Super Monk

Chapter 2992

"There is a little real sun fire in the sunshine. This blood bamboo forest should be able to cover this little real sun fire. These blood bamboo insects are afraid of the real fire of the sun. They can survive in the blood bamboo forest, but they can't survive outside. This is a change of birth and death. Otherwise, depending on the number of these blood bamboo insects, if they could leave the blood bamboo forest at will, all the weaker monsters in this mountain range would have been eaten up by them long ago! " Zhao Fugui said.

The sun contains almost endless sun fire, it also releases the sun fire all the time, but these sun fire with the sun came to the earth has changed very little, otherwise, the sun fire contained in the sun, has enough to burn the whole earth world.

However, it is obvious that even the slightest bit of the sun can not bear the blood bamboo insects. Once they leave the range of the blood bamboo forest, these blood bamboo insects will soon die. "Fortunately, they can't leave the blood bamboo forest, otherwise we don't know how many people will die. Li Wu's death is too miserable!" Wang Bo Xin shakes his head and says with lingering fear. Then he thanks Zhao Fugui and says, "Mr. Zhao, thank you for your help. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhao used to be a killing God in Zhenwu circle.

now that the world has changed greatly, the immortal gate is born, and you have entered the immortal stream. You are already a man of the gods!"

Wang Bo and other guards didn't know that Zhao Fugui had already demonstrated in fairyland. They thought that Zhao Fugui was a strong man in Yuanying period. Their knowledge could not tell the difference between the two before. However, for them, even the strong man in Yuanying period was also a man of immortals.

"It's just a little help. Now the extreme shade grass has arrived. Let's go to Beishan city." Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"Right, right, we're going to Beishan city right now. Beishan city is not too far away from here. Liugongzi will be saved soon!" Wang Bo said excitedly. Then a group of guards immediately began to lead the way, taking Zhao Fugui to the north mountain city. Now most of these guards have completely believed in Zhao Fugui. With Zhao Fugui's strength, if you want to do harm to Li yu'er, you don't need to use other means. If he wants to do it, there is no guard who can stop him.

Among these guards, only one guard looks ugly after seeing Zhao Fugui's strength, but he has sent out a message, and can't send any more. Li's guards have been searching for the extreme shade grass in the mountains for nearly three days. By this time, they have gone deep into the mountains. It will take some time for them to get out of the mountains. Li's people are not disciples of Xianmen sect after all. They don't have so many flying magic weapons, and they don't even have flying magic weapons at all.

Although Zhao Fugui had a shuttle, he could only ride one or two people at most. He could not take too many people to leave directly. Wang Bo and his guards were anxiously on their way. At noon, they were about to leave the mountain range. There was a canyon at the end of the mountain range. You can go through the canyon and leave the mountain range directly. But just after Zhao Fugui followed these Li family members into the canyon, there was a huge falling rock

and the Li family's guards were shocked to see a huge rock falling from one side of the canyon.

The huge stone with a weight of at least dozens of tons was smashed down, directly blocking the passage behind the canyon and blocking the road leading to the deep mountains.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Almost at the same time, a shower of arrows came down and shot hard at the Li family guards in the canyon. All kinds of light were shining on these arrows, among which the light of fire crystal was the most. They were not ordinary arrows.

"Be careful, there's an attack!" Li Tie, the leader of the guard, immediately yells and pours directly at Li yu'er. He waves a big gun to protect Li yu'er.

The other guards also changed their faces and looked at dozens of bows and arrows falling down. If these bows and arrows were just ordinary bows and arrows, it would be OK, but they were all fire crystal arrows and other special bows and arrows. These bows and arrows are very powerful. If they were shot on the body, I'm afraid there would be casualties immediately.

However, there was no shelter in the valley itself. In addition, the valley was narrow and there was no shelter for a while. These guards were frightened and angry, so they had to be prepared to shoot down these arrows with big guns. "Be careful, everyone!" Li yu'er also cried out nervously. The bracelet on her wrist turned into a big bow again. Li yu'er was about to pull the bow and shoot arrows, trying to destroy part of the arrows with a startling bow. At this time, however, one hand pressed down the Jingshen bow in her hand. Li yu'er looked back and saw that it was Zhao Fugui who held her bow and arrow.

"If you always overdraw your strength, it will affect your Daoji sooner or later. If it's not necessary, I suggest you don't shoot at random every day!" Zhao Fugui said.

Li yu'er suddenly gets angry. What is random archery? This is to save people. She may save several people's lives by shooting an arrow. How can this be called random archery? But just when Li yu'er was about to speak, she widened her eyes and saw Zhao Fugui reach out and wave his hand to the sky at will. The dozens of bows and arrows in the sky suddenly seemed to be attacked by some invisible force and exploded one after another. Those bows and arrows were like firecrackers flying to the sky and then exploded.

"How could that be?" Li yu'er is stunned by Zhao Fugui's strength again. She looks at Zhao Fugui's mind in a daze. Zhao Fugui is only a few years older than her. How can he have such powerful strength? "Is Mr. Zhao really an immortal?" Wang Bo and the other guards were also stunned. Wang Bo swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhao Fugui. It was incredible. After all, Beishan city is in the marginal area controlled by several immortal sects. Even for those fire crystals, there are few immortal sectsThe disciples of the big sect come directly. Generally, the family of Beishan City mines the fire crystals and sends them directly to the big sect of Xianmen in exchange for some things. In Beishan City, there are still too few disciples of the Xianmen sect, even ordinary ones. They don't know the real strength of those who are really strong in the Xianmen sect. Just a few dozen special arrows count for nothing. Now there are a large number of top-ranking real immortal figures.

"Eh, there are experts, old man Wang. I didn't expect that your Li family could invite experts to die for you at this time!" A cold hum sounded from the top of the side of the valley, someone said in a loud voice with disdain. "Sun Hai, you are really from your Sun family. You are so crazy that you dare to attack us directly!" Wang Bo heard the voice and looked over there. He suddenly yelled angrily.

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