Super Monk

Chapter 2917

Sun Bin desperately urged the blood burning Dafa. Under the influence of the blood burning Dafa, his speed was even faster than Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui failed to catch up with Sun Bin, but Sun Bin could not get rid of Zhao Fugui.

After a while, Sun Bin and Zhao Fugui have been far away from Taoshan city. Zhao Fugui estimates that they have left Taoshan city for nearly a hundred miles. Moreover, this direction is not the direction to leishenzong, they have deviated from the direction to leishenzong.

"Why can't you get rid of him? Why? " Sun Bin feels less and less blood in his body. He looks scared and sees that Zhao Fugui is getting closer to him. "Sun Bin, you and I didn't cross the river, but you have to provoke me!" Zhao Fugui's insipid voice rang and said that his distance with Sun Bin was getting closer and closer. It was not Zhao Fugui who was speeding up, but Sun Bin's speed began to slow down. However, Zhao Fugui frowned and frowned at this time. He spent a lot of energy chasing him for nearly a hundred miles. Zhao Fugui can't bear to urge the Qi of stars, but can only urge Daoli. Originally, he didn't have much Daoli, which made Zhao Fugui feel sad. Although Zhao Fugui has lifted part of the seal, his cultivation speed still can't keep up with the consumption, and now he has basically stopped practicing Taiping daoshu, only practicing Xingchen DaoTi Jue. If the two kinds of Daoism are practiced, although there is no conflict, it will take time to transform the Daoism into the power of the stars when it comes out. Therefore, Zhao Fugui is only practicing the Daoism at night. Even the most important thing for Zhao Fugui to take back the remaining sacred treasures is not to take back the sealed Daoli, but to break the body's seal and let him practice normally.

Killing just one Sun Bin consumes a part of Zhao Fugui's valuable Daoli, which makes Zhao Fugui quite unhappy. But Sun Bin's escape is at an end, and he has not much blood to continue to urge the blood burning Dharma.

"Zhao Fugui, I dare not provoke you any more. Please forgive me!" Sun Bin's speed is getting slower and slower. He wails in horror and insists for another two minutes. Sun Bin "bang" falls out of the air.

"But it's too late now!" Zhao Fugui also stopped, slowly came to Sun Bin's eyes, light said.

"Zhao Fugui, my father also has immortal utensils in his hands. Moreover, he has already refined them successfully. If you kill me, he will take revenge for me. Even the Xianwu sect can't protect you at that time!" Sun Bin's fierce voice exclaimed. "What gives you the illusion that I need the protection of Xianwu sect?" Zhao Fugui said coldly, "your father has immortal utensils, and yuxuzi also has immortal utensils. You are just one step ahead of yuxuzi. I will kill yuxuzi when I return to Xianwu sect. You can wait for him before the gate of death. If you

father still wants to avenge you, yuxuzi's fate will be his! "

"Yuxuzi is a strong robber and has immortal tools in his hand. You can't kill him. He will kill you!" Sun Bin screamed out, "Zhao Fugui, you're dead, you're dead!"

"You don't have to worry about that!" Zhao Fugui pressed down with his backhand directly, and a big golden handprint appeared from time to time. The big handprint took Daoli as the bone and aura as the flesh, and took a hard slap.

"No!" Sun Bin uttered a shrill and desperate cry, and then he was patted into meat mud by the big hand print, even the white jade finger on his hand was completely broken.

Zhao Fugui kills Sun Bin and then turns to leave. Yuxuzi didn't give up. He got a poison like Tianyi Shenshui and wanted to kill him. Maybe this guy has any plans in Xianwu sect now, but anyway, yuxuzi is dead. This place is about a hundred miles away from Taoshan City, and is further away from leishenzong. Originally, leishenzong was only 200 li away from Taoshan city. If he set out in the morning, he could reach leishenzong by ferry in the morning. But now Zhao Fugui is at least 100 li away from leishenzong, that is to say, he may be 300 li away from leishenzong.

Zhao Fugui looked around. It's estimated that it's early in the morning. Here is a large mountain forest. Occasionally, there are howling sounds of monsters. The rest is the rustling sound of the wind.

Zhao Fugui looked at the sky. The stars were shining in the sky. He wanted to jump directly onto a big rock. Now it's time-consuming to rush back to the road of hundreds of miles. It's better to practice the star Taoist system here.

"When it's almost dawn, Nangong Lieh sends a message with the communication jade amulet, asking them to take a detour to meet me with the treasure boat. In this way, they don't waste the power of Tao and the time of cultivation, killing two birds with one stone!" Zhao Fugui thought a little and said to himself. Zhao Fugui's Daoli is really few now, and the Qi of the stars is so thin that he can't even fill his whole body with the Qi of the stars. Zhao Fugui's cultivation talent and momentum are not much worse than Li Yiyi's. Taiping daoshu has already improved his body and greatly improved his cultivation qualification, but now his cultivation speed is far from the fastest. "At this speed, it will take two or three months for the Qi of the stars to fill the whole body, let alone condense the fluid of the stars. However, it is estimated that it will take less than a month to refine these Daoli, that is, more than half a month to refine Daoli into half a drop of star Yuan liquid! "Zhao Fugui sat cross legged on the huge rock and said to himself, "but the speed is still too slow. It seems that we have to find those sacred treasures as soon as possible to get rid of the restrictions on our body, otherwise the cultivation speed is too slow!" After thinking for a while, Zhao Fugui began to practice. Even if the speed of cultivation is slow, he can't stop practicing the star Tao. The seal of Kyushu has been destroyed. Now there is not enough Taiping Taoist Scripture to read. Even if Taiping Taoist Scripture can cultivate Da Luo Jinxian, it is far from enough. Da Luo Jinxian is not even qualified to be an entry-level of ancient Da Neng.

Da Luo Jinxian can be regarded as a figure in the second generation of heaven, but in the ancient times, even compared with the high-level of the second generation of heaven, it is far from enough to see. Only by practicing Xingchen DaoTi Jue and Tianhe Jianjing, can he compete with those ancient powers, and even suppress the heavens like Beiluo.

A wisp of star power is slowly pulled down with the operation of the star Tao. Zhao Fugui's body is shrouded by the star power, and then some of these star power is slowly absorbed by Zhao Fugui into his body. I don't know how long after this state, Zhao Fugui suddenly heard a sound in the wind. He frowned and opened his eyes.

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