Super Monk

Chapter 3029

"Younger generation, since you are young, I will let you come first!" A group of people came to Li Ming's room. Li Ming was lying on the sickbed and was dying. Gongsun Yang was full of confidence and said directly to Zhao Fugui.

"In my opinion, you'd better come first, or when I cure him, you'll have no place to use this pill!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Yes, master Gongsun, you'd better come first." Li Wei quickly said that his son is dying now, and I'm afraid he can't stand the toss. Li Wei is afraid that the elixir refined by Zhao Fugui will directly poison Li Ming.

"I can come first, but I have to say it first. If I cure him, I will win!" Gongsun Yang said with a sneer.

"How can you cure my six brothers? It only shows that your pill is effective, but it can't show that our pill is ineffective. Why do you win?" Li yu'er said discontentedly.

"If I cured him, naturally I won. If I cured him, it means that my pills are effective. But you can't prove that your pills are effective. It's not me who won?" Sun Gongyang said disdainfully.

"Mr. Zhao, I think what master Gongsun said is very reasonable, do you think?" Li Wei's face is a little ugly. He is very dissatisfied with Gongsun Yang and Zhao Fugui for not saving his son quickly. But now, the more critical the moment is, the more he dare not offend Zhao Fugui and Gongsun Yang. "OK, as he said, if he can cure your son, he will win!" Zhao Fugui took a light look at the pills refined by Gongsun Yang, and suddenly said with a smile. Gongsun Yang is just a half baked alchemist. He thinks highly of his alchemy level. This guy usually makes some tonic pills for some Shenbao families and rich families in the city, but he doesn't have the ability to cure this kind of extremely ill and poisonous guy.

Zhao Fugui looked at it carefully and knew that although the pill refined by Gongsun Yang had some inhibitory effect on Li Mingzhong's poison, Li Ming was too weak to bear the powerful power of the pill. In the end, the pill might not only fail to save people, but also harm them.

"Master Gongsun?" Li Wei quickly turns his head to Gongsun Yang and looks over. Li yu'er still wants to talk. Zhao Fugui waves to her that she doesn't need to say more. "Hum, boy, get ready to hand over your treasure!" Gongsun Yang is very dissatisfied with Zhao Fugui's contemptuous attitude. With a cold snort, he reaches out his hand and takes out a pill from the jade plate. With a proud face, he says to Li Wei, "Master Li, my extremely Yin pill can control all kinds of poisons. The poison in your son can only be cured by taking a pill."

"Well, please, master Gongsun. I'm ready for 3000 Jin of rice and 30 jin of pure pyroxene!" Li Wei said quickly. Gongsun Yang nodded with satisfaction, took the pill in his hand and fed it directly into Li Ming's mouth. Now Li Ming is no different from a corpse. He didn't have the consciousness of chewing when the pill was fed into his mouth, but Gongsun Yang gave Li Ming another mouthful of water, and the pill melted when it met with water and flowed into Li Ming's mouth.

"It doesn't take him a moment and a half to wake up!" Gongsun Yang gave Li Ming pills and said confidently.

"It doesn't take a moment, I'm afraid he can't do it!" Zhao Fugui sneered, shook his head and said.

"Ridiculous, junior, I'll let you lose later!" Gongsun Yang's confident expression was said by Zhao Fugui. His face suddenly turned black, and he cheered.

"Wow But at this time, lying on the hospital bed, Li mingmeng spewed out a mouthful of black blood, which immediately splashed all over his body.

"How are you tomorrow?" Li Wei's face changed greatly, and he ran to shout.

"Master Li doesn't need to panic. Don't you see that all he spews is stinky black blood? This is my elixir at work, his body is removing toxins! " Gongsun Yang was not flustered. Instead, he felt the goatee on his chin and said confidently.

"Really? Is it really all right tomorrow? " Li Wei asked nervously.

"I said that if it's OK, it's OK. Doesn't master Li believe what I said?" Gongsun Yang said unhappily.

"I believe you have a ghost. He is dying. Your pills will kill him!" Li Wei opened his mouth, but before he spoke, Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

"You fart, my Gongsun Yang is a master of Dan Ding sect. He is a master of Dan Dao. He has never died before taking my pills. You are so ungrateful that you dare to slander me!" Gongsun Yang burst into a rage, staring at Zhao Fugui and yelling. "You will know immediately if I am slandering you!" Zhao Fugui said faintly, Gongsun Yang's face was ugly, and he was about to continue talking, but at this time, Li Ming vomited another mouthful of blood, but this mouthful of blood was not dirty blood, but a mouthful of blood, which directly dyed Li Ming's bed red


"Master Gongsun, what's the matter? Will my son be ok? " Li Wei has been completely flustered. No matter how stupid he is, he knows that this situation is definitely wrong now. Spitting a mouthful of dirty blood can be regarded as detoxification, but how can spitting blood be detoxification?

"Don't panic, Master Li. He is bedridden for a long time after a long illness, so that his blood is not smooth. Spitting a mouthful of blood is good for blood circulation, which is normal!" Gongsun Yang's eyes flashed a little flustered, but he pretended to be calm."Dad, help me!" As soon as Gongsun Yang's words were finished, Li Ming spat out three mouthfuls of blood on the bed. He opened his eyes and gave a shrill scream. His whole body wriggled and fell off the bed. Then he swallowed his last breath in front of everyone's eyes.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, what's the matter with you? Open your eyes Li Wei held Li Ming up in a panic and cried out.

Gongsun Yang's face changed completely at last. He looked at Li Ming at a loss and murmured, "how can this happen? It's impossible. How can my extreme Yin pill not cure him? "

"Because your Jiyin pill is too powerful, it can't control the poison on him. It can't get rid of the poison on him. Instead, it can make the poison on him explode all over the world!" Zhao Fugui said coldly. "It's impossible. What do you know? You can't slander me!" Gongsun Yang roars and rushes to push away Li Wei. He reaches for Li Ming's nose and touches it. Li Ming has no breath. Gongsun Yang's face changed, and he quickly reached out to touch Li Ming's pulse, but Li Ming's pulse had completely disappeared. "No way. How could that be?" Gongsun Yang's face was pale and he sat down on the ground. He killed Li Mingzhi directly.

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