Super Monk

Chapter 2996

"Ha ha, I just want to have a hard time with your Sun family. What can you do?" Zhao Fugui even killed dozens of archers, but did not look at the direction of those archers. He asked with a sneer. The sun family is nothing but a bullying family. As long as they deal with the Li family, they know that when Li Shuwen was in the Li family, they did not dare to do anything. It was only after Li Shuwen disappeared for so long that they began to use intrigues to deal with the Li family. Now, because he can't figure out the origin of Zhao Fugui, sun Hai is still timid even though so many people have been killed. "Mr. Sun, this boy is too arrogant. No matter where he comes from, if you kill him here today, no one will know. Even if he has a school, what will happen?" Li Daduo's forehead was in a cold sweat, and he continued to encourage him. He thinks that Zhao Fugui is so powerful. If sun Hai doesn't dare to leave, he will die.

"Shut up, fool!" Sun Hai's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand and slapped Li Daguo in the face, and directly sat down on the ground. Li Daduo looked at Sun Hai stupidly, his eyes full of fear, and he did not dare to resist.

"OK, boy, you're powerful. Today, even if I'm Sunhai, I'll give you back the traitor Li Daguo. Let's go!" Sun Hai's face was gloomy. He gave Zhao Fugui a cold Snort and made a direct gesture to leave. Behind him, two warriors of the sun family came up and reached for Li Daguo's collar.

"Mr. Sun, you promised me that you would give me a house in Beishan City, and that I would be worshipped by the sun family. You can't do this to me!" Li Daduo looked flustered and cried out in panic.

"Just because you still want to be a sacrifice to the sun family, you don't have to look at your virtue. This boy belongs to you!" With a sneer, the warrior of the sun family threw Li Daguo directly at Zhao Fugui.

"Li Daguo, you bloody traitor, die for me!" Seeing that Li Daduo was thrown over, Li Tie immediately roared and stabbed Li Daduo with a big gun. "No, spare me!" Li Daduo screamed in horror, but in the blink of an eye, he was directly penetrated by the big gun in Li Tie's hand. The big gun in Li Tie's hand was inserted from Li Daduo's chest, and then came out from his back, putting Li Daduo on the big gun like a blood gourd.

But at this moment, Li yu'er's eyes suddenly widened, and a look of panic appeared on her face. She cried out in horror, "Uncle Li, brother Zhao, be careful!"

Li Tie's face showed an unknown expression, while Zhao Fugui's brow was slightly wrinkled. He took a step in an instant and reached out to push Li Tie away. "Die for me!" Sun Hai's ferocious voice rang out fiercely. The magic umbrella was suspended in the air, and a green light shot out from the magic umbrella fiercely. Sun Haigang pretended to leave and used Li Daduo to attract Zhao Fugui's attention. At the moment when Li Tie killed Li Daduo, sun Haimeng released his magic umbrella to deal with Zhao Fugui.

Sun Hai regards Zhao Fugui as the biggest enemy, and the light of the magic umbrella directly covers Zhao Fugui, while Li Tie happens to block the front of the light released by the magic umbrella. "Ah As soon as the emerald green light released by the magic umbrella shrouds Li Tie, Li Tie suddenly utters a shrill scream. His flesh and blood begin to melt rapidly at the moment when he is shrouded by the magic umbrella, but Li Tie is not dead, because Zhao Fugui pushes Li Tie away directly at the moment when the light released from the magic umbrella falls, and Li Tie is just the emerald light released from the magic umbrella The green light touched for a moment.

But when Zhao Fugui pushes Li Tie away, his body is immediately covered by the magic umbrella, and the magic umbrella falls directly to Zhao Fugui. "Brother Zhao, get out of the way!" Li yu'er screamed and cried in horror. Other guards of the Li family and Uncle Wang have the same look of panic. The sun family's magic umbrella is notorious. It's not a magic treasure at all, but a magic weapon. As long as a person is covered by the emerald green light of the magic umbrella, it only takes two or three breath to turn into a pool of blood and die. In ancient times, many great powers were not only monks, but also demons. Most of these demons were finally suppressed in the seal of Kyushu, and the seal was broken. With the birth of Shenbao, those demons also appeared. The magic umbrella is not a magic treasure,

but a real magic weapon, a treasure of ancient magic cultivation. "Ha ha, boy, I don't care which sect you are, even if you are Shushan Jianxiu? As long as I kill you, I will kill everyone here. Who will know that my sun family killed you? Hum, dare to look down upon our Sun family, you are a dead man Sun Hai saw the magic umbrella will cover Zhao Fugui, a proud face of shouting.

The green light released by the magic umbrella instantly envelops Zhao Fugui. At the same time, the magic umbrella rapidly grows bigger as it rotates. In a twinkling of an eye, it grows bigger and bigger, directly enveloping Zhao Fugui. This is Zhao Fugui's first encounter with a magic weapon. The green light released by the magic umbrella envelops him. In an instant, Zhao Fugui feels his skin start to burn slightly. Zhao Fugui frowned and was surprised. His body is now the realm of Xiaocheng, the great holy land of Taiping daoshu. Sun Hai is only a monk who has not reached the golden elixir period. It's incredible that a magic weapon can influence Zhao Fugui's Dharma. Zhao Fugui looked at the magic umbrella and didn't directly resist it. Instead, he wanted to see how much the magic umbrella could do. Was the power of these magic tools no less powerful than that of quasi immortal tools or even immortal tools? You know, sun Hai's strength can't even push the immortal weapon, even the fourth gradeIt's hard to be a god treasure. Basically, the following golden elixirs can activate the God treasure of about five grades.

But the four and five items of Shenbao can't have any effect on Zhao Fugui's Dixian Dharma. This magic umbrella really surprised Zhao Fugui.

The magic umbrella became bigger and bigger, and in a twinkling of an eye, it fell towards Zhao Fugui, directly enveloping Zhao Fugui. It seemed to swallow up Zhao Fugui as a whole.

"Ha ha, it's just like that. I can't even resist my magic umbrella!" When sun Hai saw that Zhao Fugui was "swallowed" directly by the magic umbrella, he burst into laughter. At this moment, he even felt that the disciples of the immortal sect were just like this. On the other hand, the faces of the Li family turned pale, especially when sun Hai looked at Li yu'er with unkind eyes. Li yu'er's pretty face suddenly became desperate.

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