon, the farm stove was full of guests. However, when Zhao Fugui appeared, a group of people "Hula" came around to Zhao Fugui.

"Hello, boss Zhao, I'm the boss of Xuanxuan fruit. I want to wholesale happy fruit from boss Zhao!" A man in his thirties rushed over and put his business card in Zhao Fugui's hand.

"Hello, boss Zhao, I also want to wholesale fruits from you. I wonder if I can cooperate with you?"

"Boss Zhao, and me, and me! This is my business card. How many happy fruits do I want? "

As soon as Zhao Fugui walked into the farm stove, the group immediately surrounded him, and all the business cards rushed to Zhao Fugui's hands.

Zhao Fugui was startled. He didn't expect that there were so many fruit wholesalers in Xiaowan village. No wonder Chen Yihan said that he couldn't cope. There were too many of them.

"My God, boss Zhao, this business is really big, so many people want to wholesale happy fruit!" Some of the tourists who eat in the small kitchen are surprised to see this scene.

"It's expensive to have a few things. Besides, happy fruit is so delicious. Wholesale some from boss Zhao and sell them in other places. I'm sure I'll make a lot of money! " Another tourist said.

"Yes, ordinary people don't have a strong consumption power for happy fruit, but if it's sold in high-end restaurants, it's certainly easy to sell. A bottle of coke is sold for three dollars and five dollars outside, and it's sixty-eight dollars in a five-star hotel. If the consumption level goes up, it's sure to sell well in high-end hotels! "

"In my opinion, in the future, happy fruit may become the signboard of central China!" Farmers in the small kitchen tourists have said.

"Everyone be quiet, you want to wholesale happy fruit, then let's go to the office, no, let's go out and talk with me!" Zhao Fugui did not take any business cards, but said aloud.

Originally, Zhao Fugui wanted to bring all the people to the office to talk, but it's OK for ten or eight people to come to the office to talk. How can dozens or hundreds of people be crowded in the office?

"Good, good, let's listen to boss Zhao!" The noisy crowd immediately followed Zhao Fugui to the outside, and the farm stove immediately vacated 20 tables. The waiter went forward to clean up and just went on business.

Chen Yihan heard the news upstairs and ran down. She hid in the office upstairs and didn't dare to see any fruit wholesaler at all. As long as she saw any fruit wholesaler, other people would come around immediately.

So many people had no place to hold a meeting, so Zhao Fugui had to take them to an open space at the head of the village. There were no chairs to sit on, so everyone had to stand.

"Boss Zhao, we, we, don't forget us!" Zhao Fugui just let everyone quiet down, Zhang pangzi and Jin Dagen in the crowd they quickly waved.

Zhao Fugui nodded and waved his hand, indicating that they should be calm and wait for a while.

Jin Dagen and Zhang pangzi are worried. They and the first-class fruit wholesalers in other provinces originally wanted to visit Xiaowan village and wait for Zhao Fugui to come back to sign the contract. But they didn't expect that so many colleagues came from the front foot as soon as they arrived. The contract has not been signed. They are worried about it. They are in a hurry for fear that the business will turn yellow.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Zhao Fugui from Xiaowan village! You want to wholesale happy fruit, you can, but we have certain requirements for partners, do not meet the requirements, we can sell you some happy fruit according to the retail price Zhao Fugui asked the crowd to be quiet and said out loud.

"Boss Zhao, what do you want?" Questions rang out in the crowd.

"Don't tell me what the requirement is. I'll send you a form later. Let's fill in the form." Zhao Fugui said out loud and waved to Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan came over quickly. Zhao Fugui said to her, "meaning, you go to print some questionnaires, and the above questions are: the scale of fruit distribution? Annual fruit sales? Where is it from? How many happy fruits do you want to wholesale in a year? And the number of phones, that's all! "

"Good!" Chen Yihan nodded and hurriedly went to the office to prepare. Now there are six or seven office clerks in happy farm, and the questionnaire is printed out soon.

Xu Wei told Zhao Fugui at the time of the farmers' Association that this method can be used to identify the strength of some partners.

"Please fill in the form. If the conditions are suitable, we will inform you. If not, we will inform you. In addition, our happy farm is different from other farm orchards in looking for partners. We pay before we buy. If we think it's acceptable, we fill in the form. If it's unacceptable, we don't have to fill in the form! " When the table was printed and sent, Zhao Fugui said."Payment before delivery? In our line, we always pay for the goods first, and settle accounts once a quarter. What's the reason for paying before delivering? " A wholesaler asked immediately.

"If you think it's OK, fill in the form. If you don't think it's appropriate, don't fill in it!" Zhao Fugui didn't intend to explain at all, he said directly.

Big fruit wholesalers even have several million tons of shipments in a quarter, which means tens of millions of dollars. In the past, everyone did this, but Zhao Fugui doesn't intend to let these fruit wholesalers press their own money. Even a company as big as Shenzhu club can't hold down the money of happy farm, let alone these fruit wholesalers.

As soon as Zhao Fugui said this, twenty or thirty fruit wholesalers with insufficient liquidity left. Seeing that Zhao Fugui was resolute, the rest began to fill in the form obediently.

"Meaning, after they fill in the form, they will take it back. You can check it out. We only cooperate with the first-class fruit wholesalers in various provinces, and the wholesale price is 150 yuan per kilogram. If others want to buy happy fruit, let them go to the snack street to buy it. The quantity and price are retail! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Good!" Chen Yihan nodded repeatedly and looked at the heavy task of filling in the form with a look of lingering fear. These people have made her very busy these two days. "Why didn't I think of it earlier?"

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