Super Monk

Chapter 3102

A sword against the stars cuts on the hands of the Buddha gathered by monk Jingchen. Suddenly, a "click" sound is heard directly, and a faint white mark appears on the hands of the Buddha, and then the white mark spreads from the hands of the Buddha to the whole body. At the same time, three small flying swords were directly bounced away, and at least one third of the hundred Zhang Long star sword was missing. At the same time, there was a faint bloodstain on monk Jingchen's Dharma body, and a trace of golden blood fell. The virtual shadow of the Buddha was injured, and Jingchen was also injured


"My Buddha is merciful!" But there was no pain on monk Jingchen's face. He recited the Buddha's name in a low voice, and then the Buddha closed his hands fiercely. "Boom!" A vast light of the Buddha suddenly swept out, the golden light of the Buddha turned into a ripple in the spread, Zhao Fugui cut out the light of the sword in this moment slightly dark, and two small flying swords directly fell from the air. But the Buddha's power was also urged to the extreme, and it was finally unable to stop the sword light against the stars, which was directly cut away by Zhao Fugui's sword light against the stars. After the Buddha's body was cut off, the light of the Buddha on it was dim, and soon the whole Buddha's body was scattered. There was a flash of shock on monk Jingchen's solemn face, and then the Buddha light lotus platform under him was shining generously. With him and the two little monks behind him, he suddenly retreated, avoiding the edge of Zhao Fugui's sword.

As soon as monk Jingchen retreats, the thunder Sabre of wanqianjue arrives in an instant. All the martial arts of Tianlei academy come from visualizing the God of thunder Dharma. The same is true of wanqianjue's bajue Lei Dao. However, wanqianjue has a unique way. Instead of mastering Lei FA, he integrates Lei FA into Dao.

His thunder god Dharma form has a ray of thunder essence. If his thunder god Dharma form is cultivated to the extreme, it can even summon the real thunder god body. At that time, his thunder god Dharma form will have the powerful blessing of the real thunder god body and prove the truth with the sword.

The 100 Zhang high God of thunder Dharma uses thunder to condense a thunder knife. The thunder knife roars, as if all the spaces within a thousand Zhang are filled with thunder and lightning. Many thunder marks spread in this space, and then the thousands of thunder boiling knives collide with Zhao Fugui's sword.

"Boom!" At this moment, the swords and swords intersected as if the void burst, the thunder and lightning seemed to form a rain of thunder and lightning, the dazzling thunder spread wildly, and the sword made up of the power of stars and countless thunder and lightning continued to grow and die, which seemed to be the collision between the strongest sword and the strongest sword. The thunder light is as bright as fireworks, and Zhao Fugui's sword light is dim and annihilated. The remaining four small swords cut into the thousands of Lei Jue's swords, and then a small flying sword can't hold on. One of the flying swords is snapped away by the thunder sword, and then the second and third swords, which are composed of the power of stars, begin to collapse and annihilate.

In the end, this hundred Zhang Long star sword only has a short span of more than ten Zhang. In the end, this short span of more than ten Zhang sword and the last flying sword cut into the thunder sword. The last little flying sword with this ten Zhang sword cut into the thunder god Dharma. Thunder boiling thunder god Dharma phase, the whole body of thunder suddenly coagulated, and then his whole thunder god Dharma body began to collapse, countless thunder light flying, thousands of thunder light turned into silver, spread and dissipated in the sky. This scene is like a grand fireworks was lit and released, then withered and dim in the most brilliant time.

Almost all the friars in the glass pure land are attracted by this scene. Countless friars are watching this scene. They are deeply shocked by the sword cut by Zhao Fugui. The power of this sword has already exceeded their imagination. But after Zhao Fugui cut out the sword, he didn't see the power of the sword at all. Zhao Fugui's sword was not ready to kill Jingchen monk or wanqianjue. He suddenly cut out the sword just to cut Jingchen monk and their four immortals, so that they can't support each other

. It's better to cut off one finger than ten fingers. Zhao Fugui didn't plan to delay with monk Jingchen.

Just as Zhao Fugui cuts the sword against the stars, Zhao Fugui's figure rushes forward like a ghost to the sword without return. What he wants to kill is sword without return.

Mo Li was originally attracted by Zhao Fugui's terrible sword, but then he found that Zhao Fugui rushed to him like a ghost. In the blink of an eye, Mo Li understood Zhao Fugui's intention. Zhao Fugui wanted to kill him. "You want to kill me? Do you think my sword is a decoration? " Mo Li's face suddenly showed a cold light, and his eyes showed a grim smile of disdain. Even if Zhao Fugui was an immortal, even if Zhao Fugui's swordsmanship was powerful, Mo Li didn't feel that Zhao Fugui could kill him with a sword, and it was not so easy for him to die without a sword. Zhao Fugui has made a mistake. As long as he can bear Zhao Fugui's blow, Zhao Fugui will immediately face their thunder and fight back. It's really immortal's anger.

"The way of heaven is eight swords, one sword can level the sky!" Mo Li roared, and the sword on wuhui sword was suddenly released, and the whole sword was urged to the extreme. Mo Li also knew that it was the critical moment of life and death, so he cut one of the strongest swords he could master without hesitation. Mo Li has almost brought this sword to the extreme. Although it is not as bright as Zhao Fugui's anti star sword, and it is not as powerful as anti star sword, the eight swords of Tiandao of Tianyuan sword sect are really evolved from the great sword Taoism, and they are very close to the essence of Kendo, which can directly point to the root of kendoBen's sword technique. Mo Li has absolute confidence in his sword. Although his sword can't kill the earth immortal, it's absolutely not something that the earth immortal can ignore. As long as Zhao Fugui resists or retreats, the goal of Mo Li's sword will be achieved. What Mo Li needs now is a short period of time, as long as he can

drive Zhao Fugui away and win a short period of time. But Mo Li soon found out that it was not right. Zhao Fugui didn't mean to retreat when he faced his pingtian sword. At the moment when Zhao Fugui rushed, Mo Li suddenly found that Zhao Fugui had a god treasure in his hand, which he had never seen before. The God treasure looked like a short knife. The short knife looked ordinary, and it was slowly elongated in his hand, becoming a long sword with a strange shape Knife.

As soon as the long sword appeared, Mo Li suddenly found that the sword awn of pingtian sword he cut began to shorten and disappear. Even his own action of cutting the sword also began to return to the way before cutting the sword. Mo Li's consciousness suddenly fell into a trance at this moment. For a moment, Mo Li suddenly reacted, and his face was shocked, because he found that in this moment, the time around him seemed to have a short retrospection.

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