Super Monk

Chapter 2962

Li Yiyi knows that the golden elixir in the sea condenses, and Yuanying in the golden elixir gradually takes shape, but the final forming speed is getting slower and slower, and does not finally break the elixir. However, since Li Yiyi's Yuanying has appeared, it's only a matter of time before she can break Dan and become a baby. When she stabilizes the foundation of Taoism, she won't let the realm suddenly improve and cause defects in the foundation of Taoism. At that time, breaking Dan and becoming a baby will come naturally.

I don't know how long later, the sky lit up a ray of light, Li Yiyi a face nervous, flustered put on clothes, hurried back to the Yupingfeng, now flying empty ferry for her is an easy thing.

Li Yiyi originally thought he had a lot of courage, but now he woke up in the morning and still felt shy. He didn't dare to face Zhao Fugui, so he had to leave in a hurry.

Zhao Fugui didn't go anywhere else, but continued to practice. Overnight, Zhao Fugui's strength improved greatly, and he also needed to consolidate his foundation. Now Zhao Fugui's body is equivalent to the Dharma body of the earth immortal. Although his strength is not as strong as that of the earth immortal, it is equivalent to that of the human immortal. His strength now is not the same as that of that day when he was in the thunder god sect. With Zhao Fugui's current strength, it's not difficult to kill Dixian, and Leishen, a hundred immortals alliance, is not Zhao Fugui's opponent. Too vaginal body in the body that a trace of congenital Yin is really very good, if the person fairy strong get a too vaginal body, I'm afraid that is straight into the fairy is not impossible. Although they knew that taivaginal body was very good, they did not expect that taivaginal body would be so good for monks. Otherwise, they would not let Zhao Fugui leave that day.

If you want to get into the temptation of the earth immortal, you must try even at the risk of death. Otherwise, Leishen may not have a chance to become the earth immortal in his life. Zhao Fugui's body has already gathered three drops of Xingchen Yuanye. The grade of Xingchen Yuanye is very high, so he doesn't have to worry about the lack of power in his body. As long as the ban is completely broken, even a series of wars should be OK. With Zhao Fugui's cultivation speed, he can quickly make up for the consumed power of the stars. Last night, the congenital Yin Qi in Li Yiyi's body temporarily suppressed the power of the ban, so that the power of the stars could be easily absorbed by Zhao Fugui. But now, with the consumption of the congenital Yin Qi, the power of the ban reappears. Although the current ban has been loosened, Zhao Fugui estimated that at least two sacred treasures will be found before the ban can be broken completely.

He should not have to find all the sacred treasures. There are still four, but Zhao Fugui estimates that if he finds about two more, he should be able to break through all the sacred treasures. In addition, Zhao Fugui now has the body of the earth immortal and the Xingchen Yuanye which is equivalent to the spirit of the human immortal. When Zhao Fugui has the same strength as the heaven immortal, he doesn't have to wait until night to practice Xingchen DaoTi Jue. At that time, even in the daytime, he can still block the influence of the sun's true fire and absorb the power of the stars. But now Zhao Fugui can't do that, so he still meditates on the Tianhe sword Sutra in the daytime, cultivates the Tianhe sword idea, and then cultivates the Xingchen DaoTi and Jue in the evening, using the power of the stars to push Taiping daoshu to a deeper level. The achievement of Taiping daoshu's great holy land is the cultivation of immortals, the peak of Taiping daoshu's great holy land is Jinxian, and the perfection of Taiping daoshu is Daluo Jinxian.

In those years, when Buddhism and Taoism were fighting, several great powers calculated with each other to let the monkey fight in the heaven, the monkey was Jinxian cultivation. Jinxian cultivation was actually nothing in the second generation of heaven. Not to mention Sanqing, Siyu, Wulao, liusi and Qiyuan, who are the great figures in charge of 365 gods in the heaven, even if they are the main gods of thunder, fire, plague, doubu and Taisui, any one of them can suppress the monkey. For example, the head of the thunder department, Jiutian YingYuan Puhua xianzun, and the head of the thunder department,

can't suppress just a golden immortal? That's impossible.

If the five main gods in the heavenly court don't even have this strength, how can the heavenly court suppress the heavens? The five main gods all started with Jinxian, and most of them were Daluo Jinxian. It's not difficult to deal with just one Jinxian. It's not difficult to deal with the monkey. It's because Daneng arranged with each other, and no one did it. Later, the monkey knocked over Lao Jun's Bagua stove and ate the golden elixir. Do you really think Lao Jun's stove is so easy to lift? Lao Jun's golden elixir is so easy to take? With the cultivation of Sanqing, no one can take anything from him if it is not given by Taishang Laojun.

At that time, what the monkey practiced was Taiping daoshu. Later on, there were many myths and legends that spread false information. The truth is that those big people in heaven know it well. How can ordinary people know the real truth. When the emperor and the West began to fight, they began to figure out whether they wanted to establish the first Buddhism. However, after the joint calculation of the demon family's heaven, zhunti and Jieyin declined well

, and the Jieyin was lucky, and they didn't die completely. They were divided into Amitabha Buddha and dengdeng ancient Buddha, but zhunti left too late, and his death was not clear. However, in those days, they calculated the heaven of the demon clan and divided the heaven of the demon clan. After all, Western religions made great efforts, and even helped to establish the second generation of heaven. This is the result of cause and effect. Then it became Amitabha, and it was not clear that he would die. Sanqing didn't intend to admit it, but the way of heaven was flowingSanqing, after all, is not a true saint, and can not completely intervene. Later, the western religion flourished, and a Tathagata came out. Amitabha and the ancient Buddha dengdeng abdicated, giving up the Buddha's position, and making the Tathagata the Buddha. Later, western religion was renamed Buddhism, which was irresistible. Taoism could no longer monopolize Qi Yun. The event in heaven was the result of the fighting between Sanqing and Tathagata, and it was also the spread of Buddhism to the East after that.

However, Sanqing was born very early. In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor sat down, and some of the twelve golden fairies abandoned Taoism and became Buddhas for no reason. Dari Tathagata wanted to spread Buddhism to the East. Later, after the Tianting incident, there was an excuse for Buddhism to spread to the East. However, Tathagata was also put together by Sanqing and became one of the five elders. Although it is not the 365 God of heaven, it has become one of the God of Fuqing. Nominally, it is under the jurisdiction of heaven, which is also the saying of "the Buddha is the Tao" by taishanglaojun. Although Buddhism spread to the East and separated from Taoism, Dali Tathagata had no capital to shake the second generation of heaven. It was too early for Sanqing to fall to the ground and win the Tathagata. However, these later lost their significance under the sword of Beiluo, and the third generation of heaven was set up in the beginning of this catastrophe. I'm afraid that the Tathagata would no longer be willing to live under the Sanqing Dynasty.

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