Super Monk

Chapter 3127

Zhao Fugui didn't care about the little role of yaowangzong. Without looking at the disciples of yaowangzong, Zhao Fugui flew to the southeast. Zhao Fugui now has fifty or sixty drops of xingchenyuanye in his Dharma. Generally, he no longer needs to pay special attention to saving xingchenyuanye, so he flies all the way to the southeast. It used to be more than 10000 kilometers away from Chengdu, but now Zhao Fugui comes to Liuli pure land, which is also in the southeast of the city. It is nearly 1000 kilometers away from the city.

So Zhao Fugui estimates that he is about 9000 kilometers away from Chengdu. With Zhao Fugui's strength in fairyland, it will take several days to catch up with the distance of 9000 kilometers. After all, he can't fly without stopping. When it's time to practice, he still has to stop to practice. In addition, there was no danger on the road. Before Zhao Fugui entered the glass pure land, the strong of fairyland could basically walk horizontally in most places, but not now. In the first few years of the great calamity, I'm afraid it was the time for the strong to blow out, but those ancient powerful immortals, even the strong in the twenty-nine sect of Xianmen, emerged one after another. They are like volcanoes that have been suppressed for thousands of years. Now they finally have the chance to erupt. At the beginning, there will certainly be the most intense eruption. Zhao Fugui estimated that in the first three years of the great calamity, the number of strong people in the world increased rapidly every day, and the increase rate may slow down after two or three years. At least the twenty-nine faction of Xianmen must be like this. The strong ones of the twenty-nine faction of Xianmen who have accumulated in the period of looting will basically finish the looting in the first three years. The result of their salvation is basically the upper limit of their strength. These friars of the twenty-nine sect of Xianmen are not those ancient powerful immortals. Once they succeed in salvation, they can only have the strength of the result of their salvation for a period of time.

For example, a monk of the Xianmen sect who has survived the thunder disaster is an earthly immortal. Even if the aura of heaven and earth is extremely abundant now, it will take him at least several decades or hundreds of years to become an immortal. This is still under the condition that his practice is smooth and his cultivation talent is enough.

Unless they can directly testify to the immortals when they are going through the robbery, it is very difficult for these monks to make great strides in a short period of time. However, this is only true for the monks of the 29 sects of the immortal sect, not necessarily for those ancient powerful immortals. For those ancient powerful immortals, if they do not return to their strength in the ancient and medieval times, their strength may have an explosive increase every day. Now it has been more than two years since the seal of Kyushu was opened, which is enough time for these ancient powerful immortals to recover enough strength. Before Zhao Fugui entered the glass pure land, Sanqing was about the cultivation of Jinxian. Now another year has passed. I'm afraid that Sanqing is at least the strength of Daluo Jinxian, or even more powerful. After all, Sanqing and Tathagata were the strongest at their level, and they were the closest to the main road. One of them could prove Luo Jinxian, and the other five could prove Hunyuan Daluo. No one knows that Sanqing has taken charge of several avenues again. Taking charge of these avenues is the basis for them to recover their strength. Every ancient great power is covetous for these avenues, and they are afraid to fight for them desperately. In two years, no one knows how many avenues those top-ranking ancient

middle ancient great powers have mastered.

If Zhao Fugui is also one of these ancient powers, the most important thing for him now is to fight for these roads. But Zhao Fugui is not one of these ancient powers. He doesn't need to compete with those ancient powers, and those ancient powers can't be taken away.

Zhao Fugui flew all the way to the southeast. The mountains and rivers along the way had completely changed. The closer he was to the south, the more ruins there would be along the way. Most of the cities did not survive the great changes of heaven and earth. In the first three months, they were finally destroyed by the disaster.

The ruins of these cities have now been filled by dense vegetation, and even the rampant of various demons and mutated beasts can not stop this. Plants will always be the final winner, unless the world is completely destroyed. Along the way, Zhao Fugui flew by. All kinds of monsters roared on the ground, and some powerful monsters were so evil that some even showed strong hostility to Zhao Fugui. The demon clan can't ignore a huge force. Even when the second generation of heaven was established in those years, the powerful demon clan went to the heaven and became the demon clan power of the demon God, but only about one third of them, and two thirds of them hid and didn't become officials in the heaven. These demon clan powers will definitely not give up this opportunity.

Zhao Fugui saw all kinds of situations along the way. He rushed back to Zhongzhou without stopping for three days. He also saw many remaining gathering places of the human race, but he did not stop. Until the third day, Zhao Fugui found a big city in the distance. This big city is much bigger than all the cities that Zhao Fugui has ever seen for the survivors of the human race. From a distance, Zhao Fugui saw this city. The city looks like a giant turtle lying on the plain. The size of the whole city is close to the size of a medium-sized city before the great change of the world.

Moreover, Zhao Fugui can even see a large number of human beings going in and out of the city. Zhao Fugui conservatively estimates that there are at least one or two million people living in such a big human city, and such a survivor city is definitely the top city now.I'm afraid that as long as the population exceeds one million, it can be regarded as a big city. I'm afraid that the super big city with a population of more than ten million does not exist now. "Why?" When Zhao Fugui found out that there was such a big city here, he was immediately attracted. Originally, such a big city should only exist near the mountain gates of Kunlun, Shushan and Dalaiyin temple. Only such a big school could have the strength to keep such a big city,

but Zhao Fugui didn't find any traces of Xianmen big school around this place.

And when he got closer, Zhao Fugui found that the popularity of this big city was mixed with evil spirit, and the number of evil spirit was not small. "It turns out that the Terrans and Demons live together here. Did the demons breed these survivors?" Zhao Fugui's eyes showed a look of shock. Is it the demon clan that imprisoned these human beings, or some human beings who caught some demon clan in breeding? It's normal to breed some demons in powerful families, because Terrans are blood food for demons, and the whole body of demons is also a treasure for human beings.

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