Super Monk

Chapter 2954

"Roar!" As soon as the Golden Dragon appeared, it immediately gave out a roar and rushed at the two Zhang long white rainbow. The white rainbow seems to have a spirit in general, under the control of Zhao Fugui volley a fold, directly to the Golden Dragon's head. The dragon that Zhao Fugui broke the magic blow was 100 feet long, but the white rainbow was only two feet long. There was no comparison between the white rainbow and the Golden Dragon.

However, the white rainbow hit big with small strokes and strong with weak strokes. In the twinkling of an eye, Bai Hong appears in front of Jin Long's eyes. Jin Long grabs and waves, trying to smash Bai Hong. However, Bai Hong skilfully hides, bypasses Jin Long's claws and cuts Jin Long's head.

Yuxuzi's face is expressionless. It's obvious that Baihong is under his control. I'm afraid yuxuzi has been practicing sword secretly for hundreds of years. Otherwise, he can't have such strong kendo. Everyone has a secret. Obviously, yuxuzi also has his own secret.

Bai Hong avoids Jin Long's paw for a moment. Zhao Fugui shows a sneer on his face. His heart moves. Jin Long lowers his head and bites Bai Hong.

"Click!" A sound seems to be the sound of metal being bitten to pieces. Bai Hong is bitten to pieces by Jin long in a moment. After biting Bai Hong, Jin Long bumps into Yu Xuzi. The Golden Dragon strike can even destroy one of the main peaks of Xianwu sect. The Golden Dragon rushes to yuxuzi. This time, the strong fist will not be blocked by the mountain protection array, and the unbridled burst out. The strong fist will lock yuxuzi. This time, it's not so easy for yuxuzi to escape.

This time, yuxuzi didn't want to escape. He looked at the golden dragon, and his face showed an extremely fierce look. He made a fierce move of the Heaven Sword, and a series of extremely powerful sword ideas appeared in an instant. He directly laid layers of extremely powerful sword gang in front of yuxuzi's body. "Boom!" The Golden Dragon smashes into Jiangang under yuxuzi's cloth in an instant, and the Jiangang is torn like a rag. Even Yunzi's powerful power of spring wind and rain can only stand in a deadlock with Zhao Fugui's smashing attack. How can a few Jiangang resist Zhao Fugui's smashing attack?

Yuxuzi's face changed slightly. At this moment, he made several swords and wanted to cut off the Golden Dragon. However, cracks appeared on the golden dragon, but they were not cut. Instead, they appeared in front of yuxuzi's eyes. Yuxuzi's face sank, and in this instant, he suddenly raised the punishment sword in front of his body. "When" a dull and extremely loud sound suddenly rang out in this instant, and that loud sound was just like an ancient and extremely bronze bell was pounded out. The light on the sword was dim, and it was almost beaten by the Golden Dragon.

Yuxuzi snorted. He was directly hit by the terrible force contained in the Golden Dragon. He flew hundreds of meters away and bumped into a mountain, shaking the ground and mountains, rolling down countless rocks, directly drowning yuxuzi. Is yuxuzi so defeated? Many disciples of Xianwu sect were shocked to see this scene. They saw yuxuzi become an immortal in the main peak of Xianwu sect. Yuxuzi is now a real immortal, a real human immortal. If the heavenly court is still there, he is now

I'm afraid he has been welcomed to the heavenly court by the heavenly daughter of scattered flowers, and he works in the heavenly court.

Although human immortals are only the lowest immortals, they are also immortals after all. The difference between immortals and others is not just about talking about it. If you don't use powerful immortal tools, a mortal can't kill an immortal even if he reaches the peak of crossing the calamity.

The fact that Zhao Fugui can hit feiyuxuzi with one punch only shows one thing, that is, Zhao Fugui is not a mortal, he is also a real immortal. "I didn't expect that Zhao Fugui was also a first-class real immortal. When he fought with Su Wei, Zhao Fugui only used the pure physical power, and he didn't use the golden power at all. This power is not immortal spirit or aura. I don't know what it is.

If Zhao Fugui and Su Wei don't even use this kind of power when they fight An inner door elder was shocked and said that they didn't know that it was not that Zhao Fugui didn't want to use Daoli when he was fighting Su Wei, but that he didn't have Daoli to use at that time. "I'm afraid Zhao Fugui's strength is far more than ordinary people's immortals. Have you noticed that Yu Xuzi is holding an immortal weapon to punish heaven's sword, but Zhao Fugui doesn't use any weapons at all. Yuxuzi and an immortal ware are not Zhao Fugui's opponents. Zhao Fugui's strength is more than human immortal! " Another elder also exclaimed.

"He is not a human immortal, is he a earth immortal?" The elder of the inner door who spoke earlier asked in shock.

"I'm afraid it's not so far away, even if it's not Dixian!" After that, the elder of the inner door said solemnly.

"Did brother Zhao win?" At the same time, Li Yiyi also jumped up from the boat and said excitedly. "Yuxuzi has really succeeded in getting rid of the robbery and has become a human immortal. I didn't expect that he was still a sword cultivator. I'm afraid that the Tianjian sword in his hands can at least exert sixty to seventy percent of its power, the sword immortal and the immortal sword. Unfortunately, Yu Xuzi underestimated the strength of elder martial brother Zhao, whose strength has surpassed that of human immortals Nangong lie said, "but I'm afraid yuxuzi won't be defeated so easily. With the strength of his sword immortal and Tianjian, I'm afraid that even the two immortals who don't have immortal tools may not be able to deal with him. I'm afraid he won't be defeated so easily!""Bang!" Just at this time, a sword light burst open fiercely. The sword light swept the falling rock and rose into the sky. Yuxuzi's figure appeared in the air again.

Yu Xuzi's hair was in disorder, and his whole body was in a state of embarrassment. However, his whole body's momentum did not fall, but rose, and his strong sword spirit spread out wantonly. The sword spirit even rose, which echoed the immortal weapon pressure of punishing Heaven Sword. "Zhao Fugui, I didn't expect you to hide your strength all the time. It turns out that you are also an immortal!" Yuxuzi stares at Zhao Fugui with hatred in his eyes and says coldly, "but you kill my son Hou Yu and collude with Nangong lie to prevent me from becoming a Taoist. The hatred of killing my son and preventing me from becoming a Taoist is not the same. Even if you become a human immortal, you will die here!" Yuxuzi has become an immortal. He doesn't care about the opinions of the Xianwu sect, or even those of the Xianmen sect. He has no scruple to say that Hou Yu is his illegitimate son. As a matter of fact, Hou Yu was born by yuxu's son and his sister-in-law, who were despised by others. Therefore, yuxu would let Hou Yuyin hide his identity. Even if he was accepted as a disciple, he did not disclose his identity. But now yuxuzi thinks that he is a real immortal in the sky, so why should he care about those mole ants on the ground.

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