Super Monk

Chapter 3067

Before dark, there were at least hundreds of monks who came to this mountain forest. Some of them were in twos and threes, and some were in a group of more than a dozen. They occupied a position and basically did not interfere with each other. Only occasionally they met some people who had hatred and resentment with each other, they would yell and scold each other.

However, even these people rarely fight with each other. Seeing that the big chance is just around the corner, they have not yet reaped any benefits. How can they let others watch the play for nothing and steal the benefits.

There are more and more people gathered here. Huang Sha's ancestors and Huang Sha's robbers don't know where to hide. Even the Honghuang strange snake, who was trained by the sun's real fire, doesn't know where to go. No matter what plans they have, everyone is waiting. Zhao Fugui was also waiting. At night, he began to practice the star Tao. After another ban was lifted, Zhao Fugui's cultivation speed improved again. Sitting cross legged on a rock, a star light fell from the Big Dipper, and Zhao Fugui constantly absorbed the power of the stars. The weak and the weak call to the strong monks. Those with strong strength have already made a breakthrough. Even if they need to recover their physical strength and spirit, it is enough to take a pill, but whether they eat or not can roughly distinguish the strength of these


But this is by no means the only basis for distinguishing strength. Some great immortals like to drink and eat meat even after they become immortals.

However, those who are strong in the valley basically look down on those guys who gather together to raise a fire to drink and eat meat. They are not willing to mix with those guys at all, but up to now, no one has interfered with each other. Little by little, I don't know how long later, the star Qi in Zhao Fugui's body began to recover slowly. He had condensed almost three drops of star Yuan liquid, but now he has consumed almost one drop. If he wants to condense a drop of star Yuan liquid again, he has to let the star Qi fill his body

, and then compress the star Qi into a drop of star Yuan liquid. With Zhao Fugui's current cultivation speed, if you want to let the star Qi fill your whole body, you need to practice every night for about a month to accumulate enough star Qi, that is to say, if Zhao Fugui practices diligently, it takes a month to gather a drop of star liquid. Although the cultivation speed is not fast, it can't be said how fast. After all, Zhao Fugui's cultivation talent is only equivalent to three or four grades. After he gets rid of all the prohibitions, Zhao Fugui's cultivation speed can be directly increased by at least three times. Moreover, as the star Taoist body decides to continue to build his body, Zhao Fugui's cultivation speed will be faster and faster. Zhao Fugui's body has been constantly transformed by Taiping daoshu, which makes his cultivation talent become better and better. One of the reasons why those great powers recover so quickly is that they have a deep understanding of the road, which is not comparable to ordinary people, and they can't measure their cultivation speed with the cultivation speed of ordinary people. The other is that these ancient powers had the means to transform their bodies into natural Tao, the real natural Tao. The natural Tao body is what the human race looks like now, but the real natural Tao body is not just what the human race looks like. The creation of human beings by Nuwa God only makes the human race look like the natural Tao body, which is similar in shape but different in spirit.

This is also the reason why the human race has good cultivation talent. This is because some people tend to be closer to the real natural Tao, while others are not.

To transform one's own body into a real natural Tao body, coupled with the understanding of the Tao, many of the most powerful secret magic powers, powerful resources, and the backhand left behind before being sealed, all these led to the rapid recovery of the strength of the great figures in ancient and medieval times. At that time, the sword of Beiluo swept the world, but it was not only the Tathagata who resisted the three breath of the sword with supreme power, Sanqing also did a lot of things, and the joint efforts of Sanqing made the daomen gods obtain more time than the Tathagata. A few breath time can't do much for the Terran, but it's enough for the powerful gods to do a lot of things. However, the sword of Beiluo was used to sweep the sky from the East, so the west side got more time and made more arrangements, but their strength could not be compared with that of Tianting Lingshan. Even Zeus, the king of the gods of Olympus, only left a golden statue and a golden city, which was similar to the great God and spirit of heaven Compared with the Buddhas in the mountains, the difference is too far.

"Boom!" I don't know how long it took. Before the day came up, a golden light suddenly burst into the sky. The whole ground began to shake, and all the monks suddenly began to stir.

"What's the matter?" When Zhao Fugui opened his eyes, he heard a monk shouting not far away.

"It's the secret place. It must be the secret place!" Someone cried out excitedly.

"Look at the Buddha light, there is a flash of Lingshan Buddha. This secret place must be Lingshan secret place. Maybe it is the place where the ancient Buddha passed away. There must be countless Buddha treasures in it!" And the friar saw the vision in the golden light and yelled. In the sky, the golden light lit up a hundred miles around. One Buddha and Bodhisattva in the golden light flashed one after another. There was even the sound of the Scripture in the sky. The golden light instantly dispelled the darkness. Countless monsters fled in panic a hundred miles away. A few powerful demons looked up at the vision in the skyLet out a low roar. "First come, first served, let's go!" Half a minute later, a friar suddenly responded, yelled, and rushed to the golden light by various means. When someone took the lead, more than a dozen people immediately followed, but most of the monks didn't move. The first comer may not be able to get first, but must die first.

"Ah When these people rush into the Buddha's light and are covered by the Buddha's light, in the blink of an eye, these people's bodies are burning fiercely and howl bitterly. Some people struggle to escape back, but there is no chance at all. In a twinkling, they are burned clean by the flame.

"It's the boundless fire in the heart. If there are thoughts in the heart, the desire will burn the body and spirit!" An old friar looked at it and cried out.

"Get rid of the distracting thoughts, and imagine that the Taoist Dharma can break this fire!" And the people's Congress yelled. However, no one dared to get close to the Buddha's light when he saw the miserable situation of those people before. But at this time, the Buddha's bottle in Zhao Fugui's sea of knowledge suddenly became restless. Zhao Fugui's heart moved and released the Buddha's bottle. The Buddha's bottle immediately flew to the golden light, and Zhao Fugui also followed him directly.

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