Super Monk

Chapter 3137

"There's a Tianzi box, please!" The strong man welcomed Zhao Fugui into the auction, and then a young man quickly came over, sang a song and said respectfully to Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Fugui follows the boy to the second floor. As he walks, he feels that the auction business of the four families is doing well. At least the service is in place so that the business can continue for a long time. In this auction, there is a hall. The two sides of the hall and the opposite side of the booth are exploding. Tianzi No.1 exploding is just opposite the booth. Everything on the platform can be clearly seen. It is the best box. There are only four such boxes, and the price of the boxes on the two sides is half lower. There are many people in the hall now. Many people look back from their seats when they hear the voice of the young man. Ordinary people are not willing to spend a fire spirit stone to sit in the box of Sihai auction house. Just sit in the seat of the hall. Why spend the unjust money. When many people see Zhao Fugui, they immediately start to talk about it. Zhao Fugui is not only single, but also does not have a black iron waist tag. He does not look familiar. In Heishan City, it's not impossible not to wear the black iron waist tag, but it also depends on who. People in the four families of Heishan city can not wear the black iron waist tag, if others try it?

"What is the origin of this young man? I haven't seen it before! " Someone whispered.

"It's not from the four families. I've seen all the young people in the four families, but I've never seen him before. But I'm certainly not an ordinary person who is willing to take a fire spirit stone and sit in the box!"

"Is he a disciple of Xianmen sect? However, most of the disciples of Xianmen sect come here to report the name of the mountain gate, so as not to cause extra trouble. However, he is not only single, but also does not sign up for the name. It's really strange! " Someone puzzled said.

"No matter who he is, if someone dares to come to Heishan city without a black iron waist tag, we can't afford to provoke him, as long as we don't provoke him!" Others look back at it and are ready to wait for the auction to start.

"Yes, as long as we can auction our good medicinal materials today!" Many merchants also nodded and said that they all have some precious goods to sell. They can buy a seat in the auction hall and take the opportunity to raise the price when they get their goods.

"Guest, please. Because you came earlier, you are the first person to book the box in Tianzi No.1 room, so the best box in Tianzi No.1 room is for you to use!" The little fellow was extremely respectful, and even humbly opened the door of the box and said to Zhao Fugui.

The box is clean and spacious. There are even some fruits on the table in the box. This is a rare thing. Even with the variation wild fruits that can be eaten in the wild, the fruits that can be eaten now are also rare.

These fruits can not only show the importance that Sihai auction attaches to tianzihao's guests, but also show their energy. Few people can casually put out a few plates of fruits these days.

Zhao Fugui walked into the box and looked everywhere. Then he went to the window and looked out. The view in the box was really good. Moreover, the window of the box was cleverly designed. You can see the outside clearly from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

"When will the auction begin?" Zhao Fugui nodded with satisfaction and then asked. "It will start in half an hour!" The young man poured tea for Zhao Fugui, then retreated to the door and stood there respectfully. It seemed that he was dedicated to serving this box. Just at this time, a middle-aged man came over and yelled "Liu Guanshi


"Your guests have come all the way. We Sihai auction house are really disappointed. My name is Liu. I'm one of the directors of Sihai auction house!" The middle-aged man didn't look at him at all, but said to Zhao Fugui with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter with manager Liu?" Zhao Fugui asked casually. "It's such a guest. We have rules in Sihai auction house. We don't ask about the origin or the destination of the guests. All the guests are guests. But if we participate in the auction, the guests should show their strength. In this way, we can avoid a lot of trouble for both sides!" Liu said with a smile.

"Strength?" Zhao Fugui takes a look at Liu Guanshi and raises his hand directly. Ten fire spirit protoliths are dragged on his hand. As soon as he throws them, Zhao Fugui throws them on the table. "Such strength can participate in the auction?"

"Yes, of course. Then I won't disturb your guests!" Liu steward's old face suddenly smiles more brightly, just like a blooming chrysanthemum. He nods repeatedly, and then takes a deep look at Zhao Fugui before turning away. Zhao Fugui took out ten fire spirit protoliths, which is financial resources. But he directly took out the fire spirit protoliths out of thin air by means of sumina mustard seed, which is a magic power. Zhao Fugui showed two meanings with just one random action, one meaning that he was not short of money, the other meaning that he was not short of magic power. Of course, it's a little bit of a warning to Sihai auction houses not to have any thoughts or tricks.As soon as the steward Liu left, the boy's attitude at the door suddenly became more respectful and even humble. A guest with financial strength can't offend him.

Zhao Fugui didn't care what he thought. After a while, the people in the auction began to become more and more. The hall was soon full, but at this time, some special guests began to appear. "Shenxiao sent high disciples to come!" Suddenly, there was a shout from a young man downstairs. When Zhao Fugui looked over there, he saw three old "Acquaintances", the three Shenxiao disciples he had met in Liuli pure land. With a proud expression on their faces, they went upstairs under the guidance of the young man and sat in a side hall box on the left.

The three Shenxiao disciples nearly died in Liuli pure land before. They were scared to death one by one. Later, they escaped from Liuli pure land and hid in the Mountain Gate of Shenxiao sect for half a year. It was not until half a year later that they began to go down the mountain again to accumulate external skills and seek their own opportunities. Shenxiao sect was 2000 li away from Heishan City, but three of them had traveled here half a month ago. They just wanted to see if they could find any chance at the auction in Heishan City, so they didn't leave. The auction was held for three days in a row. Today is their second time to come here, and they have been here once yesterday.

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