Super Monk

Chapter 3108

"Ananda?" Zhao Fugui was shocked. Unexpectedly, this demonized arhat turned out to be Ananda. Ananda is one of the ten disciples of the Buddha. Although it is a arhat, it has a special status and can't be treated as an ordinary arhat. It's no wonder that Wang fo, the pharmacist, did not dare to kill him after he was possessed. After all, Wang fo, the pharmacist, is one of the three Buddhas in the world. Even though Ananda's strength is strong, it can't be compared with Wang fo, the pharmacist. The pharmacist Wang fo certainly does not have the strength to kill Ananda. The only reason why it is impossible not to kill Ananda is his identity. Ananda is a disciple of the Buddha. This is one of them. Second, in the secret records of Buddhism and Taoism, after the death of the Buddha, before Maitreya Buddha ascended the throne of the Buddha,

Ananda led the whole Buddha spirit mountain. It can be said that Ananda was the leader of Lingshan during the period of the alternation between the present and the future. This is the place where his identity is different. In fact, even Maitreya Buddha is very clear about this kind of record, which is just false, because all the great powers are very clear, the past is the eternal past, the present is the eternal present

in the past, only the future is never available. Because the next second of every moment is the future, but when we step into this moment, the future has become the present. Therefore, Maitreya's position in Lingshan is very awkward. It is the "future Buddha". But unless the Buddha really dies, it will not be able to ascend the Buddha's position at all. Moreover, Maitreya is not even sure that it will live longer than the Tathagata. The strength of the Tathagata is unfathomable. Maitreya does not know how long the Tathagata will live.

These things have nothing to do with Ananda. It is impossible for Maitreya Buddha to wait for its Buddha position, let alone Ananda. But it can also be seen from this that Ananda's identity is different. As the most beloved disciple of the Tathagata, Ananda can't be killed if Wang fo wants to. This is why even if Ananda killed the moon Bodhisattva and the glazed pure land, the pharmacist Wang fo did not kill it directly, but sealed it. Ananda didn't know why he was obsessed. Wang fo, the pharmacist, definitely wanted to tell the Tathagata about this and wait for the Tathagata to arrange what to do. Ananda and Kaya, as the two most beloved and trusted disciples of the Tathagata, are not infatuated for no reason. This may also involve some secrets of Lingshan. Just like monk Jingchen and even Amitabha of langtuo temple, they think that the Tathagata has not returned to Lingshan until now. There may be some connection between these two things. "Ananda is one of the ten disciples of the Tathagata. He is the great arhat, and his strength lies between the heavenly immortals and the golden immortals. Even after ten thousand years of seal, plus the power consumed by the Buddha light in the pure land of glass, its power should decline after being demonized, but even those Kunlun disciples may not be able to deal with it. Now the water is getting muddy! " Zhao Fugui's thoughts flashed away in the sea of knowledge, but his speed did not drop at all, and he continued to escape to the distance.

Now the demonized Ananda escapes from the battle of crossing the world into extinction, and the whole glazed pure land begins to collapse. The earth is cracking, the magma is boiling, and everything is being destroyed. Zhao Fugui understood that Anan's body was not destroyed by Beiluo's sword light when he was sealed in the battle of crossing the world and entering the extermination. Moreover, such examples are not rare. At that time, Beiluo sword swept all over the sky, and the more powerful it was, the more failed it was to escape. Those who were less famous and less powerful were due to some reasons. For example, in the case of Ananda, Ananda is in the pure land of glass, which is not the focus of Beiluo's attention. If those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are in the pure land of glass, it's all right. But the enchanted Ananda is also sealed in the great array of crossing the world into extinction, which will cause some interference to Beiluo's sword light and make Beiluo's sword light fail Exterminate.

Although Ananda's strength is not at the peak, it is obvious that his strength is still not weak. Although the Kunlun disciples are strong, they may not be able to deal with it. However, it is hard to say who will win in the end, because Zhao Fugui also feels that a powerful immortal weapon has appeared.

"Master, I didn't expect Ananda to be possessed. When I saw Ananda, I saw that he was brilliant and magnificent. At that time, I thought that he might become a Buddha. I didn't expect that when I met him again, he was possessed!" Ten sea demon king sighs of say.

"Ananda, the worse he is, you are not the same as him!" Zhao Fugui felt that several monks were still chasing him. He frowned and said. "Cough, master, I think I'm fine now. If I can follow you, my future master, you will become a God in the third generation of heaven, and even a powerful figure in the four emperors, five elders and six divisions. When the time comes, I will not be able to follow the rise of the river! " The ten sea demon king coughed awkwardly, and then quickly complimented him. Zhao Fugui frowned and didn't talk with this guy. Whether the enchanted arhat is Ananda or anyone else has nothing to do with Zhao Fugui. If this enchanted arhat loses, those Kunlun disciples may not let him go. After all, he has the gold body of the pharmacist Wang fo in his hand. The first purpose of those Kunlun disciples is to destroy the nature and wisdom of the pharmacist Wang fo, and the second purpose is to get the gold body of the pharmacist Wang fo.

If one of the Kunlun disciples abandons his body and spends a lot of time to prove a Bodhisattva's position, he will be able to turn the Buddha into the Tao, and at least one of the Kunlun sect will be able to obtain a strong immortal or even a golden immortal. After all, if you want to prove the Bodhisattva's position, the lowest celestial being is the entry point. Most Bodhisattvas are golden immortals, while a few Bodhisattvas are even Daluo golden immortals, or even half step Hunyuan, such as the king of Tibet Bodhisattva, such as Guanzi Bodhisattva. If the gold body of pharmacist Wang fo is refined properly, it will retain most of its power,I'm afraid it's not impossible to be a golden immortal or even a great Luo golden immortal. Kunlun sect is sure to benefit a lot from the golden body of the pharmacist Wang Buddha. In addition, it can also lose the face of the Buddha. Why not? It's not that people in Kunlun don't want to hit him. It's just that they just can't take care of him now. As soon as you let them free up, Zhao Fugui's trouble will come.

Zhao Fugui knew this very well, so he turned the light at a very fast speed while looking for a place to hide. Soon, Zhao Fugui heard a loud noise in front of him, and suddenly a stream of magma erupted. When Zhao Fugui saw that there was a cave under the magma, his eyes lit up and he immediately flew over.

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