Super Monk

Chapter 3034

"Master, the Li family has come back with news that the boy surnamed Zhao cured Li Wei's son and killed Gongsun Yang. Now Li Wei's son is recovering!" Not long after Zhao Fugui and Li yu'er left the Li family, the sun family received the news that a warrior of the sun family was in a hurry to report to sun Jiang.

"That boy really has some means. It seems that he is not an ordinary person. Which sect is this boy's disciple, have you heard?" Sun Jiang took a few steps in the luxurious hall with his hands behind his back and asked in a deep voice.

"Master, we've inquired about it from all sides, but the boy surnamed Zhao may come from Xianwu sect, or he has something to do with Xianwu sect!" Said the warrior. "Xianwu school? Hum, Xianwu sect is just one of the next 20 sects. In the past, my sun family wanted to curry favor with Xianwu sect, but now my son is about to enter Shenxiao sect. As long as he can become a disciple of Shenxiao sect, Xianwu sect is nothing Sun Jiang's eyes were cold and he said with disdain. However, when it comes to Xianwu school, he thought of sun Cheng again and continued to ask, "is there any news from cheng'er? He hasn't contacted his family for such a long time! "

"I still can't get in touch with Master Cheng. The Xianwu sect seems to be under strict management now. It's hard to get information. We just found out that something happened to the Xianwu sect. It seems that something happened to yuxuzi, the leader of the Xianwu sect! " The warrior said carefully.

Sun Cheng went to Xianwu sect just to worship yuxuzi as his teacher and become a disciple of Zhangjiao. If yuxuzi had an accident and lost his great support, sun Cheng would not have a good end. "Before, our Sun family wanted to choose a legitimate son to send to Xianwu sect. Cheng'er was the most active, which made the rest of the family dissatisfied. He chose this road himself, and he had to take it on his own anyway. Now we have children in the sun family who can enter the Shenxiao sect. No matter what happens to the Xianwu sect, don't worry about it! " Sun Jiang said coldly.

The warrior was cold in his heart and didn't dare to speak. He didn't expect that sun Jiang didn't care about his own son's life or death, but he did have more than one son. Without sun Cheng, there was a better talent Sun long. "I'm afraid Li Wei still fantasizes about letting his son take part in the reception ceremony of Shenxiao sect. Unfortunately, after being poisoned for such a long time, even if his body can recover, his spirit can't recover. He's already a useless man!" Sun Jiang said with a sneer, "the only thing to worry about in the Li family is Li yu'er. As for his sons of his two aristocratic families, it's not worth mentioning at all. But even Li yu'er doesn't have to worry too much. I'm afraid her talent is equal to mine. I've already managed an elder disciple of Shenxiao sect. Even if Li yu'er's talent is equal to mine, Shenxiao sect will never choose her! "

"The master of the family is really far sighted. If you join the Shenxiao sect, you will soar to the sky!" The warrior flattered quickly. "The immortal masters of Shenxiao sect will come either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Keep an eye on other aristocratic families these days. Don't let them play tricks on me. Wait until the disciples of Shenxiao sect are finished, and then go back to deal with them!" Sun Jiang said coldly, "as for the boy named Zhao Fugui, I will let him taste the power of huashentai and let him know that people in my sun family are not so easy to kill!"

"Yes, master!" The warrior said respectfully. The sun family's mansion is very busy. All kinds of delicacies have been prepared in advance. The pure pyroxene, which has been refined for three times, has been fully prepared by the sun family. These are the gifts that the sun family is going to send out. As for sun long, who is going to take part in the ceremony, he hasn't been out of the house these two days. He has been polishing his mind and making final preparations for the ceremony.

On this day, the four aristocratic families in Beishan city are making preparations. After all, if there are disciples in their family who can be selected by Shenxiao sect, their family will immediately rise with the tide and rise to the sky. In Li yu'er's small yard, Zhao Fugui tells Li yu'er how to polish her heart, and then prepares to continue to do her own business. Li yu'er's cultivation talent is quite good, and he is firm in his mind. The more he fights with demons, the more firm he is. Li yu'er has great talent in this aspect.

In contrast, although Li Yiyi's cultivation talent is much better than Li yu'er's, Li yu'er's combat talent is even better than Li yu'er's, but Li Yiyi's too vagina body is enough to make up for the gap in combat talent. Zhao Fugui stayed in Beishan city these days. Although he didn't inquire about the news of Fengjin Shenbao everywhere, he actually explored the location of Fengjin Shenbao in the sun's family, but Zhao Fugui still hasn't found the Fengjin Shenbao. He's not even sure whether the Fengjin Shenbao is in the sun's family at the end of

. Zhao Fugui sat cross legged in the room, and the Yang God came out directly. Although the sun hasn't set yet, it's almost evening. With Zhao Fugui's strength, even if the Sun God appears in the hot sun, it won't have any problem. After Zhao Fugui's Yang God was isolated, he went straight to sun Jiafei.

Ordinary people can't see the God of Yang at all. Either Zhao Fugui deliberately revealed it, or there are monks who have opened their eyes. Otherwise, it's impossible to see Zhao Fugui's God of Yang. Zhao Fugui's Yang God is now able to leave ten li in the hot sun. If it's at night, it's not a problem to leave fifty Li. However, the strength of the Yang God is not as good as Zhao Fugui's own strength. If the Yang God is too far away from the body at will, it is easy to get hurt, so in general, Zhao Fugui will not let YangGod leaves easily.

Zhao Fugui's Yang God soon drifted to the sun family's mansion, and the sun family's preparations could not escape Zhao Fugui's eyes. Zhao Fugui had come to the sun family's mansion to see it before, but did not find the forbidden God treasure. This is the second time that Zhao Fugui used Yang God to explore the sun family's mansion.

"Just one Sun family has two or three magic weapons. Where did these guys get so many magic weapons from?" Zhao Fugui's Yang God enters the sun family's mansion. The Yang God brings his own eyes. Under his eyes, the sun family's mansion is completely different from ordinary people's eyes. In the most central room of the sun family's mansion, there is a thin layer of blood fog, and the evil spirit is boiling inside. It is obvious that there is a powerful magic weapon here, and it has killed many people. This magic weapon may not have the same quality as the magic umbrella, but its power is obviously stronger than that of the magic umbrella. The number of magic weapons is obviously much less than that of Shenbao. It's really strange that the sun family can get several magic weapons.

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