Super Monk

Chapter 3044

In the end, Li yu'er doesn't know what realm Zhao Fugui is. Zhao Fugui doesn't tell her, but gives her the little fire bead. Li yu'er originally wanted to give the little fire bead to Luo Changlao immediately, but Zhao Fugui didn't let her go. It's better to add icing on the cake than send charcoal in the snow.

Now the whole city of Beishan city is looking for the fire spirit stone. Luo Changlao must have expectations for this. He has to wait until he is desperate to send a small fire bead.

The whole boiling Beishan city has not subsided until night. Even if the sun has set and the moon has risen, there are still countless people in Beishan city holding torches to search around the city. As long as they find a fire spirit stone, their life will be guaranteed for at least one year. "How many have you found?" Luo Changlao sat in the best attic of the sun family's backyard, looking at Yu Hualong standing outside the door and asked. Although elder Luo finally settled down in the Luo family, none of the sun family could step into the room, and even Sun long, who wanted to show his face in front of elder Luo, had no chance. "Report back to elder, so far, all the original fire spirit stones found are here!" Yu Hualong is holding a gold tray with several fire spirit stones in it. "A total of two Huoling protoliths were found in Beishan City, and three were found outside Beishan city. These five Huoling protoliths were sent by the Li family,

The Sun family and the Qi family. In addition, three Huoling protoliths were also mined from the Huoling ore veins outside Beishan city!"

Many people failed to find the Huoling protolith in Beishan city. Some clever miners' families ran outside the Huojing vein to look for those Huoling protoliths that were discarded by the miners. They actually found three Huoling protoliths under the waste residue of ore washing. Among the five fire spirit stones, two were sent by the sun family, but only one was sent by the Li family and the Qi family. If Wu Dong were to talk about this, he would certainly highlight the contribution of the sun family, and even not mention the Li family and the Qi family at all. For example, Wu Dong will directly say that the five fire spirit stones were mainly sent by the sun family, but such a sentence can completely offset the credit of the Li family and the Qi family, and he has not lied.

But Yu Hualong's statement is also not a lie, but also directly evades the credit of the sun family. There are too many statements about the same thing without lying.

"It's too far away. It's not enough to excavate all the Huoling protoliths of the Huojing vein tomorrow!" Luo long old facial expression ugliness of say.

"Elder, several aristocratic families in Beishan city haven't sent new Huoling stone for some time. I'm afraid it's hard to find Huoling stone inside and outside Beishan city!" Yu Hualong said in a low voice. Yu Hualong is very clear why elder Luo is so anxious about this. There are five human immortals in Shenxiao sect. In the last month, there are 12 real people in yueshenxiao sect, among whom five have successfully proved the Taoist fairyland. The success rate of the middle six sect is much higher than that of the lower 20 sects. After all, although the realm is the same, the means of the middle six sect, especially the lower 20 sects, can be compared. At present, there are seven or eight real people in Shenxiao sect who are qualified to rob. Elder Luo is one of them. All of a sudden, there are 10 or 20 people in the Shenxiao sect who want to rob the real people, which directly consumes a lot of resources of the Shenxiao sect. If there are only three or five people in the Shenxiao sect who want to rob the real people, Luo Changlao's original fire spirit stones can be allocated directly in the Shenxiao sect, and he doesn't need to go down the mountain to find them by himself. But now the situation is completely different. In order to ensure that the more than a dozen real people will have more human immortals, Shenxiao sect will spare no resources. The more the real people in the front get the more resources, the higher the success rate of robbery, and the less the resources they can get in the back, the lower the success rate.

Elder Luo, if he has been robbed recently, he can borrow some fire spirit stones from the mountain gate. After a long time, he may not be able to borrow even one fire spirit stone. Therefore, it is reasonable for elder Luo to be so anxious.

"Too few!" Luo Changlao said irritably, "let them continue to look for as many as possible!"

"Yes, elder!" Yu Hualong nodded respectfully. Then he put down the gold tray and went out to urge the family members in the distance.

Luo Changlao went to the tray, picked up a piece of fire spirit stone and looked at it. Finally, he sighed and waved his hand. He put all the fire spirit stones into the storage bag of sumina mustard seed.

"Even if you add these, it's still not enough to refine a supernatural talisman. If you really can't, you can only refine two supernatural talismans of Taiqing or Yuqing!" Luo said to himself. Refining two Taiqing or Yuqing talismans is not the best choice. The best choice is refining Yanhuo gold talismans. The power of one Yanhuo gold talisman is about 20% more powerful than that of two ordinary Taiqing or Yuqing talismans combined. Although it is not much powerful, under the power of thunder robbing heaven, you can be more confident if you can refine Yanhuo gold talismans, Luo Changlao certainly wants to refine the fire gold amulet. Unless he has to, he will refine the Taiqing jade amulet. The four aristocratic families in Beishan city didn't catch their eyes all night. In order to find the Huoling stone, they tried their best. If they could find enough Huoling stone to please Luo Changlao, the number of disciples of Shenxiao sect would be stable. If they couldn't find enough Huoling stone, the situation would be badYes.

The four aristocratic families didn't sleep all night, but Zhao Fugui and their side were not affected at all. Zhao Fugui was practicing Xingchen DaoTi Jue, Li yu'er was polishing Daoxin, and a group of guards were guarding the door to prevent someone from affecting Li yu'er and Zhao Fugui in the courtyard.

Most of the people in Beishan city had no sleep that night. Even the next day, there were still countless people wandering in the city, looking for places in all corners, but in the end, they found almost nothing. The whole night, they just found another fire spirit stone.

But the number of these fire spirit stones could not meet the minimum requirement of elder Luo. He still lacked some fire spirit stones to refine the fire gold amulet. There are too few Huoling stones found. Everyone in the four great families of Beishan city looks very ugly, especially the sun family. They thought that the number of Shenxiao disciples was guaranteed, but they didn't expect that Wu Donggen couldn't play much role. In the end, the number of Shenxiao disciples was decided by elder Luo, but it was obvious Elder Luo is in a bad mood. ***

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