Super Monk

Chapter 3021

The Li family is not as good as before. There are few people in the big house. The fat pig is afraid of being beaten. He dares not come out of his room as long as Li Wei leads the way to Li Ming's room. "How did brother six become so serious?" When Li yu'er saw Li Ming, he couldn't bear it. Li Ming on the bed is withered and thin, just like a little old man. He is on the verge of death. There is a strong smell of medicine everywhere in the ward, but the medicine basically has no effect on Li Ming.

"Tomorrow's poisoning is getting deeper and deeper. I can only pour some porridge and ginseng soup every day. Yu'er, don't blame uncle. Uncle just wants to save Minger! " Li Wei said after wiping his tears.

Li yu'er is silent. What Li Wei does is not just to save Li ming'er. Now Li yu'er doesn't believe what Li Wei said. Zhao Fugui looks at Li Ming and frowns. I'm afraid Li Ming has been poisoned for at least half a month. His poisoning situation is completely different from Li yu'er's. Li yu'er was poisoned at that time. Zhao Fugui immediately pulled out the poison for him, but Li Ming's poisoning has gone deep into the bone marrow and blood, and the poison in his spirit has been completely intertwined with the spirit, and is eroding the spirit a little bit.

Zhao Fugui estimates that if he doesn't show up, Li Ming can last three days at most, and unless it's a major alchemy event, it's impossible to save him.

"Mr. Zhao, can my son still be saved?" Li Wei looks forward to Zhao Fugui and asks, "Li Ming is Li Wei's last hope. He also hopes that Li Ming can enter the Shenxiao sect in the future, glorify his ancestors and lead him to become an immortal.".

"The poison on him has gone deep into the bone marrow and blood. It's not so easy to remove. I need to refine the antidote pill!" Zhao Fugui looked at it and said, "I'll write some herbs, and you're going to prepare them now!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao, you write, I'll go to prepare right away!" Li Wei nodded and said. "In addition, I need an alchemy furnace. Does the Li family have an alchemy furnace?" Zhao Fugui wrote some herbs and asked, but these herbs are far more than what Zhao Fugui wrote for Uncle Wang. Zhao Fugui's alchemy is not only to save Li Ming, but also to save Li yu'er. There are still some toxins in Li yu'er's spirit that have not been completely removed, so the Qudu pill can remove all the toxins in the spirit. "Yes, yes, my Li family used to recruit a alchemist and change to an alchemy furnace, but later that alchemist always failed in alchemy and was driven away, but the alchemy furnace is still there!" Li Wei said in a hurry. At the same time, he also had some doubts about Zhao Fugui's medical skills, because Zhao Fugui only looked at Li Ming and did not even probe his pulse. Li Wei doubted whether Zhao Fugui could really cure Li Ming. "Take me to see the alchemy furnace and get the herbs ready!" When Zhao Fugui finished, he went out directly. Li Wei arranged for people to prepare medicinal materials while taking Zhao Fugui to see the red stove. Most of these herbs are available in the Li family, but some of them need to be replaced. Soon someone will go out with a list to replace them. "Here, Mr. Zhao!" Li Wei soon took Zhao Fugui to a remote courtyard. In this courtyard, there is a room full of dust, and there is a large alchemy furnace in the room. When Zhao Fugui reached out to sweep away the dust, a layer of dust was blown off, revealing a huge alchemy furnace that is one person tall. "This Dan stove is not bad. You can send it when you have the herbs ready!" Zhao Fugui took a look at the furnace and nodded with satisfaction. Although this alchemy furnace can't be said to be top-grade, it's not easy to find such an alchemy furnace in a small place like Beishan city.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, the medicinal materials will be sent right away!" Li Wei nodded quickly, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on his face and said, "Mr. Zhao, we need spruce pine to make pills. That way, we can guarantee the quality of the pills. But we Li family don't have spruce pine, only Gongsun Yang has it!" Li Wei originally intended to give Gongsun Yang three extremely Yin herbs and let Gongsun Yang refine pills to cure Li Ming. However, Gongsun Yang's price was too high, and Li Wei wanted to calculate Zhao Fugui, so he went to find Zhao Fugui. But just because of this, Li Jiagen didn't prepare to burn Yunsong wood. Gongsun Yang had his own alchemy furnace, and he also made the alchemy in his own place. Li Wei didn't prepare Yunsong wood at all.

"Who is Gongsun Yang?" Zhao Fugui asked casually. "Gongsun Yang is the first alchemy master in our Beishan city. It is said that he came down from the Danding sect and is the leading alchemy master. In the past, he basically made all the pills in Beishan city!" Li Wei hastened to say that the Danding school is also one of the six schools in the middle school, and it is no more powerful than shendanzong, one of the next 20 schools.

"Who told you what spruce pine must be used in alchemy? As long as you have the medicine ready! " Zhao Fugui said impatiently. Burning firewood and alchemy is a method that only a few warlocks can use. Zhao Fugui of the Danding sect doesn't understand it, but it's obvious that the one who needs to burn firewood and alchemy is not a powerful alchemy master.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao. I'll get ready right away." Li Wei didn't dare to retort at all, and he didn't mind Zhao Fugui's bad tone. In his opinion, Zhao Fugui was already a dead man. Li Wei goes out in a hurry to urge his servants to prepare the pills. As soon as he leaves, Li yu'er sees a faint starlight condensing in Zhao Fugui's hands. Then the starlight gradually becomes a Dharma array under Zhao Fugui's control. Zhao Fugui condenses a Dharma array with the power of the stars, and then releases it directlyPut it in the furnace.

"Brother Zhao, what is this?" Li yu'er widened his eyes and exclaimed. "This is the fire gathering array. It can generate the fire of stars and burn all the impurities in the pill, making the quality of the pill better!" Zhao Fugui said that the list of medicinal materials he wrote to Li Wei can not only refine the Qudu pill, but also refine some other pills, such as Buqi pill, Peiyuan pill and healing pill. Since we want to refine the pill, we must refine some ammunition that may be used later, otherwise we will not waste Zhao Fugui's star power and time.

I'm afraid the medicinal materials Zhao Fugui wants can consume more than half of the medicinal materials in Li's stock. Li Wei wants to calculate Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Fugui doesn't intend to be polite to him.

"Brother Zhao, you are so powerful. I didn't expect that you could even make pills!" It seems that Li Yuqiang can't solve the problem of refining poison. "I have a good master!" Zhao Fugui said with a smile.

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