Super Monk

Chapter 295

Zhao Fugui didn't want to be interviewed by reporters and stayed in the farmhouse until the next morning. I didn't expect that the story of Zhao Fugui saving people yesterday has spread all over Xiaowan village. Many people who saw Zhao Fugui carrying the injured male tourists out yesterday gave him a thumbs up when they saw Zhao Fugui appear.

There are also young and lively little beauties who come here to take photos with Zhao Fugui, saying that they want to spread to the circle of friends. Zhao Fugui seems to have become a celebrity in Xiaowan village.

"Fugui, you are now a celebrity in Central China. You see, the city is going to award you the award for doing just for a just cause, and you have also signed up for the selection of the top ten outstanding young entrepreneurs in Central China. You are a promising young man now. I don't know how many little girls are queuing up to see you Chen Yihan teases Zhao Fugui with a central China Provincial daily.

"Well Zhao Fugui embarrassed smile, don't know how to answer the words. Chen Yihan handed the newspaper to him, and Zhao Fugui understood it after reading it.

Huazhong Daily reported on Zhao Fugui's rescue with the front page headline. A photo of Zhao Fugui was placed in the center of the newspaper. In addition to reporting on Zhao Fugui's rescue, the main leaders of Chengdu and provincial leaders all spoke highly of it.

It also says that Zhao Fugui will be awarded the award for bravery for a just cause and nominated as one of the top ten outstanding young entrepreneurs in Central China. As Chen Yihan said, Zhao Fugui has really become a famous figure in Central China.

"Fugui, the city has sent you a banner. Many people will see it again. Go quickly!" Liu Erjie ran in excitedly and said to Zhao Fugui happily.

Zhao Fugui and Chen Yihan come out of the office in a hurry. Xiaowan village is noisy and bustling. In the village, a group of members of the old Yangko team took out their own waist drums. A group of white haired old people beat waist drums, danced Yangko, and happily followed the team who sent the banners into the village.

The tourists watched and photographed the Yangko team in the village curiously. Zhao Fugui looked at the busy crowd, did not pay much attention to the team that sent the banner, but looked at the Yangko team, showing a thoughtful look.

When Zhao Fugui was a child, he heard that before the founding of the people's Republic of China, when the war was in chaos, there were a lot of Huaixi Huagu opera players who lived alone in Xiaowan village. Until after the founding of the people's Republic of China, some of them came back, others stayed outside or died in a foreign land.

By now, Huaixi Huagu opera is about to be lost in Xiaowan village. It is said that Xiaowan village is the last place in Huaixi area of central China where people may still play Huaixi Huagu opera.

Today's Yangko team suddenly reminds Zhao Fugui of what his fifth grandfather said when he was a child. Huaixi Huagu opera is now an intangible cultural heritage. Zhao Fugui thinks that maybe he can protect this intangible cultural heritage.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao. I'm from the municipal government. The city is very appreciative of Mr. Zhao's courageous behavior. Now we need Mr. Zhao to be such a brave man! " In the municipal government, a middle-aged man in formal clothes handed the banner to Zhao Fugui for the reporter to take photos.

"We are willing to do what we can. We just hope that the government can encourage those who are brave enough to do what they can, and do not let those who are brave enough to do what they can shed blood and shed tears!" Zhao Fugui said sincerely.

Two years ago, when Zhao Fugui was working on the construction site, one of his workmates was riding a motorcycle home when someone robbed him on the road. At that time, he didn't think much about it, so he hit the man on his motorcycle. Later, people seized it, but the leg broke, and the victim took back his things and disappeared.

Zhao Fugui's workmate was sued by the family of the broken leg robber, and was almost bankrupt in the end. Many people are not afraid to do what is just, but the price of doing what is just is too high, so many people dare not do it.

"Mr. Zhao is right!" The staff of the municipal government looked embarrassed, but they still nodded. However, I thought to myself, you are a local bumpkin. Can you tell me what to do with the municipal government?

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. You saved our lives. My boyfriend and I will never run around again." Zhao Fugui didn't expect that the female tourists also came. She hugged Zhao Fugui tightly and also sent a banner to Zhao Fugui.

"How's your boyfriend?" Zhao Fugui took over the banner tightly. He knew that this banner was more sincere than the other one.

"He's all right. He's got a nail on his leg. Just wait for the bone to grow. The doctor said that his leg injury was treated in a timely manner, and there should be no sequelae! " Said the tourist, wiping her tears.

"If it's OK, you should pay attention to safety in the future. Your life is not only your own, but also responsible for your family Zhao Fugui said.

The team that came to the city to deliver the banner left after it was delivered. The female tourist took Zhao Fugui's hand and said a lot of thanks with red eyes. Zhao Fugui only hopes that they will not do these dangerous things in the future and let themselves and others fall into danger.

The villagers of Xiaowan village are proud of Zhao Fugui. They are very excited to tell the new tourists about Zhao Fugui's great achievements, as if they are very proud of Zhao Fugui as their village head.

Zhao Fugui finished the team and asked the office clerk to hang the banner on the wall of the office. Instead of caring about these things, Chen Yihan and Liu Erjie carefully preserved today's central China Daily."Hello, zhinuo, what's the matter?" As soon as Zhao Fugui sat down in the office, his mobile phone rang. When Zhao Fugui took out his mobile phone, it was Lin zhinuo who called.

"Fugui, I found you. Are you in Xiaowan village now? We'll be there soon!" As soon as the phone is connected, Lin zhinuo's excited voice rings and says.

"What did you find?" Zhao Fugui asked subconsciously.

"The master of caviar Making, I invited him from Shangjing. He recently went to Chengdu with his family. I specially invited them to have a look!" Lin zhinuo is still excited to say.

"Found someone? After a while, I'll go to catch the fish in Xiaoren bay! " Zhao Fugui was excited when he heard the news and said quickly.

"Well, we'll be there in a minute!" Lin zhinuo finished hanging up the phone, Zhao Fugui immediately walked out of the office.

"Meaning, Miss Lin has found the person who makes caviar. I'll get ready and catch the fish later!" Zhao Fugui excited Chen Yihan said, and then ran back to the Farmhouse Inn in a hurry, poured a bucket of diluted Lingquan water from the water tank at home and carried it out.

Zhao Fugui not only wants to get caviar, but also can't let sturgeon die.

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