Super Monk

Chapter 3119

"Hum!" When Zhao Fugui's last point of Yang is completely scattered in the body of Liuli gold, the body of Liuli gold suddenly shines. Zhao Fugui suddenly raises his hand, and the body of Liuli gold also makes the same action. Two perspectives suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes, one is Zhao Fugui's

perspective, and the other is the perspective of glass body. All the strength and feeling of glass body clearly appear in Zhao Fugui's mind.

"It's a success!" Zhao Fugui was so happy that his face suddenly looked excited. He burned a total of 7749 stars and spent countless time refining the body of the glaze.

Under the control of Zhao Fugui, the body of the glazed gold gradually grew larger, and finally became a normal monk. Zhao Fugui felt the power of this external incarnation, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

"This glass body used to be the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but now after being refined by me, the realm suddenly fell down and became the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Da Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian are just two words apart, but they are very different Zhao Fugui said to himself. Zhao Fugui knew that this gold body was bound to fall into the realm. After all, this gold body was not his. What's more, even if the pharmacist Wang fo got this gold body again, he would inevitably fall into the realm, let alone him. It's just that the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is too big, because

Zhao Fugui is disappointed.

"But even if this gold body can keep the state of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I can't motivate it with my current strength. Don't say it's Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, even if it's Da Luo Jinxian, I can't motivate it with my current strength! " Zhao Fugui thought for a while. Although Zhao Fugui has proved the rank of Tian Xian, the difference between Tian Xian and Da Luo Jin Xian is too far. Liu Li Jin body has the strength of Da Luo Jin Xian, but Zhao Fugui can't motivate it. Zhao Fugui is now in the early stage of the celestial being, while the glazed body is a big Luo Jinxian and a big round one. There are two differences between the big realm and the small realm. "If you burn ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye directly at one time, you can urge the body of Liuli gold to be a golden immortal. It will give full play to the early power of golden immortal. This is the limit!" Zhao Fugui estimated for a while, then frowned and said to himself. It's about ten times as powerful as Zhao Fugui's, but the cost is not small.

The power of ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye is equal to all the power of a Dixian, and the power of burning can only urge the Liuli gold body to make a powerful blow at the mid-term level of Jinxian. Zhao Fugui himself was just entering the rank of immortals. He had a hundred drops of Xingchen Yuanye. In the middle stage of Tianxian method, 150 drops of Xingchen Yuanye can be stored in the body. In the later stage of Tianxian method, 200 drops of Xingchen Yuanye and 250 drops of Tianxian dayuanman can be stored. But in the early days of Jinxian, the amount of xingxingyuan liquid that could be stored in the Dharma rose to 1000 drops directly, and there was a qualitative change between Jinxian and Tianxian.

"This external incarnation is equivalent to a nuclear weapon. My own nuclear weapon can't be used easily when it's not necessary!" Zhao Fugui said to himself, "too much Xingchen Yuanye is consumed to activate one incarnation. You can't use it casually!" Zhao Fugui had absorbed the power of Buddha's blood Ganoderma lucidum and had condensed a hundred drops of Xingchen Yuanye in the Dharma body, but refining the glaze body consumed his 7749 Xingchen Yuanye, which almost consumed half of the Xingchen Yuanye in his body. Fortunately, Zhao Fugui's blood Ganoderma lucidum has not been consumed, and there is still a small part.

It is estimated that this small part of Buddha blood Ganoderma lucidum can produce about ten drops of star Yuan liquid. That is to say, with the power of Buddha blood Ganoderma lucidum, Zhao Fugui's body can produce about 61 drops of star Yuan liquid, which can also supplement the power of a real immortal in the early days of a normal celestial being. If there is no Buddha's blood Ganoderma lucidum, even if the ban on him has been completely destroyed, Zhao Fugui estimates that with his current cultivation talent, coupled with the strength of the star Tao system, it will take about a month to gather ten drops of star Yuan liquid. That is to say, Zhao Fugui's normal hard-working cultivation takes one month to gather enough strength to activate his incarnation. Moreover, this is the situation that Zhao Fugui does not fight and consume the star fluid in this month. Once Zhao Fugui has gone through the war, he does not use the magic power and magic weapon at all. At that time, let alone condense ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye in a month, even if he does not consume the ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye and then paste them inside, it will be good. Therefore, for Zhao Fugui, ten drops of Xingchen Yuanye is still precious, and his external incarnation can't be used casually.

However, Zhao Fugui, like those great powers in ancient times, did not need to be robbed at all. As long as he accumulated enough strength, he could continue to prove his higher rank. For example, once Zhao Fugui condenses enough of a thousand drops of star Yuan liquid in his Dharma body, he can immediately prove the golden immortal position. This is incomparable to ordinary friars. Once they reach the limit of immortality, that is, when they are full, if they can't survive, they can't continue to be strong. Thunder robbery is a shackle around their neck, and they can't get rid of it. The so-called heaven, the so-called rank

order, is to put a shackle on the necks of all living beings, so that all living beings can develop according to the ideas of the Lord of heaven.The constant cultivation of monks is to break the shackles, but unless they can reach the level of Sanqing, or even stronger than Sanqing, they can't break all the shackles at all. But once the order and stability of the heaven is established, how can the heaven tolerate the appearance of people who can compete with them?

This is also why since the establishment of the heaven, there will be no new powers in this world. It's not that they don't want to appear, but that they can't appear at all. In a stable order, no matter you are amazing, you will also be destroyed under layers of shackles and eventually return to the ordinary. It's a pity that Zhao Fugui has no shackles on his neck now, and those ancient great powers have no shackles on their neck. Therefore, Sanqing, Tathagata, demon clan, and other great figures all want to rebuild the heaven. As long as the heaven is established and the order is closed, they can put shackles on other people's necks.

If you don't want to be shackled, you can only hide around like a mouse, hiding in anonymity, expecting not to be discovered by Sanqing or Tianting, and surviving under the pressure of Sanqing and Tianting. All great powers do not want to survive under the authority of others, so every great power can only fight. This is a world of great struggle.

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