Super Monk

Chapter 3121

"Bang!" Zhao Fugui blows out with one punch, and Yanshan temple is immediately punched through by him. The rocks and solidified magma are all easily penetrated. Then Zhao Fugui walks out of Yanshan temple with both hands on his back. "A good pure land of colored glaze turned out to be like this in the end!" Zhao Fugui appeared from the bottom of the earth. When he looked up, he could see the pure land of glass that had become a ruin. When Zhao Fugui entered Yanzhong temple before, the pure land was not like this. Unexpectedly, the solidified magma has swallowed everything in the pure land. "The magma has not only completely solidified, but also completely lost its temperature. It is also covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash. It seems that it has been a long time since Ananda was born!" Zhao Fugui said to himself that it will take a long time to refine the body and cut the Sendai, especially the body. Zhao Fugui estimated that it has been a long time since Anan was born.

However, Zhao Fugui can't judge how long the time has passed. He glances at the direction of the exit of Liuli pure land and flies directly to Liuli pure land.

"Daoyou, please stay!" Not long after Zhao Fugui's flight, he suddenly frowned in his heart and looked behind him. At this time, a strong voice rang and said, as soon as Zhao Fugui looked back, he saw a bald monk coming behind him.

The monk was dressed in an old monk's clothes, and his heaven was full, just like a little Maitreya Buddha, and he was smiling as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I don't know what's the matter with master calling me?" Zhao Fugui looked up and down at the monk. There was an inexplicable look in his eyes. He asked with a smile. "I came from Lingshan mountain. I heard that there was a great devil born here. I came here to subdue the demons. But after I came here, I found that the pure land has become a broken wall, and there is no one alive. Daoyou is the only living person found by the poor monk. That's why I came here to meet you The monk said with a smile.

"How long has it been since Ananda was born?" Zhao Fugui asked suddenly.

"It's been a year. It's said that it's hard to control the demons in the pure land of Liuli. The Taoist sect can't subdue them. That's why the pure land of Lingshan sent poor monks to come here!" Said the great monk.

"What's the name of monk?" Zhao Fugui nodded, as if believing the great monk's words, and then asked.

"Poor monk, Huiguo, dare to ask you what you call him and where is the fairy mountain?" The great monk stepped forward slightly, one hand standing in front of his chest and said. "My family name is not Zhao!" Zhao Fugui pauses, looks at Huiguo who is getting closer and closer, and suddenly says, "you should have become Tao in the late Paleozoic and early medieval times, right? In ancient times, the dispute between western religion and Taoism was not very serious, and it was very common to address each other as Taoist friends. However, after the Tathagata emerged, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism became more and more intense. It's normal for a Taoist monk to call a Buddhist monk a bald donkey. It's also common for Buddhism to call a Taoist monk a bull nose. Even if you're polite, you have to call me benefactor or elder martial brother. It's not right to call me Daoyou! "

"The Buddha is the way, the way is the way, the way must go the same way, because they are friends of the way. I didn't expect that the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism was so fierce. I've forgotten that! " The big monk's face changed and said, but it still didn't stop. He was still slowly approaching Zhao Fugui. "You can't get into Lingshan with your strength. The eyes of the Tathagata can't rub the sand. If you go, you will be dead!" Zhao Fugui shook his head lightly and said, "when I saw you last time, you were like a mummy. I didn't expect that you didn't see me for more than a year. You looked like an eminent monk!" "Benefactor, I'm afraid I've recognized the wrong person. I haven't been here for a long time!" The big monk said with a smile, but when he was close to Zhao Fugui, the nails on his hand turned into two corpse teeth growing from under his lips. He reached out and grabbed Zhao Fugui's heart fiercely. Zhao Fugui didn't react and let his sharp nails grasp him.

"Dang!" Zhao Fugui didn't stop Huiguo's attack at all. Instead, he let Huiguo grab him on his chest. But Huiguo grabbed him hard, and a dull sound came from Zhao Fugui's chest, just like the sound of heavy metal.

Huiguo's ferocious face suddenly shows a look of horror. He still knows Zhao Fugui. He clearly remembers that Zhao Fugui is only the cultivation of the earth immortal. How can the Dharma body of an earth immortal be so hard?

"It's amazing, isn't it? It's been a whole year since you became a monk like Maitreya Buddha. Do you think I still have the strength before Zhao Fugui sneered and slapped his backhand. The arhat tried to escape, but he couldn't escape at all. This Luo Han Jiang is now a Dixian cultivator, and his strength is quite powerful. But what is a Dixian worth in front of Zhao Fugui? This arhat stiff has completely suppressed his corpse Qi to the core of his body. He uses Buddha light to cover up his corpse Qi. If his strength is not strong enough, he can't see through the true face of this arhat stiff. This arhat stiff is also an anomaly. It's extremely rare that corpse Qi and Buddha power coexist. But it's useless in front of Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui's eyes are much stronger than ordinary immortals. Ordinary immortals may not be able to see through this arhat stiff, but Zhao Fugui canWhat's more, Zhao Fugui and this Luohan had a stalemate before. "Bang!" Zhao Fugui slaps Luo Han's stiff head with a hard slap. Luo Han's stiff head suddenly smashes to the ground like a cannonball. There is a loud noise on the ground. The black solidified magma directly appears a big hole in the shape of a human, which is tens of meters deep. However, Zhao Fugui's face shows a look of surprise. "Why?" Zhao Fugui showed a look of surprise. He slapped him with his strength in the early days of the celestial being, and directly slapped him on the head of the enemy. The ordinary strong immortal would be seriously injured even if he didn't die, but this arhat stiff didn't seem to be injured at all. Zhao Fugui was surprised and said, "do you want to become a Hanyu?" "It's a Buddha, not a Buddha. The Tathagata said that all living beings are equal, and all things in the world can become Buddhas. Ghosts and monsters are naturally one of the things in the world. I Huiguo will become a Buddha with a Buddha. Ask if all living beings in the Tathagata are equal!" Huiguo climbs out of the cave in a kind voice, and he is not hurt. "If all living beings are equal, why does the Tathagata sit on the lotus platform of Lingshan mountain and look down upon all living beings? Nothing in the world has ever been equal Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

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