Super Monk

Chapter 3039

"Fire spirit stone? These guys look at Zhongbei mountain city. It's not just for pyrocrysts! " When Zhao Fugui's Yang God heard the conversation between the two Shenxiao disciples, he immediately understood. It's obvious that the disciples of the Beixiao sect would not be more precious than those of the Huo Shen mine. Shenxiao sect gives Beishan city a place of disciples just to control

this vein. They will support a family to control Beishan City, and then master everything of Beishan city. The Shenxiao school's practice is more gentle and convenient to reduce some meaningless troubles. The practice of the middle six school is obviously different from that of the lower 20 school. If it's the next 20 sects, it's said that they will directly send an inner gate elder to suppress Beishan city and take control of everything, just like Xianwu sect did in falling dragon city.

Yu Hualong and Wu Dong turn around and fly to the outside of the north mountain city. The Huojing vein of the north mountain city is just outside the north mountain city. It's only three or four miles away from the north mountain city. There is a hill there. Under the hill is the Huojing vein. "Who?" Yu Hualong and Wu Dong fall at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly several guards shout with vigilance. These guards are all from the four Shenbao families in Beishan city. Every day, they have guards to guard the ore veins, protect the miners, prevent them from being attacked by monsters, and instantly monitor the mining area to preliminarily wash and refine the crystal ore.

The pyroxene in beishancheng has to be refined for three times to form pure pyroxene in the mouth of Shenbao aristocratic family. However, when it comes to the real refining of this kind of ore, ten jin is only one jin at most. When refining, all impurities in the ore will be burned clean. Huojing is a good material for refining flying sword, but the demand of Shenxiao sect is small. Shenxiao sect has sword repair, but the quantity is small. Huoling stone is different. Huoling stone is rare, but it can refine Fu Zhuan. The demand of Shenxiao sect is large. If the pyrocrysts here are really accompanied by Huoling protoliths,

and the quantity is considerable, Yu Hualong and Wu Dong are really great achievements, and they may be able to enter Zhenfu pavilion to practice. It's not easy for the outer disciples of Shenxiao sect to become inner disciples. In Xianwu sect, it's just a matter for the elder of inner sect to become inner disciples. But in Shenxiao sect, it's not so easy. Unless the outer disciples have made great achievements and are sent to Zhenfu Pavilion, they can be accepted as inner disciples if they show their true talent and perseverance. In Shenxiao sect, the easiest way to become an inner disciple is to be directly accepted as an apprentice by an inner disciple when they enter the sect. However, the cultivation and pursuit of Tao are all for their own sake. The more apprentices they accept, the easier it is to affect their own cultivation. However, for the sake of the inheritance of the sect, they have to accept apprentices. Therefore, those inner disciples have few apprentices.

There are only two or three formal disciples of an inner door elder, but there are only four or five. On the contrary, there are many registered disciples. Many inner door Presbyterians accept some registered disciples, and then choose from them the ones with good qualifications and firm heart to become their last successors.

Yu Hualong and Wu Dong rush to Beishan city before the inner gate elder. Wu Dong wants to get some benefits from the sun family, but Yu Hualong wants to make a great contribution to enter Zhenfu Pavilion.

Wu Dong felt a little impatience when he heard the guards' drinking. Then he took out a gold token and showed it directly. There was a simple little seal script on the token, which said "Shenxiao".

"It's the immortal master of Shenxiao sect. See you, immortal master!" When the guards saw the token, their faces changed. They bowed to Yu Hualong and Wu Dong in a hurry and said nervously.

"Take us to the mine!" Wu Dong said impatiently. "Yes, two immortal masters, this way, please!" How dare those guards refuse? They hurriedly make a gesture of invitation, saying that Wu Dong and Yu Hualong go directly to the mining area, while several guards rush to the north mountain city. They want to report the news that the immortal master of Shenxiao sect has arrived

to their master.

"What a dirty and smelly place!" Wu Dong walked into the mining area and smelled the smell of the mining area. He showed a disgusting expression and said.

The mining area is full of ragged miners. Some of them are even as thin as firewood. Their work is not directly proportional to the food they get. However, there are still many people in Beishan who are willing to work here. Most of the mining areas are dark and gloomy, and some fire scorpion bodies can be seen in some places. There is basically no electricity in Beishan City, so there is no electricity here. All the mining and washing work is done manually, and the lighting is done with torches. Because of the problem of light, many miners can't find the existence of fire scorpion until they are attacked. "They are just a group of poor people. Don't worry about them. I'll see if there are fire spirit stones here!" Yu Hualong shakes his head, reaches for a magic formula, and suddenly there is a small golden rune. As soon as the golden Rune appears, it immediately emits several golden lights and falls into the mining area. Soon

the golden Rune begins to show a piece of light spot, which has three colors, white, gold and fiery red.

A group of miners look at Yu Hualong and Wu Dong in awe. They are driven far away by the surrounding guards and can't get close to them at all.

Zhao Fugui's Yang God appeared in the vicinity of Hualong and Wudong. Yu Hualong and Wudong did not find Zhao Fugui's Yang God. Their realm was far from Zhao Fugui. However, Zhao Fugui was aware of a trace of Avenue in Hualong's golden charm.This charm is not an ordinary rune, but a magic weapon. It is Yu Hualong's own magic weapon.

"It's true that there are Huoling original stones here, and although the reserves are not much, they are also quite a lot, which are enough to refine one Shang Qing Fu Zhuan or two or three Tai Qing jade Qing Fu Zhuan. This time, we really made great achievements!" Yu Hualong looked at the light spots on the charm and said excitedly. "I didn't expect that we were so lucky. Maybe we could really enter zhenfuge!" Wu Dong also changed his face and said happily that his cultivation talent is not as good as Hualong. Even if he enters Zhenfu Pavilion, he may not be an inner disciple. But as long as he can enter Zhenfu Pavilion, he may be able to become an outer elder in the future, just like his master. As an elder of the outer gate, you may become a deacon in several outer halls. This is a position of great value. For those who have no hope of becoming immortal, it's a good way out. Even in Shenxiao school, one of the six schools in the middle school, if there is no inclination of school resources, it is difficult to succeed in the period of

cultivation. Needless to say, if there is no inclination of resources in the door, the possibility of cultivation to Yuanying's salvation is very slim.

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